Reddit Today

239  2018-05-15 by Lvl100SkrubRekker


Credit to /u/sexytaft for making this after one of my comments.

I have no idea what any of these acronyms mean

I am noob

If you're actually noob and not affiliated with either of those groups, I'm curious as to how you ended up here and in a new thread at that.

I'm subscribed to this subreddit

I saw this scrolling thru my homepage

I'm extremely ignorant when it comes to internet slang

I'm learning but it is a slow process

IDF = Israeli Defense Forces

/r/cth = /r/ChapoTrapHouse (various far-left types)

/r/mde = /r/milliondollarextreme (roughly right-wing shitposting)

joos = ZOG NWO

Tyvm for the info

what does tyvm mean

Try your veal, mate.

what does veal stand for

If banging your mother is like a big aged steak, veal is like turning your little sister inside out.







Thank you very much

You are welcome, what does tyvm mean?

Tyvm=thank you very much

Tyvm very much

Treyvon Martin

I thought idf referred to the JIDF, aka the Jewish Internet Defense Force.

JIDF = Hasbara

The IDF is basically the American military but even better since they only have to fight unarmed civilians and Arab standing armies, both of which they completely slaughter.

im here because im banned from SRD

Submit this to /r/millionshekelextreme lol

Lol k

Do it. We need more content.

tfw some Palestinian kid throws a rock at you violating the NAP so you shoot him in the face along with whoever was dumb enough to stand next to him

According to Hamas that kid now gets thirty virgins as a martyr though. So who's the real winner?

that kid now gets 30 MDEtards or Chapotards

Israel wins, duh

These are hot af bantz fam

haha getting mad that soemone's insuting your podcast waifu.

Im not mad, and I don't listen to these podcasts you mongo.

30 incels, you say 🤔

No thanks.

If you don't martyr yourself for the feminist cause you go to hell and you're assigned to 30 incels. Collectively.

Mohammad knew what's up. All these other religions said, "You're going to be reincarnated", or "You're going to heaven to see your family and be in the presence of Jesus". Mohammad was just like "Fuck it, you get sex robots".

every palestinian who throws only a rock at the IDF soldier needs to be killed i agree. rocks are too soft of a punishment for the invading army of "israel". a bullet to the head of israeli scum is the only correct response to someone occupying your land

Unironically this my brother.

He's a rock or a bullet?

good, end all those palestinian mongrels, theyre fucking savages dude, they stab babies.

Where is politics and the_donald?

cth & mde


Too mainstream

this, but unironically

Hahahahah drama is the best damn subreddit

You kill 50 civilians and suddenly everyone is all mad for some reason.

but how will strong, armed military forces defend their concrete fortified border against rocks thrown by children?!?!?!

Napalm? maybe land mines.

why not land mines full with napalm?

Fill them with white phosphorus to provide an effective smoke screen for your troops?

Fougasse boi


The old "if the protester runs their a terrorist if they stand their ground then their a well trained terrorist"


weird how all extremes have that common thread huh almost like theres something to it

Where's the lie?

Be my landmine 😍♥️

add in a bunch of literal cocksucking faggots crying about pitbulls, and you about got it.


And they are all correct.

T_D is in muh liberals and muh joos except the jews are fucking BASED.

The only reason reddit "cares" is because this is related to Trump, so this is a new angle for them to fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo

If Trump had nothing to do with it someone would have brought him up anyway

Imagine being this Jewish.

Like, way above normal got hate.

Where did hitler land on this political compass

Tfw living rent free in OPs mind

Skrub just keeps posting the good content goddamn son


so much original ((((content))))

What happened?

Hamas ordered thousands people to rush the militarized Israel border with burning tires and firebombs. Got shot at expectedly, Palestinians playing the victim again. The reddit left are calling for the death of all jews and the retard right has always hated the Jews so there is common ground now.

If the choice were between Palestinian genocide and allying myself with MDEfugees I would literally fly to Israel tomorrow and start manning the machine guns myself.

Reddit's like this until Hamas decides to have their annual fireworks festival.