/r/twoxchromosome has been brigades by /r/thathappened and /r/iamverybadass. Stories of kickass chubster women abound! YAS QWEEN!

32  2018-05-15 by rationalhuckleberry


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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I imagine that scene went something like this


Dinosaurs πŸ¦– don’t get sexually assaulted due to their superior strength

Bunch of twenty ton fatasses with a giraffe necks and tiny little heads talking like "we are just too strong and empowered, men can't handle us"

They can’t handle how BRAV and STRONK they is!

Its time to stop pretending there are two equal sides.

There is the intellectually and morally superior side, and then there are the dinosaur πŸ¦– haters.

The dinosaur πŸ¦– hater hates that educated plasma-folding dinosaurs πŸ¦– are the winners in a service-based globalized multicultural society because of our tyrannical strength, and they blame all their failures on dinosaurs πŸ¦– and other prehistoric animals. They are seeing how Earth is increasingly becoming vibrantly diverse, and how lizard people will soon be the majority and losing their privilege terrifies them.

I've come to realize that much of history is made up of periods where dinosaurs πŸ¦– drag dinosaur πŸ¦– haters kicking and screaming into utopia, then we try to compromise for a while, then we go back to dragging.

"No, dinosaur πŸ¦– haters, we're not going back to the plasma-fold."

"No, dinosaur πŸ¦– haters, we're are making George Washington a lizard person."

"No, dinosaur πŸ¦– haters, you can't form your own planet with blackjack and humans."

"No, dinosaur πŸ¦– haters, you can't keep denying dinosaurs πŸ¦– the right to eat you."

"No, dinosaur πŸ¦– haters, we're not going back to the way things were before the return of the dinosaur πŸ¦–."

"No, dinosaur πŸ¦– haters, non-lizard person representatives aren't constitutional."

"No, dinosaur πŸ¦– haters, you can't deny inter-species the right to marry."

The names of the people change from era to era, but it's always been dinosaurs πŸ¦– dragging humans against their will into a lair for consumption. I grew up in one of the in-between eras, where we all thought that compromise was a possibility, but I'm more and more realizing how mistaken I was about that. It's time once again for dinosaurs πŸ¦– and lizard people to stop being nice and drag our planet into the 21st century.

The simple fact of the matter is that dinosaur πŸ¦– haters just never offer any good ideas. They defend the most morally evil species that has ever been in power on this planet, sitting back as they destroy our planet by selling us to the highest bidder in mars, saying nothing as this blatant conflicts of interest make us compromised by actors like Galactic Federation of Anti-Reptilains, and just insisting that we go back to a place where speciesism and discrimination were rampant.

So FUCK anyone who defends dinosaur πŸ¦– haters and fuck anyone who voted for them. These people are traitors to our planet.

Never thought of it like that. Good point.

If you were a dinosaur you'd be a Epidexipteryx lol

No I’d be a Spinosaurus

More like a cuckosaurus πŸ˜΅πŸ˜‚

I will merge into the dinosaurs πŸ¦– embrace as you are left in darkness in their stomach

Utahraptor for me

I think Hollywood gets it's ideas from twox.

More like the Lifetime Channel.

Both. Everytime I see a movie where the brave womyn goes full kung foo on a guy twice her size I laugh. It's completely unrealistic.

A couple weeks ago I was driving past an alley, and saw a woman start smacking a guy. He returned blow for blow, but just kept getting worse. I was stuck in traffic, and this dude was way bigger than me (a skinny 6'4" guy). All I could think do was honk. By the time traffic was moving again he was slamming her head into the ground, with a crowd of onlookers

Of all the things that have ever happened in the course of human history, this happened the most.

then he curbstomped her, AHX style

Then ripped off her head and shit down her neck while the crowd cheered and presented him with a crisp β‚©100000 bill.

All I could think to do was honk

The reason women have never ruled the world, and never will.

I'd be fucking terrified if a +300 lbs woman tried to tackle me, that's pretty much how those NFL players get concussions.

300.0 lbs = 136.1 kilogram

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why? you just sidestep, it's not like they can decelerate without some sort of net or jet engine in reverse

/u/10pep is probably worried they’ll fall on him from on high, like an immense piano.


Fat cat women always love this fantasy of being powerful. It's pretty sad, imo.

On the bright side, they only have to live until 55 then the heart attacks mercy kill them.

And then the cats chew a hole into her and eat her from the inside out.


let s just fucking tackle them all I’m honestly all for it

That sounds like a great way to get the shit beat out of you

No no it’s a modern feminist world! She can titles 1v1 a gym bro.

As awesome as this was, for safety's sake make sure you're a badass like OP before attempting to tackle someone with 20-50 lbs more muscle than you.

Badass > 50 pounds of muscle.

Less than 15 minutes later, we were standing outside another place on the sidewalk talking to a promoter. Out of nowhere, this guy comes up and slaps my ass HARD then starts running away. I lost it. Without even thinking I sprinted after him even though I had heels with straps on and was in a dress. I caught up to him and sort of tackled him to grab him by the neck in a clinch. I started hitting him and screaming β€œWhat the FUCK makes you think that would be ok to do? Is it funny NOW?!??” He tried to shake me loose but I grabbed the back of his shirt collar and he started to run and I ripped his shirt off. I would have kept at it but my friend dragged me away.

And then she woke up. What a lovely dream.