Charlie Kirk Tells Jordan Peterson, "77% of US Blacks Do Not Know Their Father" On Racially Charged Radio Show

30  2018-05-14 by iknowyourded


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i like how the author says "without reference" instead of providing a reference to prove the figure wrong

i like how the author says "without reference" instead of providing a reference to prove the figure wrong

Are you retarded ?

It's not our responsibility to educate you.

translation: the figure is accurate, you're just not allowed to talk about it

Translation: No one's going to spoonfeed you. Get read, get learned, and shut the fuck up.

You need a bottle service for whatever you got there, bucko...

I call it Dramakween.

translation: whats the most confusing day in harlem?

t. racist dumbfuck

it's fathers day fyi. i rest my case

what an original joke

thx i just thought of it

Someone never read about Moving Day. Stop talking about New York.

you mean jew york?

prove a negative

Keep yourself safe buddy

whats the actual stat

For percentage of black people who don't know their father? I'm going to say there isn't any reliable info on that one and the stat this particular doddering boomer was going for was "born out of wedlock" which is like 70%. The majority of those kids obviously still know their father, despite him likely being less involved.

So, you're saying it's not that blue.

I mean, it's blue, but not, like, THAT blue.

So, yeah, it's not that much so it's not a problem.

That's how Dems solve problems.

The stat I gave is a sign of a huge problem, the stat he gave is objectively wrong and therefore counterproductive. This shit is super easy.

sure he is wrong, but lol at the Dems amiright?

You’re still debating style..

Lol you are objectively wrong about that too.

Fun fact: If you adjust for illegitimacy, the crime rate difference between blacks and whites disappears. Its down to culture, not race. Would you rather have to pet a well-trained pitbull, or a German Shepherd trained to maul random strangers?

Pitbulls are fine but I would never pet a narcdog.

The family structure thing is a viscous cycle as over incarceration is what's ripping up black families in the first place.

According to this 67% of black children are raised by single mothers. I don't know what to say about 'do not know their fathers', the article touches on that.

We should note that this data doesn’t suggest that 67 percent of African-American children have no contact with their father (or a father figure), but rather that their father does not live in the same household with them.

This article is about 5 years old so maybe these figures have changed a bit, 10% increase in single mothers would be insane in 5 years, but last I saw the general trend was increasing numbers in single mothers. I am guessing this heavily relates to media, moving away from the Bible and socialism (welfare).

Quit spamming this everywhere.

Are you Chapo/OnGuardForThee users retarded on purpose or is this gods punishment?

Aren’t you that try-hard faggot that always introduces yourself in your shitty agendaposts? No one missed you on your hiatus, feel free to leave again.

At least when I agenda post I have the presence of mind to write you retards a witty title. Spam posting some dumb blog across ten subs to farm a bit of karma is the most not good kind of whoring.


Im a national treasure boo

I'll admit your last post was k


Lol that picture

Why is memerson's name even in the title? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

Fair to assume that 77 percent of mothers doesn't know exactly who the father of their kid is?

That picture.
