The anti semites at /r/gamerghazi decides that a Jewish dress is racist

56  2018-05-15 by AdministrativeRadio4


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"Gamerghazi says something that hurts my fee fees"


"Gamerghazi says something that hurts my fee fees"

Gamerghazi says something that~ hurts my fee fees~ is ridiculous

how do u justify dresses being racyst?

My autism? You racist pig.

All good, but some actual drama to go with it would be nice.

TBH it's pretty solid drama for ghazi, lots of controversial crosses and mayos arguing about some white people nonsense. Probably not the drama we need, but the one we deserve.

I suppose to be fair it did bring me this comment

Some might object to Israel even participating in Eurovision. As a settler-colonialist ethnostate, I think it perfectly encapsulates European values and the fact that the song that won was culturally appropriative was just icing on the cake.

People being silly has been posted as drama for years.



If anything, that dress helped for few seconds to overshadow that hideous face, body, song, lyrics, dance...

Moldova should have won. If it was about talent they would have.

The whole performance was weird and gross.

/u/FishAndBone, can you throw a y'all in there, bb? I'm alllmost there.

But was it creepy and icky?



insert copious amounts of POC coloured clap emoji's

Quickest nut I’ve had in years.

> not even one "folks"

confirmed for Russian bot

/u/FishAndBone is it fair to say the performance was deeply problematic and reflective of toxic cultural appropriation? And a bit jew-y for your tastes?

the chicken clucking wasn't bad, but i guess rayciss against egg-laying domesticated fowl. plus, cluckular appropriation.

A dress cant be racist you fucking retards. Unless the dress has pictures of swastikas and hanged black guys

Red silk is the property of Chinese civilization confirmed.

Byzantium needs to pay reparations ASAP

Why is a sub dedicated to GOOBERGOAT talking about this?

Same reason GG is talking about Jordan Memerson. When you run out of things to be outraged about, you just gotta widen your indignant net.

Grovergato is long since over so the people left on the respective subs just circlejerk themselves into extremism.