One user INSISTS another user is homophobic, despite denying it multiple times. Still ongoing!

37  2018-05-14 by fvckconservatives


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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haha this is good shit

Someone really wishes all conservatives were out to kill the gays.

It’s ok /u/TJsAwesomeName, the religion of peace, with its high buildings of free love and rocks of solidarity, will help on your noble quest.

Islamic countries are incredibly homophobic, why is that relevant to the discussion I had?

You just really seem to want someone in the world to kill gay people. I’m pointing you in the direction best suited to your efforts.

Frankly I don’t understand your obsession with killing the gays. They have fabulous fashion sense. But hey, if you’re gonna self-project all over the place, at least be honest.

I don’t want to kill the gays, I just want to find out why american conservatives want to kill the gays.

No you seem really insistent on projecting “kill the gays” onto other people. Literally forcing your viewpoint on them.

It really looks like projection. Why don’t you like the gays and their amazing culture?

And why don’t you wonder about American Religion of Peace members? Are they more or less homophobic than those dastardly American Conservatives?

Btw the AK-47 is the commie gun. Conservatives LARP with the AR15 or M1 Garand. Know thy weapons before you project.

Because I don’t live in the Middle East, I live in America. so why should I care about that place right now?

And I’m not projecting. I came across homophobia, so I rightfully called it out. Am I not supposed to call out homophobia anymore?

Well you missed the question. Members of the middle eastern religion are in America. Do you call out their latent homophobia? Why not? What makes the religion of peace different from conservatives?

And while you say that, in your “calling out” you insisted on putting words in the mouth of the homophobic bigot you were privilege checking. That begins to look a lot like projection sweetheart. If they say they don’t want to kill the gays with AK47s, maybe don’t insist on that.

It looks more like your fantasy really.

I’m just basing what I said off of what another conservative once said, that they would be first in line to “shoot the fags” the second it becomes legal to do so.

Yeah, anyone can be homophobic, Muslim Americans are no exception. Over half of them are homophobic and that’s not okay. But I can have serious issues with a religion or a political party without hating every single member of that group. Judge people individually, not based on preconceived prejudices you may have.

Ok so clarify this for me. You generalized in your other conversation and said all conservatives want to kill the gays. You were very insistent on that. To the point of projecting fantasies of what the conservative wanted to do to the gays.

Now it’s, “I based it off a thing a completely different person said.”

In your other conversation you came across as pretty hateful on a generalized group that you were fantasizing about. How do you now say you judge people individually, when you’ve basically judged an entire group and concocted a fantasy that the entire group is out to get the gays.

It just seems like you’re trying to justify your hateful rhetoric.

I didn’t say all conservatives hate gays, many don’t. I have conservative friends whom i love deeply. But the conservatives who are in power want to kill us, and that user saw no issue with that. That’s what I’m calling out.

The conservatives in power want to kill us? Really now?

Show me Mitchy calling for the gay concentration camps. I will also accept Drumpf or Paul Ryan.

And no, you put some clear projections on him. You clearly have some fantasies in okay that the conservatards are out to kill us all and you projected them on that guy.

Which made you hateful. Since you took on conservatives statement and applied it to the other with callous disregard to reality.

Sorry to butt in, but I was starting to miss my pet troll.

He also assumes I'm a conservative, which is almost as insulting as assuming the other malicious things he said.

Wait, you’re not conservative?

Why might you assume I am?

Because you acted like one?

In what way did I act like a conservative?

You talked about 2020.

I did indeed, and would that have to do with being a conservative?

You said it was good for you?

What exactly did I say?

Did he assume your ideology?! The nerve!

And don’t be sorry. Please, carry on, your troll is a hoot.

They want to kill us by defunding HIV/AIDS medication and research, making it legal and mandatory to discriminate against us, and making us look like sex offenders.

And that Mitch/Drumpf/Ryan quote I asked for?

You said leadership wants to kill the gays. You’re just painting broad generalizations. You just wish they want to kill the gays. And legal and mandatory is a poor phrase. They want to make it legal to say if a business doesn’t want to make a cake for the ads, that’s ok. They’re not making it mandatory to refuse to bake that cake.

Now come on, stop generalizing and show me which GOP leader wants to kill the gays.

Right, they want to legalize discrimination. That’s a problem.

So you think people should be forced to do things against their will? What about Free Exercisw of Religion?

And discrimination isn’t killing gays. You said (((they))) want to kill the gays. Show me the current GOO leadership sayin that.

You’re putting words in my mouth. What if a gay person in a small town wants a job but nobody will hire him because he’s gay? But he can’t just move to another place because he can’t afford it because he doesn’t have a job. so now what do we do? conservatives think we should just let him die because they think he’s just too lazy to find a job. Even though he isn’t, just nobody will hire him.

Um no, you have literally and repeatedly said the conservatives want to kill gays. So no, I’m not putting words into your mouth, you’re just sad that you’ve been caught out.

And you’re confusing types of discrimination. You can’t fire someone for being gay. But you should be able to refuse a personal service (baking a custom cake) if you disagree with the message. Bad business, sure but that’s your religious choice to discriminate.

Now if someone was being openly, flaming gay and obnoxious? Can probably fire them. I saw a transsexual Attorney get fired earlier this year because they insisted on being outrageously gay and disrupting the office. They weren’t fired because they’re transsexual but because their antics disrupted the office and the partners took a dim view of things. That’s 100% legal.

Why do you think sexuality is a choice?

Well the latest HR presentation said people can identify sexually however they want. I’m presuming since I live in the Bay Area and we employ a pretty knowledgeable HR group, they are correct.

Obviously people may mean one way or another but they can identify as something new.

It’s not the governments fault that gays swap poz loads with each other. Why should everyone else pay for your treatment whenever your disease is a result of your actions?

So do you think HIV positive people deserve to die of AIDS?

If they let random guys nut in them, then inshallah, yes they deserve it. you’re against any and all research to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS? Why?

Do you have any gay friends?

No, I'm a devout Muslim. Respect my culture, degenerate.

Ahem. Leftoids of culture use the Mosin.

But communists of efficiency use the AK.

You don't need a high rate of fire to pick off Muricans on their rascal scooters

Touché comrade.

You generally need multiple hits to get through all the fat.

I thought they’d be averse to it after Simo Hayan killed hundreds of communists with his mosin.

What a broad brush you paint with, mind explaining conservative gays then?

They’re hostages being fed lies.

Nah mate they are public bathroom faggots.

No you got it wrong those are the guys at the club who are either in the bathroom for the glory hole or to snort coke off of the go-go dancer’s dick.

Literal hostages, or mental? If mental, is it a Stockholm syndrome thing? If literal, who's forcing them?

Mental. It’s basically Stockholm Syndrome.

Couldn't it just be, like their opinion man?

An opinion formed through lies and falsehoods.

What lies? What falsehoods? Have you ever considered your own beliefs to be a little over-zealous? Throwing out the baby with the bath water so to speak.

Classic reddit unpopular opinions are downvoted in a sub called r/unpopularopinions.

Thank God we have people protecting the gays from the imagined homicidal homophobes otherwise known as conservatives, we can all sleep safer know these murderous conservatives are being called out om reddit

u/TJsAwesomeName i don't hate gay people


why do you hate gay people?

Wow how can you even post something like that? TRIGGER WARNING: racism K is the first letter of the word "KKK" which is a group of white supremacists who slaughter blacks and latinx indiscriminately. You need to put trigger warnings or an /s at the end of a statement like that; think of how many innocent people of color get PTSD just looking at that letter.

Disgusting jerk.

Yo if that guy you accused of homophobia is homophobic because he didn't deny it, does that me you like to pretend you're Hitler's little sub?


The religious right hates gay people. The alt-light, which is MAGA idiots and related "modern" conservative groups, and constitutes probably 99.9% of conservatives you're talking to on the internet, is mostly just fine with us. Get it right.