After being roasted and humiliated. /r/comicbooks mods retreat to their echobox and cry about some guy making a comic

46  2018-05-14 by NeoModerateOne


Their mom's won't let them stay up late on a school night, either.

This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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/u/zthe27th don't you get tired of harassing this Richard guy? What makes you crusade so hard against some random nerd, reviewing shitty comics?

Probably raising a quarter million dollars for his own comic that is guaranteed to be in the top 5 best selling comics this year, not that that is hard.

I am sure they will find a way not to count the sales.

Not that that is that hard. 😁

It really looks like everyone involved is an asshole.

That’s my favorite kind of drama. Free market menacing. It’s what the founding fathers wanted.

This is reddit, after all. And /r/drama to boot.

Imagine whining about comic books πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

this is actually worse than caring about gamergate

ssshhhh! 🀫

Some people love their comic books way too much πŸ˜‰

Ketsu wo taberu

just want to point out op has made 5 r/drama posts about this retarded shit in the past 2 days

why did you even fucking look? like seriously, what the fuck kind of autisim is this? Or are you like, "nuuuuuh don't make fun of our precious reddit soymonger overlords in r/comicbooks"?

Like, what kind of depth of retardation do you have to sink to, to even care that much.

In summation, keep yourself safe.

Caring about comic books is even worse tho

why did you even fucking look?

because i recognized the username and wanted to check if he was as autistic as i suspected? why does that upset you so much?

Because it's not the best drama to have, but it's the drama we deserve atm.

For those who dont know heres a quick rundown. Diversity and comics is a youtuber who likes diversity. Unfortunately Marvel hired a bunch of closet nazis who made bad storylines based around LGBTQ+ characters on purpose to drag them through the mud. These are comic books as well, which are inherently transphobic and racist (quote Anita Sarkesian).

So this innocent reviewtuber has been harassed and threatened for simply critiquing the attacks on diversity by marvel. He was even got death threats in the form of "you're not even an artist bro" like artists should hold more value despite being oppressive and privileged. So he made his own comic. Marvel called the publisher to get it shut down, which they did. Comic book shops refused to stock this comic standing up for the white supremacist old guard, and now even /r/comicbooks are being reactionary as redditors are. This is a white supremacist hate site after all and that all you need to know about /r/comicbooks mods.


10/10 bait, shame nobody fell for it.

Thanks I put effort into serious posting.

I'll upvote for the effort.

Man all I got from this is that D&C is way worse of a person than I even already thought he was. Like damn he straight up wants gay people to die.

yes, that tends to be what someone thinks after reading clearly biased sjw opinions

dudes a narcissist and an asshole no doubt but he's not "racist, homophobic, and transphobic" like these people want you to believe


Yeah, you especially come across like a lunatic in that thread.

How exactly? By expecting something better than random, out of context tweets as proof of harassment?

They're not out of context, you just pretend they are to try and keep your dude propped up. He's a nutcase and so are you.

He makes youtube videos in his car, and insults some comic writers. Mark Waid physically threatened him and went after his publisher.

Holy shit SJWs are fucking unhinged.

They also tried to find info on his kid

Tbh anyopnewhocares about comic books should be banned fromexpressing theiropinions online.

Or having kids. Think of the children. No, really.

get that Meyer guy as mod imo

like, idk whats really going on here, but at least my instinct when looking at those top 5-10 comments is, my bullshit radar goes off

so rarely is a mob of people coordinately furious about a real thing that as this point you can practically assume: when there's smoke, there isnt fire

it late and i got school so i can't stay up and moderate this one

so locked

Says it all

I don't know if it's possible to be any more obtuse than the one guy in that thread who keeps denying everything Diversity and Comics said even after being given direct quotes from D&C that he did indeed say those things

wanna link me them?

The u/facekrumpa guy denies the existence of D&C's "Dark Roast" video even though D&C said it was real and was made to blow off steam. Asks for citations then when provided with a news article that directly interviews D&C says it has no citations lol

I am more worried about the people that arent worried about Waid and his posse did. They fucking doxxed a child.

Yes, and just like GamerGate people will throw up their blinders to whatever their own chosen side does while harping on and exaggerating whatever it is the other side does. They're travesties of the Internet Age

I mean, Richard is a bit of an ass. But he has never tried to personally attack anyone, tried to get people to kill themselves. Illegally sought court documents. Doxxed a child. etc. Like Waid's gang has done.

But /u/Zthe27th doesnt care about facts. He just wants the girl comic pros to think he is cool so they will sleep with him.

You aren't tricking me into caring about another Nerdgate

Come on man. We can be nerds, but also make fun of other nerds.

And just like the anti-Gamergate people you are chronically incapable of honestly representing your opposition.

I didn't deny the existence of the Dark Roast, and the article didn't interview D&C. Johnston is as usual a liar that leaves out half the story.

So their mom gave them some milk and let them unlock the thread.

They couldnt get their bullshit to fly outside their echobox, so they had to retreat and yell at each other how great they are for not letter a guy make a comic book.

All of this. Because he did a review on why Gay Ice Man is a shitty comic. Can you imagine someone getting so butthurt about not liking a comic book? So mad that they not only find his own home address. But also find out where his kid is.

On the other hand, he's probably doing better than if he'd gotten published, and started his own company.

3 months ago...How did you find this

Comics & Diversity just did a YouTube video about how he created an Reddit account and it was deleted within a few hours with a message from one of the mods: "You aren't welcome here."

This is one of the threads that comes up when you search /r/comicbooks, to answer your question. People are watching the video and coming here for the shitshow.

Y'know, I guess that is what happened. I also literally typed "/r/comicbooks."
I couldn't think of any other way to find this particular topic. Sharp mind there, Clueless Magic.

Too much thinking is going to get us banned.

From drama llama?