Welp, it's happened. Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison has come out as a Qultist.

139  2018-05-15 by snallygaster




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Is there anything more degenerate than an adult cartoonist? Political especially, everything fell off after Doonesbury and bill the cat.


I still can't get over how retarded their noses looked

bad goy


more degenerate than an adult cartoonist

Uh....isn't virtually every cartoonist an adult?

Honestly if you aren't a professional artist by the time you're 3 years old kill yourself tbh.

You ever indirectly insult Gary Larson again I'm coming for you

Calvin and Hobbes is over rated.

I agree

Oh shit I meant far side, my bad dude.


He's giving Kelly a run for his money.

Wait, the dad lost weight over the past 50 years?

Wait where's the crying statue of liberty?

She's on the tv!

ooh, nice find!

He didn't even make the new age mom obscenely obese, what a hack.

Tbf, she should be out with her gal pals taking photos of expensive deserts for instagram.

Serious question: Did The Onion get the Statue of Liberty thing from Garrison, or did he steal it from them?

Kelly is a parody of Garrison.

The typo in "Father's now" is brilliant. Kelly is a national treasure.

He didn't even manage to do a good job making his point. The dad in the first picture is fat, sleazy, drinking and smoking. He looks like a stereotypical abusive father you'd see in a psa.

That's the point. It's The Onion

This is a bad parody because it's true.

Don't you dare compare that genius to Garrison.

Does Kelly directly parody Garrison, or just people like him in general?

He’s been doing his thing for much longer than Garrison has been well-known.

Thanks mr skeltal

father smokes drinks booze and whatcha tv while wife does all work:good

father does all work while wife whatches tv while waiting:bad

At last I finally see

This is like one of those magic eye pictures except instead of unfocusing your eyes you inject fentenyl.

What a surprise, the guy who still draws comics with allusions to pizzagate is a Qultist?

whats a qultist

There’s a poster on I think 8chan called Q who posts literal gibberish. There’s a cult following of boomers who believe he’s an official in the White House dropping coded messages. It’s much crazier than it sounds. If you search for CBTS and Qanon on this sub you’ll find more

I'm not interested in watching the latest update of real housewives of donald j blumf

honestly u shud be

nah i'm good. just waiting until it's over

Yeah, it's not surprising at all. Prior to the election all his comics were conspiracy theory type shit; GMOS, vaccines, chem trails, fluoridation, Illuminati, etc.

Can zyklon ben make a comic without labeling ten million things

It's a law for everyone that makes political comics

Ben is particularly bad about it.

the only subtle thing about ben garry is the raging boner he tucks away while drawing these

If you don't beat readers over the head with labels how will you be sure that they get your hot takes?

He's targeting the niche demographic of people who know of MC Escher's art, but also need a 'WAR' label on the tank for the symbolism to register.

targeting the niche demographic of people who know of MC Escher's art

Ah yes Mc Eschers staircase is extremely niche, hardly anyone has heard of it

Yes, it does sound stupid if you just ignore the second half of the sentence.

Maybe he just wanted to make sure nobody confused it with the Chinese Tanks of Peace.

This is like asking if gay dudes can just stop sucking dick for a minute. Some things are just part of the gig.

Tangent... This older lady moved into a house down the street. She likes to go on walks. At first we noticed an orange cone in the driveway of her house. A month or so later the cone was gone but it had been replaced with a new landmark. She painted the word "house" on the side of the house in huge letters. You can easily see it from a half a block away.

TBH it helps non-americans to quickly identify what is what. If he didn't label half of the shit, I wouldn't have gotten it as much as I do now and I'm still pretty sure I'm missing a lot.

pol bullied this man too far....

He now loves 4chan.

this one is fucking crazy even for ben

Nah, except for the Q thing which I think is new for him, this is pretty standard. The only thing that's missing is Obumma giving shekels to terr'rists.

i mean, like, compositionally. usually he either sticks to one or two main topics per comic or has some sort of clear structuring element to guide the eye, but here he's woven almost all of his batshit takes into a giant, chaotic tapestry of schizophrenia. it's like im staring directly into his fractured mind

I don't even see what the point is here. Did Ben forget that political cartoons are at least supposed to have some sort of statement or punchline? It just seems like he ejaculated everything he likes and doesn't like into an MC Escher drawing.

I think he just wanted to draw Escher's Relativity, and threw his usual nonsense in there because he can't help himself

Maybe he wanted to say that american politics is an inextricable clusterfuck, but odds are he's simply retarded.

Hmmm... So where are Gog and Magog geographically located?

This man is a pedophile. I can tell by his cartoon that he touches children

Mental illness like this used to get locked up in a mental institution or at least forced into homelessness.

I don't get the obsession with the electoral map that some people have. It's like "Congratulations, you posted a population density map of the United States!" What is this supposed to prove? That empty useless land is more important that populated, producing, worthwhile land? in b4 "le reason trumpu-sama won"

which is honestly the most retarded argument that is made in this political climate.

Lol no

I dunno, it doesn’t have much going for it. At least most stupid positions are at least part of a stupid ideology. That argument is isn’t even defending a position, it’s arguing semantics, and incorrectly at that.

"A republic not a democracy" is just some excuse that libertarianish conservatives give when they think they deserve power even when they can't win any votes. It's pretentious and annoying.

Pretty much never in history has any electoral system been biased towards the less powerful members of society, or biased towards urban areas and against rural areas. It's always towards the powerful and rural. At best the others get equality, and they have to fight tooth and nail for that because powerful and rural interests are always fighting too throw something in there that biases it towards them again.

Meh, the cap of the House is really what throws the whole thing out of whack way more than it should.

I don't get the obsession with the electoral map that some people have.

When they've ghettoised themselves in a smaller and smaller "in-group" and the "out-group" is now bigger (actually it's been bigger since the 70's or so, just now not letting them be arseholes in peace) they lash out. The electoral map basically, to them, says "Real America" is them and in turn they are "Real America."

It's fucking stupid, but these are the same types that saw Archie Bunker unironically as the protagonist on All in the Family.

The stars on that flag are missing a point.

So, I guess Zyklon Ben just equated Democracy with Communism in this one?

Really tells you all you need to know about the guy.

The true radical centrist

Ben "I prefer my erotica to have a swastika" Garrison

Q predicted this.

What's with the random marijuana plant in the corner?

The “Me Too” thing at the top really pisses me off. Women are standing up to their rapists/abusers and it’s a bad thing? Lolok

^ This guy raped me

I’m a girl

Your penis isn't very feminine


The people like him seem to love it or hate it based upon who the target of the week is and how the wind is blowing.

I always figured he was, guess it's nice to see proof though.

/u/ultrashitpost do you think this can be the product of schizophrenia?

He's a subtle one

Do I see Ron Paul? That's a blast from the past.

The irony of this coming from a guy who makes political cartoons is too hilarious to overlook.

what the fuck am i reading lol