Pitbull thing
11 2018-05-14 by markus_001
R u guys being sarcastic with killing pitbulls movement or are u really that retarded? Lol
11 2018-05-14 by markus_001
R u guys being sarcastic with killing pitbulls movement or are u really that retarded? Lol
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-05-14
1 Oh_hamburgers_ 2018-05-14
Just think of it like eradicating a deadly virus. You wouldn't be against killing off Ebola, would you? Of course not, so why would you have any qualms about the pitocide?
1 UniverseInH 2018-05-14
Yea I mean, proportionally a lot more pitbulls kill humans than ebola viruses. Like I don’t have numbers or anything but it’s common sense ffs.
Fuck you.
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-05-14
We need to end these Anti-Ebola sentiments!
1 UniverseInH 2018-05-14
Literally Ebola viruses would make less dangerous pets.
Name on Ebola virus that killed his master or a member of his master’s family.
I’m waiting.
1 uniqueguy263 2018-05-14
Literally all of them. Only viruses with hosts are alive, so they’re the only ones that count
1 UniverseInH 2018-05-14
Nice way of glossing over the fact that Ebola viruses are noble enough to go down with their master, unlike any Shitbull ever. Hope you're proud of your imbecilic comment. It added so much.
1 watermark02 2018-05-14
Eh you're counting every individual germ? I guess I have no argument there. Per capita ebola produces very few deaths.
1 Foxehh3 2018-05-14
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-05-14
I like it
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-05-14
1 rationalhuckleberry 2018-05-14
1 OnlyRacistOnReddit 2018-05-14
Kinda, maybe
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-05-14
they need to go
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-05-14
Incels naturally hate and fear the effortlessly muscular and aesthetically perfect chad of dogs.
1 going_for_a_wank 2018-05-14
LOL Pitbulls are the most pathetic breed of dog. Prove me wrong.
(Protip: you can't)
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-05-14
A Doberman is what happens when you feed a Rottweiler a strictly soy diet.
1 going_for_a_wank 2018-05-14
1 watermark02 2018-05-14
One problem: the doberman looks like hot garbage. Especially when you mutilate their ears like that.
1 LightUmbra 2018-05-14
Neckpill lol
1 life_is_painfull_ 2018-05-14
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-05-14
you may not like it it, but this is what peak dog performance looks like
1 somegurk 2018-05-14
Does that dog have down syndrome?
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-05-14
tfw the Jews and postmodernists have brainwashed you to prefer dyel "dogs" that require clothes to not freeze and xanax for constant anxiety attacks
1 911roofer 2018-05-14
No. He's just really fat.
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-05-14
Spoken like a man who thinks skinny jeans are the height of masculinity
1 IllAudience 2018-05-14
gas the pibbles breed war now
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-05-14
the only problem with euthanising pitbulls is that it attracts mdefugees.
1 dogDroolsCatsRules 2018-05-14
Killing the pitbulls ? No.
We are in favor of exterminating alls dogs. Doggocide now.
We must secure the existence of our cats and a future for their children.
1 shoestars 2018-05-14
Username checks out.
1 pepperouchau 2018-05-14
The only good pitbull is Mr. Worldwide
1 GBPcoin 2018-05-14
Even that’s a stretch
1 Walraven_van_Hall 2018-05-14
No, serious. If you look at the data pitbulls are a disproportionally large danger to our society. Giving up our pitbulls is a small sacrifice to make for a safer society, don't you agree? Plus you can always get another dog.
1 TallBench 2018-05-14
Pitbulls are the muslims of dogs
1 watermark02 2018-05-14
1 911roofer 2018-05-14
Don't insult Pitbulls like that.
1 LambOfCod 2018-05-14
Anti-pitbull posting really has something for everyone's favorite brand of drama. Obnoxious middle age white woman trying to fill the childless hole in their heart, race realists trying to stealthily activate some almonds, as well as some surprisingly bi-partisan support for pits allowing for a healthy variety of stupid arguments explaining how their little "pibby wibby wouldn't hurt a fly". Truly the neopolitan ice cream of drama.
1 banhminobanhyou 2018-05-14
I like that srd completely reverses it's position on responsible owners between pitbulls and guns.
1 uniqueguy263 2018-05-14
Just like this sub does
1 Nopepole 2018-05-14
Mayos bred pirpulls
1 LightUmbra 2018-05-14
I think pit bull breeding should be banned and pit bull owners should face higher insurance costs. Also all pit bulls should be neutered/spayed.
1 heavenlytoaster 2018-05-14
Every time this is a potential answer to anything anywhere, it's the correct one.
1 Dextro420x 2018-05-14
Pit bulls are ugly as fuck and were originally bread to fight other pit bulls