"/r/the_donald should be banned for making fun of Obama, Reddit needs to be boycotted" ----- /r/stopadvertisement

14  2018-05-14 by AdministrativeRadio4


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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You have -100 comment karma. The title of your agendapost is fake and gay. Go back to t_d.

who the fuck cares about comment karma lol.

Trolls who want to appear to not be trolls.

As I said, who the fuck cares about karma lol.

Lol so edgy!

By the way, by not donating money to Reddit you are expressing your lack of support communities like /r/SuicideWatch, which literally save lives.

/r/stopadvertising you gora nigger.

the right has been turned into pittbulls

Loyal, loving good boys?

day dindu nuffin!

pibbles are da cutest

"Reddit needs to be boycotted"
Lmao these people will never leave.

Fuck off cupcake