(((They're))) shooting protestors again

20  2018-05-14 by respaaaaaj


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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It's almost impressive how shameless they've gotten about it in the last ten years.

kill custard mouthed arabs

The Jews have been allowed to get away with things others aren't.

Nah, they aren't unique in this. As the Holocaust has gotten farther and farther into the past Israel has gone farther and farther to the right. Yitzhak Rabin wouldn't have a chance in Israel's current political climate.

I'd say that it's not Israel that went to the right, it's the terrorists that learned to utilize antisemitic Left western media and to encourage their citizens to sacrifice more efficiently.

Twenty years ago it was actual state sponsored terrorists launching missiles at Israel from hospital rooftops, for the sole purpose of dying and having more innocent Palestinians killed by the return fire.

Note that the return fire happened like clockwork, everyone involved understood perfectly well than launching their missiles from the roof of a hospital gives them zero extra protection from the counterstrike. The only goal ever was to have that counterstrike kill some Palestinians and then whore out their dead bodies to mayo journalists.

But that was inefficient, because of the whole actual missile having been launched, so then the Israeli military would release the footage of a bunch of terrorists tinkering with a huge, two meter tall rocket (that's like 6' 12" for you ameritards), then having it go off towards Israel from that poor hospital's rooftop, and that was kinda counter-toxoplasma, because even the most antisemitic Left didn't have a good answer as for what Israel was supposed to do differently. Use a white phosphorus charge to melt the roof but not the hospital below? Like, what?

This shit here is a very evolved meme, in the original Dawkins' meaning. There's no dangerous phallic missile, there are just youths storming the Israel's borders with literal sticks and stones. And they are youths, they don't know better and don't deserve to be cut by machinegun fire. Obviously.

Is this pasta?

And they are youths, they don't know better and don't deserve to be cut down by machinegun fire.

Correct, and yet that's what's happening anyway.

I wrote it right now, I'd actually enjoy it if it becomes pasta, though it probably won't.

And they are youths, they don't know better and don't deserve to be cut down by machinegun fire.

Correct, and yet that's what's happening anyway.

Life is unfair. Demanding fair outcomes from only one side, given that life is unfair, is unfair.

The only thing IDF can do about the horde of youths with sticks and stones trying to overrun the border is to shoot them. There's some squabbling to be had about whether they should shoot them with rubber bullets and/or use chemical weapons against them, but if you'd blame them for that as well then you're biased beyond the hope of recovery. Many people are.

And, I want to emphasize it again, it is known that if HAMAS stokes the outrage and makes a crowd of Palestinian youths storm the Israel border, those youths will be mowed down with machinegun fire.

It would be nice if HAMAS did not do that. If they do that, you don't get to blame Israel for them doing that.

If your actual point is that IDF should let the terrorists in because it's less bad than murdering a whole lot of brainwashed Palestinian youths, then say that. If you say that then I will say that no, while it is an atrocity on one hand, the other alternative would be an even worse atrocity.

Then let them use tear gas (technically a chemical weapon, but so what) and firehoses. The recent degree of force used totally eclipses anything done by, say, the British in Northern Ireland. It's not antisemitic when people object to lethal force being used against stone-throwers, it's a natural human emotional response. Expecting fairness in war might be "illogical," but expecting everyone around you to analyze the world in a detached, logical way is quite literally autistic.

Of course, the issues people have with Israel's actions extend beyond the scope of this or that clash between Israel and the Palestinians. Israel's defenders like to frame this as a clash between Israel and Gaza, as if Gaza is a sovereign state in its own right. Now, I actually wouldn't object to letting Gaza actually be a sovereign state (that doesn't address the issue of the West Bank's Palestinians, but that's an issue for another time), but that comes with the corollary that Israel needs to accept the implications of having another sovereign Arab state as its neighbor, and allow Gaza to trade more freely, resurrect their airport, and basically function like a normal country. In this situation Hamas would either gradually lose support, or else it would reinvent itself to stay relevant. In the mean time, Israel must assume the risks inherent in having an other-than-friendly neighbor, the way South Korea has done for basically its entire history.

Right now the mindset in Israel seems to be that the status quo can more or less continue as it is, with Israel in a permanent state of Cold War with the vast majority of the Arab World. The peace deals with Egypt and Jordan are only as stable as the Egyptian and Jordanian states. Jordan's economy is very precarious, and most of its population is intensely hostile to Israel. This situation is not sustainable for more than, say, a decade.

And before you say that I'm drawing a bad comparison with the Koreas, or use any of the other rote appeals that come up when discussing this issue, I am certainly not going to hammer out a road map to Middle Eastern peace while I'm browsing fucking /r/Drama at work.

Then let them use tear gas (technically a chemical weapon, but so what) and firehoses.

Implying that you would nod your head then and be like, yeah, this was a proportional response.

This never happens. Lead bullets actually work better than rubber bullets because they produce the same amount of international outrage but much less desire to repeat the event in the Palestinians. Sad but true.

The core idea is: Palestinians will not be allowed to zerg rush the border. Ever. All this "but what if we use young people without automatic weapons, are you ready to push them back proportionally?" is a spook, it's an attempt to cheat the system for even more outrage where none is deserved in the first place.

The problem is that the terrorist organizations in Palestine, and all Arabs not in Palestine, want to push Israel into the sea. They can't do that by force so they try to do it with dead Palestinian bodies.

It is necessary to understand that any Palestinian attack on Israel has the goal of getting some Palestinians killed by the IDF and then whoring out their dead bodies for international support. There's no other goal, no, they understand that their rockets aren't going to get through the Iron Dome too. And just like they don't launch them to kill some Jews, they don't send their young to actually overpower the defenses, they send them to get mowed by machineguns and then whore out their dead bodies for international outrage.

By the way, did you know that none of the Arab states give citizenship to Palestinian refugees?

It's not antisemitic when people object to lethal force being used against stone-throwers, it's a natural human emotional response. Expecting fairness in war might be "illogical," but expecting everyone around you to analyze the world in a detached, logical way is quite literally autistic.

Yeah, that's what I was referring to when I said that the meme has evolved nearly to perfection. The terrorists are much better at it now than they were 20 years ago. I don't know what could be done about it.

Right now the mindset in Israel seems to be that the status quo can more or less continue as it is, with Israel in a permanent state of Cold War with the vast majority of the Arab World.

What's the options? I don't see any besides a) Israel getting destroyed, b) Israel glassing all neighboring Muslim countries, c) Muslims going through their own Reformation and developing some respect for religious tolerance, or d) it continuing as it is, with some of the former options becoming more viable over time.

Implying that you would nod your head then and be like, yeah, this was a proportional response.

yeah, thats definitely the most relevant concern when it comes to whether or not a state should fucking murder people. theres absolutely no difference between a dead palestinian and a live palestinian. also, murdering palestinians actually plays into the ""terrorists"" hands and is central to their strategy, but is also totally necessary and israel has to do it, sad but true.

Self defense isnt murder by definition.

cool bait

less desire to repeat the event

If you think live ammunition has this effect, either you've been in a coma since 1948, you're literally a retard, or you're lying.

By the way, did you know that none of the Arab states give citizenship to Palestinian refugees?

Lol. I am Jordanian. Ask me about the demographics of Jordan.

Yeah, I'd rather be tear gassed than shot.

See, and you say that live ammunition doesn't have a better deterrent effect!

Lol. I am Jordanian. Ask me about the demographics of Jordan.

OK, congratulations on living in a pretty much the only Arab country that granted citizenship to a large fraction of Palestinian refugees. Though it is my understanding that that was an inadvertent result of the way they occupied the West Bank and promptly gave everyone there their citizenship), and wikipedia mentions the "yellow-card" refugees that have had their citizenship revoked, for their own good of course

"Our goal is to prevent Israel from emptying the Palestinian territories of their original inhabitants," the minister explained, confirming that the kingdom had begun revoking the citizenship of Palestinians. "We should be thanked for taking this measure," he said. "We are fulfilling our national duty because Israel wants to expel the Palestinians from their homeland."

(though it said that this practice apparently stopped after 2012, you should know about it more I guess).

I guarantee you, if the occupation ends, in twenty years most Arabs will stop giving a shit about Israel.

I actually remember when the occupation ended, sort of. Then Palestinians officially elected Hamas, and then the number of rockets they launched steadily increased reaching like a hundred every day immediately before the invasion of 2008-2009.

Lol u sound like ur circumcised.

Do you mean "muslim" or "american" with that?

6' 12"

So 7’?

Israel forced Syrian refugees to march all the way up to Europe, dying along the way to seek freedom from the violence caused by US and Israel arming ISIS.

What's worse than all those thousands dying is that anyone criticizing Israel is lumped in with that Rick and Morty episode by Dan Harmon convicted sexual harasser.

They learned from the nazis well

t. Al-Jezeera

Muslims went from "freedom warrior" to hated terrorist in most of the west during those past 20 years.

They are a lot more shameless because now, killing muslims is a-okay for a lot of people.

This is the best explanation of all of them. Every time some idiot becomes A Jihad of One the Israeli right scores more points.


Rock throwing, molotov cocktail throwing, burning israeli farmland, planting explosives, shooting into israel, burning tires and etc is not protesting.

"The IDF also killed the three terrorists who tried to plant the explosive in the Rafah area."

Dindu Nuffins

burning israeli farmland

There is literally a big wall between the protests and "Israeli farmland."

It's objectively a wall. It's taller than human height and is mostly made out of concrete.

kite terrorism

This is actually kinda funny.

This is not "most" of the Gaza barrier.

I'm sure you could prove me wrong, eh?

This woman is a cunt

warmth, depth, etc

Hezbollah please go.

Hezbollah is in Lebanon, Hamas is in Gaza.


Israeli has the right idea on how to handle problematic Muslims. You notice no Israeli children have been raped by Pakis? That's because the Israelis shoot Pakis on site. England could learn a lot from Israel. Shame Corbyn hates them.


This entire region needs to get nuked.