
801  2018-05-15 by watermark02


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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god fucking damn it

I can't believe someone unjokingly said this.

The thing is that anti-intelectualism has been a reality since the 80's. jaja saludos, nazimiellda.

This but unironically

This is probably like honey to MDEfugee flies but whatever.

buzz buzz

You have to go back. You understand, I hope.

Be very safe please

My👏 culture👏 is 👏not 👏your 👏goddamn 👏shitpost material 🐝

/u/cdace help meeeee 😭😭😭

His culture is not shitpost material!!! (It’s for my tea)

But I thought they hated Jews.

Jews Rock

Jews rock? Never heard of that place? Where is it located?

They’ve arrived


My point

More than Muslims?

In general, yeah. When I walk into a thread and think "Hey, finally somebody with a reasonable opinion on Israel", and then I find out it's MDE-ites, that is a time when I have to reexamine my life choices.

It's like asking someone which disease is worse than death

The absolutely hatred they have for Jews is amazing. They're responsible for everything from transexuals and cuckolding to Satanism and Muslim refugees. Basically everything bad that has ever happened was da joos fault.

Pretty dank pic though

Because its troo

When mayos controlled the world it was called "The Dark Ages", America under secret Jewish control has become a superpower. The Jews deserve a lot of credit.

If I had a choice between Palestinian genocide or allying with MDE types on Israel, I would fly to Israel tomorrow and start mowing the crowds down myself.

Muslims are simply a tool of the Jew to destroy white culture. Israel keeps Hamas around to garner sympathy, and it clearly works. Even in the wake of recent events, you'll see good goyim posting "but muh self-defense" sentiments everywhere.

Israel could get rid of every Hamas leader that presents a problem if they wanted to, it's just that they don't.

Lol. Imagine believing that Muslims were created by the Jews and not admitting that they were actually created by the Catholics.

your link doesn't work

It's not a link, it's using the sub's greentext CSS macro. I have CSS disabled, but I still use the sub macros in comments.

Ohhhh. I guess it just doesn't work in "unread messages". Thanks for that information. Now go and ring some bells and tell yourself that the communion wafer is the actual body of Christ while you cry yourself to sleep, papist.

Lol imagine failing every state standardized aptitude test so hard as to think "who made dat muslimz?" is the relevant topic as opposed to "Who controls them?"

This but unironically.

wait till hasbara detects this - it should be fun.

great bait for eternal drama.

but.... r/milliondollarextreme is still up.

Please kill yourself

Oh wow, what a great burn! Jon Oliver will be impressed.

If you want the white race to have a bright and prosperous future you really should kill yourself

/u/feelthatbern you cant argue with this or you're being intellectually dishonest

simply stating that sub-reddit exists gets this response; really activates the almonds

Fuck whites fuck them out of existence, support the mayocide

MODS! MODS! Can I tell people to kts now too? Please???

Wait drama pro or anti Israel? I think MDE would be anti Israel, but would do mental gymnastics to approve of their actions against the Palestinian threat

ACKSHUALLY MDE started off as a Palestinian sovereignty support facebook group.

drama is neutral israel, as we are all radical centrists

Israel is actually the father and america is the kid

Israel is Dinkleburg

But DInkleburg is a nice guy.

Israel is the bull and Americans are the CUCKS.

Yes it is, especially when it's Palestinians

No. When dealing with Hamazis that won't go away, white phosphorous is more appropriate.

So you're saying gassing is okay?

Willy Pete is more of a powder.

its like "free showers" so to say.

Willy Pete: the only MAGAMEMNON approved Palestinian additive

"Try to walk in my shoes", jews said.

I see no more efficient way to purge the mayos.

The evil ZOG Nazi ethnostate should be destroyed and replaced by a peaceful Muslim ethnostate


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Make ALLAH great again, friend.

Make Allah akbar you mean.

just allah my dude

This but unironically

Sunni muslim*

Stand muh sand

For a moment I thought I was on completeanarchy

Nah if I had made it for completanarchy I would've given Israel fangs, drenched them in blood, plus it would say "Y u murder Palestinian children joo?!" instead.

They type the question into a Jew controlled company. How convenient.

they should tear down the copy of trump's wall they have built

its bad enough hes trying to keep people out. jews don't need to be an ethnic state like he wants

Why does Israel resist giving itself to the uncountable BENEFITS of multiculturalism?