Ghazi presents: 'waaaaaaah, radical centrists did a thing.'

119  2018-05-14 by AlwaysCuckAgain


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Imagine your world crumbling this much because you lost a single election after 8 years of your side being in office.

thinking normal people are as autistic as ghazifags/gamergatefag who bitch about vidya 24/7

tsk tsk tsk

Excellent point coming from the homeless handjob artist that emoji posts on r/drama all day from the public library while masturbating under the table to mlp porn.

still doesn't care about goobergate like faggots

I'm content! ☺️️

handjob artist

This is good for EdCoin

while masturbating under the table to mlp porn.

Ed is perfecting his art! They're artisanal handjobs!

Get that log out of your ass Ed, jesus mate, you're embarrassing us

thinks caring about ethics in comicbooks/vidya in <current year> isn't embarrassing

t. brainlet fag

Neighbor, you're literally the most pathetic user in a sub riddled with mdefugees and clinical retards. You've got an actual void for a brain. You need to be studied.

being this frustrated with a user


The emojis are back, Allah be praised. That's how I identify you, your posts are the shit metric I use to gauge this sub's lowest common denominator.
But keep replying, please, this is the high point of my day.

Literally doesn't even have anything to do with what they said you gibbering retard

This isn't vidya content though. :P

I know. I'm just reiterating what gets more panties in a twist around here.

do you reply to everyone who replies to you?

I knew Trump would win regardless of any competence or lack thereof, just like I know that a Democrat will win in 2024. It's the nature of US politics.

That democrat better be Oprah.

Nah it'll be Kanye, the true Radical Centrist.

Kayne/Beyonce on the Republican ticket, Oprah/Arnold on the Democrat one.

Damn the goalposts are moving so much, first mid terms blue wave, then 2020 for like what a single week? And now waiting until 2024, that's good news for Republicans wanting total control of the Supreme Court I guess.

What goalpost shifting? I'mr adically centrist, m8; The party switching after 2 terms is pretty much guaranteed with regards to US politics.

It just seemed so universally accepted that 2018 would be a massive turnout for the "blue wave" and now even "centrists" are backing off of that.

Thats unrelated to what I said though; pretty much just "but drumpf!?!".

Goddammit you people are so entertaining.

Who's "you people"?

The Mommy defense force of course.

I think Hillary and Trump are both stupid, though.

notliking Trump=/=not liking Hillary.


Wait, who likes Hillary? Not even Dems like her lol


/u/igotgroped this true?

Can you read? Pitter said nothing about the mid terms. Why are you so whiny when it comes to your team because Otherwise you’re relatively entertaining so stop being whiny please.

Oh no I'm not entertaining to literally who? Nobody forces you to read my posts, just block me.

Why would I block when your comments consistently make me feel the full extent of my smug superiority. Don’t be a so 😫 whiny

Ah the age old "you're whiny" response. Do better

I was discussing this earlier. The radically centrist crew has zero self realization. 4D doesn’t even recognize that pizzashill leans left. These are Bernie bros only they don’t know it yet.

syria. They thought they'd have Assad on lockdown and be ready to dump the "crazy outsider with a gun" schtick. it appears that lunacy as foreign policy may be here for some time still.

thats because no one expected the left to spend the last year and a half shooting itself in the foot

Oh I did, I followed Sanders, and holy shit they literally denied the rigging as it happened, and once it became too obvious they defended it and called the "bernie bros" sexist for being upset that Hillary was handed the nomination unfairly and un-democratically (ironic I know). The convention was a massive slap in the face, while "celebrities" shushed the upset crowd and chided constituents not on "her side". I will never support a democratic candidate again after that clusterfuck, and if the last few months are any indication, they have no intentions of trying to bring back the people like me who left the party in disgust.

People are still desperately clinging to the fantasy Democrats can take both house and Senate this year.

It's good for drama coin.

Are you actually retarded or did you just respond to the wrong comment?

Context is hard I guess? For you

That answers my question.

You're assuming Democrats still exist in a meaningful way in 2024. They really need to turn their boat around to make it. Your odds are still overwhelmingly good that it won't be GOP winning, either.

You're saying that it'll be radical centrists?

It would be glorious. If only for the popcorn.

you know the senate/house is a big thing right?

Of course. That's why it takes massive energy to move even an inch.

Yeah the senate is known for getting things done

Houses are pretty big

Not if ur a poor lol

It's not losing, it's Trump. Good for drama but bad for anything else.

Haven’t read the article or all the comments but a presidential election isn’t some minor thing, especially when their party controls Congress

And the OP is AngryDM. Because of course it is.

linking the entire thread

delete your account you retard.

I think we found where Ed likes to use his main.

I think

Pls don't.

All the flavors Ed...

Didnt angrydm have a disability that didnt let him get out of home?

Now he is grading papers?

lying motherfucker :)

Also centrism is a political ideology of peace

Fairly certain her mentioned being on some form of disability welfare, but not sure if he said it on his current account or an earlier one.

Does autismbucks count as a disability when everyone you interact with have it as well?

He is on disability. Maybe he got an actual job, in which case, good for him. He shouldn't be responsible for teaching students tho. Having radical leftist teachers like him made me go hard right as a teenager.

So, all's well that ends well?

No, some of those teens who turn hard right may never grow up to develop a belief system that isn't based on contrarianism and party loyalty.

That is what I said.

centrism is a political ideology of grease

It's electrifying

Drone strikes are peace?

According to those Nobel guys: yes, apparently.

Only if they strike brown people

But increasingly, the disputes we face are over basic rights and realities. Is climate change real? Does everyone deserve the right to vote? Are democratic institutions worth defending?

What a load of bullshit

Where the fuck are those nazis trying to shutdown democracy in america?

This people think they live in 1933 germany

I like how it goes from "climate change" to "denying a right vote" with nothing in between.

When you are on spectrum, everything is on spectrum.

I mean that being said, denying climate change is as retarded as you can be in 2018

It was also retarted 10,000 years ago.

What's your point?

thanks for the dose of brain damage

The climate has always changed.

Giving money to the UN about it is retarded.

Removing environmental regulations and promoting fossil fuels is retarded too, yet your Daddy keeps doing that. Hmmmmm

retarded too

That is an admission.

Of course, look at my flair... Nice distraction by the way.

it's not going to be caused by a 50 cm sea level increase, I can tell you that much faggo. then again i'm not a retarded midget like you

I'm definitely autistic, but midget I am not. Good try though

The only people I’ve seen suggesting people shouldn’t be able to vote is Ghazi types, and now they’re bleating about Democratic rights? They’d throw all of them out the window if it would benefit them.

You haven’t listened to conservatives talk about voter ID laws then.

Or browsed /pol/ where there are legit fascists and people who unironically believe that voting rights should be restricted to male landowners.

why is it racist to require id to vote when so many other daily things require id already?

Because it's a solution to an almost imaginary problem that 'just so happens' to take away the right of a lot of black people and left leaning people to vote because they don't have ID they'll accept. Just like the literacy tests. If it was really about election integrity why would some states close down DMVs in black neighborhoods after making those ID laws?

he state needs to accommodate the citizens

DING DING DING we have a winner

Yeha and there are citizens who don't have the ID needed to vote. And illegals aren't voting in any significant numbers, like I said it's an almost non existent problem.

lol no

And illegals aren't voting in any significant numbers

They shouldn't be voting at all. Hence, ID requirements.

Yeh but if it prevents 10 illegals from voting but also prevents 400 citizens from voting then it shouldn’t be a law.

I just can't wrap my mind around a world where needing an ID to by a scratch off is fair, but needing one to vote is actually racist and classist.

A literacy test isn't racist either but the way it was implemented it betrayed a racist motivation. There's nothing racist about IDs either but it seems like the GOP is only pushing them because it'll make it harder for black people to vote (or just people more likely to vote Dem). And that's not some crazy conspiracy, SCOTUS said NC was doing that fairly recently with it's new voting restrictions (which to be fair were more than just ID laws).

Pretty much. As someone living in a country that requires ID before voting, this argument is a bit mind boggling.

If your citizens cannot easily get an ID you have to fix that problem, because it's a serious problem.
You don't sweep it under the rug by making IDs less necessary.

Ok but you should make the IDs easy to get for all citizens before passing voter id laws.

I can't even imagine the hardship of going to the dmv and getting an ID. Literally impossible.

Pass a federal law forcing every state/voting district/whatever to have at least one public office that offers IDs for X hours per day?

At this point I suspect everyone involved is better off not fixing the issue because of some shady scheme.

Dems get to call the Repubs racist and the Repubs get to blame illegals for their losses. It's a win/win for them, but everyone else loses.

Because those other things aren't constitutional rights ya mouth breather

Come on, man, don't you know black people are too stupid and poor to get ID?! Why do you have to be so racist against blacks by thinking they're capable of being like normal people?!

“Don’t you know black people are too stupid to pass a literacy test, it ain’t racist at all”

See? This guy libs.

Can’t tell if trolling or if you actually thought the literacy tests weren’t a ploy to keep black people from voting.

I'm ok with that.

If you can't read, who you gonna read the ballot to vote?

Or are we just gonna have Siri read it to lazyfuckmillenials?

Literacy tests in the south weren’t designed to be fair or to accurately gauge someone’s literacy they were a way to keep black people from voting. IIRC they had one question that could be interpreted in two different ways so that the grader could mark it wrong if he didn’t want you to pass since one question wrong means you failed.

Come to think of it someone needed someone to read the ballot for them why shouldn’t they be allowed to vote? As long as they know who they’re voting for, who cares?

"Literacy tests" weren't actually literacy tests tbh. They were intentionally confusing as fuck so they were impossible to pass. For example

I've seen /u/rockidol posts somewhere else before, he makes /u/pizzashill look like Reagan.

Only citizens should vote. Obviously. Illegals should not vote.

Lol you triggered the MDEtards

>What is gerrymandering

>What is closing the polls in counties with the wrong opinions.

American "democracy" has issue, tbh.

To hear the Oligarchy tell it though, it's all the fault of some russians....or a 16 year old kid in Bugaria.

From "issues" to nazis there is a tiny lil jump friendo

Sound like nazi talk to me.

that's because you're dumb

Sound like nazi croaking to me.

Where the fuck are those nazis trying to shutdown democracy in america?

This people think they live in 1933 germany

you might have missed the whole part where Google is now censoring news content and the American oligarchy is calling anything that contradicts the state narrative "fake news"

From this to nazis there is a lil tiny jump friendo

No seriously, get out of here with populism and outrage. Every country has problems, America is not getting closer to a dictatorship

The governor of Wisconsin was trying to cancel/postpone special elections because he knew his party would lose. Then there’s people who gerrymander and try to make it harder for certain demographics to vote.

It ain’t 1933 Germany but it ain’t nothing.

certain demographics

Si Senor!

Too me, this just further validates the horseshoe theory, both ultra SJW progressives and the alt-right reactionaries believe it's fucking 1930 Germany. The alt right complaining about "Wiemamerica" and "Degenecarytm and the alt-left calling everybody who dosn't toe the line to their dogma a "recationarytm" or fascist.

The irony of the far-left authoritarians of Ghazi crying about democracy being destroyed is delicious.

I picked up a book about race at random from the new ones featured at the front of the library.

It begins

So, we face the painful reality that we’re headed down this perilous path. The toxic rhetoric over the last year has surfaced attitudes that we thought were confined to our history. We’re experiencing a steady and dangerous marginalization of immigrants, people of color, and the poor. We’re witnessing an uptick in hate crimes and hate speech. We’re seeing government officials issue policies propelled by the twin forces of arrogance and ignorance. And we can’t simply stand still and hope things will go well. We must take action, individually and collectively, to change the entire discussion of a nation. So, we’re here to redirect a base, insensitive, and destructive national public conversation. We’re here to reorient a country that seems to have lost its way. To paraphrase Dr. King’s letter from Birmingham jail, we’re here because injustice is here. We have work to do.

Many of the events of the last year have shaken us, but to a certain extent they were inevitable. We were not as vigilant as we should have been, and we became a little complacent over the last eight years. Recent events have reminded us that we need to regain our vigilance, and we must take on the challenge of justice at every turn. People in their twenties and early thirties have known eight years of an administration that embraced many of our values, and reflected our diversity, and advanced our ideals. So the tone and the conduct of this new administration are jarring. An important conversation is taking place for the heart and soul of America. And we must take the country to task where it must be taken to task.

This was 1 month into the Trump Presidency. This is how a conversation with top legal scholars began at NYU.


It says

"After 8 years of glorious peace and prosperity where nothing went wrong, we have been plunged into the darkest depths of despair, full of doom and gloom. Everyone is Nazis and you must fight them."

Yes attacking people who don't support your opponents will truly get them to come to your side instead

Fuck you. Love me.

I wonder why those silly centrists tend to start to lean right. It can't have anything to do with us insulting them for not supporting us all the time

nice little article about some people have to ignore reality and make up a mythical center where they dont got to think about politics.

That's not what radical centrist is about.

No it isn't at all /r/radicalcentrism

Far left and right retards try to paint anyone who thinks rationally considering each individual issue just doesn't care enough to join a side, they are this retarded.

"rationally" = how do I stand to benefit personally from this policy?

Dinosaurs 🦖 were the most ethical species

Leave me demon

"how do I stand to benefit personally from this policy?" != centrists

Well, no more than leftists and conservatives, of course.

You post in /r/conspiracy unironically.

They turned that place into such a shithole. Hey retards, if CNN is promoting your "conspiracy theory" nightly, it's not a fucking conspiracy theory.

Or in politics rational choice theory ergo rationality

That's one way to rationally decide, but not the only one.

That’s unironically the best way to vote, though. The entire point of a representative democracy is to have representatives who represent their constituents’ interests. Basing your vote on abstract utopias and speculation about what other people’s interests should be is how you end up convincing yourself of blatantly self-serving bullshit like, “poor people are easily tricked into voting against their own interests.”

Holy shit, if you're anything but on "their side" you must actually be crypto right. Some users here on that same team.

Am I out of touch? No it's the CENTRISTS who are ACTUALLY RIGHT WING

Moderates be raciss as shit

-MLK Jr.

He did unironically say as much tho, especially during the Kennedy presidency

its true, radical centrist are closeted right wingers. they have some inferiority issues which they hide by showing they're politically neutral . eg - this sub

They're embarrassed to be associated with the side that's openly dumb. They're still in the closet about it.

You wouldn't necessarily be the best judge of that, considering your inaccurate opinions on the reddit left.


Even though some of them can be reformed and reject their previous views, the fact remains that anyone who espouses far-right bigoted views is (at least currently) a Bad Person. If they want to change, they deserve help and support, but if not, they deserve beatings.

Lol beatings, huh? Show us pics of those arms, tuff guy.

"Anything I don't like is alt-right" for the millionth time from these morons.


Again, none of that is doing anywhere near as much damage as the right wingers in charge of all branches of the US government and pretty much all of the US media right now.

Imagine saying this unironically

Imagine thinking that multi-billion dollar corporations with interlocking corporate directorates that intersect both "defense", banking, "energy" and other "vital national interests" are "socialists" and "liberals."


"Liberals" are not peaceniks, Obama was at war every minute of his President. The idiot is claiming Big Media is supportive of Trump LOLOL

Are you off the rails? You think media isn't liberal?

Aside from huff post and some other websites, not really

New York Times

You are the dumbest poster in /r/drama right now, and that includes the exact moment when this was posted by me, another /r/drama poster.

Lol please stop.

Neo-liberal. I don't see them pushing ideas like higher minimum wage, medicare for all, end to wars, end to war on drugs, etc. It's mostly just Trump hate and "russian's are everywhere" bullshit.

higher minimum wage, medicare for all, end to wars,

That is commie hippie shit, not "liberal"

And yet universal healthcare is the norm in every developed country.

And in Cuba!

Europe isn't developed.

neither is ur dik

t_d refugees get out


then you're blind as a 30-second google session could handle most of those for you.

besides the "end to wars", which everyone in their right mind has wanted since the beginning of time, and yet refuse to stop being such fuckwads that wars are still inevitable.

I'm not talking ending all war ever. If someone attacks us I'm all for bombing the shit out of them. But I'm talking about ending our current wars. We are bombing 8 different countries, none of which have attacked us and none of which are a danger to us. That's a MASSIVE waste of time, money and lives that only benefits defense contractors and does NOTHING to help the average American citizen. No news media is talking about this, right wing or "left" wing.

What 8 countries you have in mind?

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan and Niger.

Where is America attacking people in Yemen? They also aren't doing extensive military invasion of Pakistan, they are literally allied with the country.

Where is America attacking people in Yemen?

The US and Britain are aiding Saudi's in their genocide of Yemen. They are using our logistical support, intelligence and weapons. On top of that we also drone strike the shit out of them.

They also aren't doing extensive military invasion of Pakistan, they are literally allied with the country. It is targeted attacks on terrorist groups

We are still dropping bombs in that country, which is what I said.

You are 100% right about Pakistan. I was adding context.

Is America legit actually attacking things in Yemen. I don't mean some six degrees of separation nonsense.

We have launched 26 drone strikes in Yemen so far in 2018.

Ok I was just checking. I wanted real talk not shit KSA did.

So you went from "end all wars" to "we're bombing people in other countries" to "providing logistical support and weapons" -- way to go, idaho.

It's like you haven't yet realized that regional stability everywhere is a US security concern. Unfortunately, our armed forces has been the default for that mission since WWII and while that's changing a bit, mainly due to the incompetence of Daddy and the rise of Chinese military expansionism, it still remains the case today.

Even with this, there is news coverage of this kind of shit, just maybe not the kind of coverage that you'd want. Is it all "omfg the horror! the horror!" like you seem to think it is? No, of course not, but the reasons for why it isn't are multitudinous and variable, and really not fit for popular news consumption. And for each of those places you've mentioned, I can detail valid US security concerns which necessitate involvement to one degreee or another.

Tbh, I'd prefer to see an international force with actual teeth handling this shit, but that's entirely too much to ask (if we're sticking with realistic and achievable policy goals). I'd also like to see more intervention, but I'm an interventionalist, so what to do. At least a good third of the countries in the world possess completely incompetent and/or criminal governments, and as soon as we have effective killbots and orbital bombardment capability, we should take those fuckers out. Like Arizona.

Why would socialists not care about defense and other vital national interests? Most of the times they lose power it's because of a coup, trying to prevent that might be smart.

Fox is obviously right-wing, but what other major news outlet could even be remotely considered right?

Cnbc? Bloomberg? The Weather Channel?

This is what happens when you think Hillary Clinton is right wing.

In almost all cases, the "centrist" leans right wing on almost every issue, too. Except weed.

And sex work. In both cases, it's not so much to help other people (like people of colour who are unfairly persecuted for weed, or sex workers who are victimised for trying to make a living) as it is so they can more easily access weed and sex.

And immigration, don't forget.

So, right wing on almost every issue, except weed. Weed and sex work. And immigration too, don't forget. Plus abortion maybe. What about freedom of speech as well? So lots of issues basically huh

But apart from not locking up minorities for doing weed, not locking up sex workers, not locking up immigrants, not locking up women who have abortions, and not locking up people who criticize the government - what have the centrists ever done for us? Nothing!

Why, it seems it you look hard enough, these centrists lean both directions, sometimes at the same time! So much for center!

What about freedom of speech as well?

Wow, what bravery it takes to stand up for freedom of speech in america.

This but unironically.

Don't righties generally support free speech right up until you hit actual fascism? 🤔


You do realise it's you retards that ignore the realities of politics, not centerism? Centricism, you THINK (kind of a key word there) of both sides. How something affects everyone, pro and cons of both sides...its a lot of work.

Certainly a damn sight more then you lot with your "listen and believe", how much you are told want to think, you are nothing more then a populist cult, you don't need to think. How many times has you lack of thinking praised rapists because they slapped the left-wing or feminist label on themselves? While centrism was able to see the writing on the wall all along. Like seriously your thoughtlessness and lack of ability to think critically is actually genuinely toxic and harmful.

You're whole politics is "shove everything into one box" job done, all the thinking is done for you, only imaginary thing here seems to be your brain.

And /u/AlwaysTryAgain

In almost all cases, the "male feminist" means rapist on almost every issue, too.

"Progressive" until a minority group disagrees with you too.

Waaaaaah /r/gamerghazi

I'm tired of all the drama-free agendaposts in here, but reading whatever crazy thing AngryDM has to say at any given time will always be entertaining. The guy's nuts.

I really wish the left wing had an equivalent to the Q conspiracy level shit, its been hilarious.

I suppose thinking Trump colluded with Russia is as close as we will get.

Once upon a time, leftists believed Reagan intentionally created AIDS to kill negroes.

Man, I miss those days.

It's not a conspiracy theory if major intelligence agencies think its credible and are actively investigating it lel

Maybe one of these days one will develop. The problem is that the hard right has been fed conspiratorial thinking for decades now thanks to talk radio and such. The Qult is only as popular as it is now because of that. Plus paranoid white people/conspiracy theorists usually lean right for a number of reasons. Though there are paranoid white leftists who are usually out in New Age fruit loop land. The hysteria over Russia has gotten pretty conspiratorial at this point, but not at a level that's remotely out of the ordinary in terms of conspiracy theory hysteria. It's funny to watch leftists accuse everyone of being a Russian plant tho.

Snally your post even tho it partially agrees with pretty much guarantees I get downboated plz delete

I think it's just a difference in the delivery.

angrydm isnt even in the drama tho!

alwaystryagain is him :)


In almost all cases, the "centrist" leans right wing on almost every issue, too. Except weed.

Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps the centrist isn't leading right but you are so far left you can't tell center anymore?

But why are they down voting the fruitloop? That's not the usual style.

Anyway being a centrist is the best. You can crap on both sides and be a conceited prick. A win win as far as I'm concerned.

Which is why its baffling that legalized weed has been left on the table as a platform for so long.

Well, no, it isnt at all baffling, weed busts are the lynchpin in the prison industrial complex, which makes a shit ton of money, and thats basically all the centrists represent.

I guess that's why every country but the US has legal marijuana, right? Why are all these retarded subs so US-centric?

It’s strange how they move the goal posts within a single arguement.

At first they say that centrists just won’t pick a side because they want to act superior. This would seem to imply it’s fine as long as you pick a side on issues. Then they go to the fact that most centrists are just bad peopke who need punched. At this point they’ve basically decided that everyone who isn’t the same as them are wrong and bad people.

At what point do you gain enough self awareness to notice that the fact that you don’t acknowledge anyone else as having a legitimate position might make you a bit of a crazy partisan?

If both centrists/right wingers are bad and wrong then why do you even care if someone is a centrist? They’re all treated the same anyway lol. The only way being a centrist could be seen as smug is if you’re sane enough to think that maybe there can be more than one reasonable opinion on an issue.

I hate radical centrists, the dirtbag left, and anyone who thinks they're in a position to demand others to suck their dicks and go, "maybe I'll change my mind!"

/u/DisgruntledTank please tell me what right wing views I hold

Eh, prob not worth it.

At least you might be sane enough to escape from that looney bin before its too late