Extremists out out out. This is a safe space for radical centrists

87  2018-05-15 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Canuck centrist = Amerimutt commie

C(an)ucks are even cucked soy bois by European standards.

Both need the zyklon.

Ewwww... Canadian? The extra pulp of politics.

Ford nation folks.






Day of the Rake when

Make up your mind. Too much fence sitting leaves you with a fence post deep in your bussy.

That compass is /r/badpolitics

If you're a liberal american, that's just about right.

I consider myself a "radical centrist"

No I am not joking.

In US terms? Yeah, still pretty close.

Yes in US terms. I keep on forgetting Canada/Europe is full of socialist scum.

Pretty much the only point being made by anyone in this entire post, yeah.

Time to hit the pipe with good ol' Dougie.


Am I still allowed in?

I tried to pick the answers for a socially conservative leftist, to be a Stalin to your Hitler, but saying that I hate gays, immigrants, Indians, women, and love Jesus, only made me a socially neutral leftist. Leaf politics are weird, man.

its a garbage compass test it has no authoritarian/libertarian Axis instead they divide into social progressive or conservative, so they assume authoritarianism implicitly.

Libertarian political analysis is garbage.

Radical centrism is actually where 1/4th of the dot is on ever corner of thr map.

libs being in the same place is commies

fucking those plinkos were up to something