N Korea just trolled S Korea and the US

105  2018-05-15 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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There is no drama in that thread.

Not the thread. The topic.

Then why did you link to the thread?


Perfect reply!

The fact it annoys you is good enough


Years after the last intelligent being in the universe dies North Korea will still be sending threats.

I know it's half a world away, but I wish they were less gleeful about a setback to international peace.

Celebrating North Korean militarism to own the Trumptards

same trumptards foaming at the mouth when muzzies shoot up/run vans over people even in Europe

no u: the political seriouspost

Not no u but you too :p

Le euphoric redditors would call this whataboutism, my good gentlesir

It is kinda funny how they spent the past several weeks distancing Trump from bridging the peace negotiations but now they've fallen through it's all Trump's fault.

Except everyone with two braincells to rub together knew this wouldn't lead anywhere, because it's literally the exact same trick the Nork goverment has pulled countless times in the past, when they were in a tough spot.

Trump had nothing to do with it either way. The man doesn't do international deals, he can barely wipe his own ass.

We call that the President's paradox. It changes depending on who is in office. If it is a Republican, the paradox happens for Democrats; if the POTUS is Democrat, it is Republicans with this strange and baffling paradox.

Did he? Because his first reaction was "time will tell"

He's definitely unzipping and prepare to wag it around; while all the Trumpsters have already sent a dick pic before the first date.


They haven't fallen through at all, this is a slight hiccup presented to you by the fair and impartial BBC.

is Big Black Cock the radical centre of dick?

What setback. It's North Korea. They do this pretty regularly every decade or so.

The only people this might affect is a few fishermen and some idiot missionaries. Oh, and the North Korean people, but that's their problem.

I mean, when I've been telling people this would happen the whole time and not to get their hopes up, and given the negative response to that, I'd say bittersweet vindication is completely appropriate.

Same. It's fun to laugh at all of the people who forgot that Kim Jung Un is Kim Jung Un and this shit happens all the time.

You seem to be one of those people. The peace talks are still scheduled no matter what these lefty journalists wish for.

I'm sure those talks are going to go very smoothly and will result in NK halting their weapons program for little to nothing in return.

Maybe they'll convince Trump that he needs to support North Korean industry, too.

There is no threat to Daddy here, just the ususal fevered commie journalist delusions.

Lol imagine being you.

Ridiculous. How could you not see that the guy who had his uncle's entire family executed for his support of Western-style economic reform was a big peace-loving softie all along?

Wasn't that the other way around? Executing hardcore commies because he wanted some Western-style economic reform?

who knows

No Nobel for Daddy = means r"politics" off of suicide watch and back to their "normal" lives.

If south Korea needs to be nuked for this ... so be it.

Or in wise words of Madeleine Albright; "It was worth it"

Spare me the melodrama. Everybody jerking off that David DINDU NUFFIN Dennison actually accomplished peace between two nations now know how much of a big dumbfucks they were all along. And the rest are laughing at their failed autism.

Spare me the melodrama.

He says, in a dama sub.

You need to keep your agendaposting in check, Ed-kun.

I wish they were less gleeful about a setback to international peace.

saying gay shit like this in a sub that makes fun of retards all around the world


Try being less mad. DINDU NUFFIN in Chief got played 4D chess style by Best Korea and people who saw this miles away should be deservingly smug about it.

setback to international peace

Maybe don't elect tv hosts?

I'm not even american, you dolt, stop getting so worked up.

I'm not even American

Sure. Still my point stands. Don't cry over if some peace talks failed. At least in a sub like this

you dolt

Wow. I'm hurt 😒 is this a setback to intra-subreddit peace?

getting worked up no u

I'm a little gleeful about it because I knew it was never real

Literally everyone with a memory longer than 10 years say this coming.

They did this to Bush, Clinton, etc. They've been playing the same tune since the goddamn 90s.

Trump will figure it out. Rest assured my little dramatard.

This is what retards actually believe. Or you can admit that 8D Craps ain't a thing

How about one month from now when trump gets this thing back on the rails, you come back and gild this comment.

Not surprised that a Trump supporter would want everything covered in fake gold

Just cause i support trump it doesn’t make me a trump supporter

Sucking cock makes you a cock sucker tho....πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

only if more than 20 times.

up to 20 is just experimenting with sexuality.

At least thats how my gay studies professor told me.

Just cause i support trump it doesn’t make me a trump supporter


Fuck a goat one time...

That's literally what it means

Snappy, pls.

y people down vote this? its funn shit.

It went over their peebrained little heads



In my mouth please


RemindMe! 1 month "was retard tricked into believing in other retard?"

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Hey it's you from the future. The answer is yes, the retard was retard.


It hasn't even been a month lol

Well shit, the meeting actually went ahead as planned.

Yup, wasn't really Trump getting it back on the rails though. It was the North and south Korea having meetings regardless of Americas presence. But good job on Trump for showing up in the end

So I should reward the website because of a fantasy you of?

Okay, you know what? I'm in.

What are your stakes? Like, what if in one month (6/15/18, for the record), Trump does not, in fact, get this thing back on the rails? What are you gonna put up (and then welch on)?

How about one month from now when trump gets this thing back on the rails

lol wut? When has Trump had anything on the rails? Mexico hasn't paid the wall, the wall isn't even a wall, Trump can't get shit passed

Sure, sure. And then a while after that it goes off the rails, then a bit of sabre-rattling, then the talks are back on, back off. This is an old tune, one that Trump apparently doesn't know how to dance to.

Unluggy my dude

If T_D is a cult, then 4-D chess is their β€œthe lord works in mysterious ways”.

By 'figure it out' do you mean 'have another meltdown on Twitter', let Bolton take us to war, or both?

Has he reacted to this on Twitter yet? I hope he slips past his staffers lets his sperg flag fly once again.

It's too late in the day, he's out for the night. Gotta catch his feed at 3am.

idk, it'd be more pleasant to wake up to it in the morning. Nothing like starting the day with politics drama.

i give it 6-7 hours

inshallah πŸ™

Trump will figure it out

Imagine being this stupid

Don't worry about him. He's the guy with the tiny penis

Not sure what I expected...



Bolton is a bit older guy and he did not see this coming.

He was all over media praising Trump and how "tough talk/stance" worked. Will be funny to hear his analysis now.

I imagine he will most likely smile and say "Now we kill them all" while foaming at the mouth.

Bolton would be fine with either alternative. Peace is an ego stroke, war is a dick stroke.

Every generation has to learn the hard way.

Tell me, is the meeting between Trump and Kim cancelled?

Nothing yet. Just the Weds SK meeting.

What you're saying is that Best Korea is showing us how great the dictator for life model is? You can play the same tricks on the newly elected chump over and over again. You get wiser every year, and they start again at "dumb as fuck and worried about ratings" every 4 or 8 years.

It wasn’t the same Kim the other times btw.

A Kim is a Kim. Whether a Gibbler, Kardasian or Un, they are all the same

Yeah I'm a bit baffled as to how Trumptards convinced themselves this was a real thing and NK was actually interested in peace.

You're back! 😍


Please never leave again

god i missed u daddy


Please never pretend to be drunk again

This, good god I've never been so embarrassed for someone

Def wasn't pretending. Was pretty hammered.

To be honest, I think North Korea was interested - the goodwill built up over the Winter Olympics was legit - but it had nothing to do with the US and was entirely between the Koreas. Once the US started talking about conditions, North Korea decided it wasn't keen.

This is the art of the deal folks. Kim is countering, he just tryin to get his.

Be safe on all levels, at all times you absolute mong


I disagree. Historically, North Korea would usually string along other countries for aid for a few years before telling them to fuck off.

The Iran deal fiasco likely has something to do with this.

Trump decided to destroy US credibility so he could pander to his dumb ass base and now it's blown up in his face.

/T_D just ordered 5D Chess for Suckers from amazon.nk

North Korea going back on their promises? Who wudda thunk?

I know its crazy, only white people lie!

linking to /r/redacted

using T_D memes outside of your safe space

being a poster boy for r/sadcringe

They should have gone through with it, but instead of Kim Jong Un coming into the summit, they’d just wheel in a TV playing β€œNever Gonna Give You Up”.


fart noise

Why not? Obongo got the Nobel Prize for doing nothing.

Nice racist slur.

Nobel Prize

racist slur

Nigga, Obama ain't Swedish.

also u/CloacallaFestival and at least 5 other alts

I know right? His real name is Tyrone O-Bummer

imagine that, a racist slur in /r/drama

At least make them creative. This is Fox/Facebook tier racism. Or just call him a nigger and be done with it.

It's a lighthearted joke. It's hilarious to see so many people bootyblasted over Obongo while they come up with 8000 derogatory names for Drumpf or call Bush a monkey.

If you think it’s in any way the same boi do I have a bridge to sell

We can't insult Obongo because he's black? Political correctness gone mad!


Take pride in your craft. Obongo is played out.

I prefer something wholesome over something mean like Nigbama. Besides, there's no way to top the genius and originality of DRUMPF.

You're really fixated on "Drumph" aren't you?


Someone took too much klonopin and got fired after missing their shift at wal-mart.

I wondered where the fucking greeter was when I went to make my weekly donation to the People's Republic of China.

Please refer to President Hussein by his proper name and not that racist slur.

literal incel lul

wow its like its really 2012 again

Even liberals admit that Obama's Nobel was bullshit. Conservatives should do the same now.

We'll see. We need to begin a peace process with North Korea, not make crazy demands. One step forward, two steps back. That's the key to progress.

Trump has already saved more lives than Killary by refusing to start WW3 over Syria.



One step forward, two steps back. That's the key to progress.

How can you write this line and not realize that you are retarded?


Until you get rid of the DPRK's politburo, all youre doing is give Kimmy his daily dose of American blowjobs.

Also imagine being this retarded

WW3 over Syria

Imagine basing your geopolitics in 2016 Facebook talking point

What OBNIGGER said about his "peace prize"

And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated. In part, this is because I am at the beginning, and not the end, of my labors on the world stage. Compared to some of the giants of history who've received this prize – Schweitzer and King; Marshall and Mandela – my accomplishments are slight. And then there are the men and women around the world who have been jailed and beaten in the pursuit of justice; those who toil in humanitarian organizations to relieve suffering; the unrecognized millions whose quiet acts of courage and compassion inspire even the most hardened cynics. I cannot argue with those who find these men and women – some known, some obscure to all but those they help – to be far more deserving of this honor than I.

But perhaps the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars. One of these wars is winding down. The other is a conflict that America did not seek; one in which we are joined by 42 other countries – including Norway – in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks.



Posted it on r/the_donald. Now to see how long until I get a ban. I bet on twenty minutes.

I just deported you, bebe.

Thanks for your service, daughter fucker.

Lock up your daughters.

Fam, agamemnon daughter is electra. It ain't our daughters that will get a dicking.

Oh, come on. She can't be that fat.


Fam, keep your wincest shit far away from me.


Keep your she-nis away from me.

Deport the dotards

They already have a couple of threads about it, so it might not get that much attention. Here are the threads, with the amount of comments in each thread if you want to look for drama:

North Korea threatens to cancel US meeting over American military drills with South Korea, Yonhap says. I knew it. Too good to be true (7 comments)

The cabal is in full panic now with headlines like this: "North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over South Korea-US military drills", but we all know it's nothing more than #FakeNews (6 comments)

North korea crying about military drills, threatens to cancel meeting with US. Dont like militarized border? End the war rocketman. (11 comments)

Breaking: Rocket Man throws a tantrum. North Korea suspends talks with South Korea (9 comments)

North Korea threatens to cancel US meeting over American military drills with South Korea, report says (Personally, I think it is just a ploy to get a McDonald's franchise in North Korea) (3 comments)

North Korea threatens to CANCEL Trump's nuclear summit (24 comments)

Little Rocket Man throws his first peace talk hissy fit (18 comments)

You can hear the so-called journalists at NYT grinning, celebrating that NK now doesn't want to play nice... "North Korea Postpones Talks With South Korea; Decision Is Surprise" (3 comments)

North Korea threatens to cancel US meeting over American military drills with South Korea, report says (17 comments)

State Department: Military exercises with South Korea still on despite North Korea threat (1 comment)

North Korea backs out of the talks after S. Korea continues military excercises (4 comments)

North Korea threatens to pull out of U.S. summit; cancels talks with South - "There is a limit to the amount of good will and opportunity (we) can give," the report said. "We will be keenly watching the future behavior of the U.S. and South Korean authorities." - Back to normal (18 comments)

Also, this isn't really related, but I just found this retarded comment:

Thanks for shearing.. CNN is Isis..


I don't get why people of a certain political leaning think that the "everyone I don't like is a Nazi" train of thought or political shit-flinging through insults is limited to one side. If you changed your political positions because someone from """your side""" called """the other side""" retarded on the internet, I don't know, that seems pretty snowflake-y.

people of a certain political leaning think

political shit-flinging through insults is limited to one side


people of a certain political leaning think

The politically retarded.


All sides fling shit at each other, but the complaining about how people "smugly" call them retarded is definitely more prominent with some groups more than others.

Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others

What's the status on your PhD?

Norks like to extort money, not surprised at all.

Over in news it's becoming hip to like NK now. It's basically the geopolitical equivalent of taking selfies with wild animals. An entire generation is a complete fucking wash.

People with the highest rate of cosmetic surgery in the world are retarded? Who'd have thought?

since when did real americans care about what gooks think?

IM DELETING YOU, KIMMY!πŸ˜­πŸ‘‹ β–ˆβ–ˆ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete..... β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete.... β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete.... β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ] 99% complete..... 🚫ERROR!🚫 πŸ’―TrueπŸ’― Kimmies are irreplaceable πŸ’–I could never delete you Kimmy!πŸ’– Send this to ten other πŸ‘ͺKimmiesπŸ‘ͺ who give you πŸ’¦commiesπŸ’¦ Or never get called ☁️the Dear Leader☁️ again❌❌😬😬❌❌ If you get 0 Back: no commies for you πŸš«πŸš«πŸ‘Ώ 3 back: you're mastermind of the revolutionβ˜οΈπŸ’¦ 5 back: you're Kimmy's Bright Sun of Juche πŸ˜½πŸ‘ΌπŸ’¦ 10+ back: KimmyπŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’¦πŸ‘…πŸ‘…

Despite the headline, the article and the BBC's own corresponded says it isn't cancelled.

But the US was quick to resist any suggestion that the summit was now in doubt.

"We will continue to plan the meeting," a state department spokeswoman told reporters soon after the news of the cancelled talks broke.

She added that the US had received "no notification" of a change in the North's position.


Safe to say no one in that /r/worldnews thread actually read the article.

that /r/worldnews thread

Safe to say no one in they /r/SyrianCivilWar thread actually read what subreddit it was in.

"We will continue to plan the meeting," a state department spokeswoman told...

Lemme stop you right there

66D chess boyos

You'd think this political flip-flopping will make every retard realize how much of a sensationalist jagoff their little clubs all are.

But nope, more bukakefests.

This summit has already happened, the rest is political showmanship


  • An idiot that believes Qanon Larp bullshit.

reeeeeee people believe things that I can’t wrap my head around so I will give them the downboats

who are you quoting?

username checks out

Well, that dream ended quickly. Guess daddy's definitely not getting a Nobel Peace Prize now.

Anyone who believes this whole thing is such a sucker.

Me, two days ago in r/news, -13 karma


I had to downvote this comment so it is at +13. I think that's what radical centrism means?

Or """new center""" if you're a canuckistan commie


yes honey!


Hello! πŸ€—

say it with me Bernie Would Have Solved The Korean Situation

..., an excellent table game he wanted to play with Jane, Levi, and Carina at his new lake house. But Levi complained that it was too expensive, and everybody would be expected to split the bill.

Trump strips the denuclearization Iran deal right before official talks regarding a denuclearization deal with NK. Kim may be a maniac, but he's not stupid. This 'peace deal' will blow up in flames.

Just as it always has in the last 3 decades.

Yep. Trump is now in a position where he NEEDS a win, otherwise he's going to look like a loser and a fool

I don't buy this talking point at all. Trump's already done more for the koreas than any other president in modern history.

What's the worst that could happen? Kim acts just like he did under obama, bush and his predecessor did under Clinton? K. What a massive "loss" for trump.

/u/eva_unit_hung /u/deere442 /u/captainpriapism πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

what nigga i dont get it

don't lump me in with these other idiots you faggot

anyone who didn't just tune in to politics last year knew this was gonna happen. it already has several times

SK should have never send their KPop garbage over. literally ruined the greatest historic moment in my life time.

Fucking LOL but how will Trump get his Peace Prize now?!

Politics is so anti Trump that they're celebrating this...

Hey man, its just really, really nice to have something that's not all Obama's fault for once.