My Fursuit Is Killing People.

45  2018-05-16 by pitterpatterwater


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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In that case by last Disney trip caused a genocide.

There are people who spend my yearly income on fursuits. This guy is making $28k per month to create some furry sex game.

I see, if I'll fail standard programmer career I'll just become a furfag.

Why not both? Since no one actually expects you to deliver, you could just moonlight it for extra shekels.

Sorry I'm not that desperate.

The original Rack played like absolute dogshit when i tried it today on newgrounds, lol.

The guy who does the VG Cats webcomic is making 2 or 3 times as much from my username as his comic

he only started doing it like 2 months ago or so and he's already in the thousands on patreon

furries are secretly super rich, your boss's boss is probably a furry

wtf I want to become a furry porn maker now

wait what 28 per month ? even dev creating freaking Yandere simulator makes about 5K month and he pays assistants for help from that as well.

It amuses me how many socialist/commie furries there are when they're inherently a materialist/capitalist concept

In an egalitarian economy, comrade, the fursuits would be available to all people who need them. It is only in this oppressive econo-political system of capitalism that the fur is exploited by the ruling class. Up the fursuits! Down with boss hogs!

My fursona is a boss hog. What should I do?

Evolve into a worker hog like the rest of us. Deal with it!

Get a better job disgusting poor.

highest expected price in the article is $25,000

Imagine being this much of a poorfag

You do realize that one of the people in it apparently buys multiple such suit every year, right?

I make more than this as an intern.

Well my complete indifference to the lives of others is also killing people, what's the point here?

They don't seem to care that being a furry is killing their parents, I'm not sure how this will stop them.

Singer is an influential modern ethicist in the utilitarian tradition, both well known and rather infamous for his various viewpoints on euthanasia, veganism, zoophilia, and economic equality (none of which are the subjects of this article).


Peter Memer is the guy that thinks a full grown cow's life is worth more than a human baby's. He lives in la-la-academic land, separate from us all.

Vegans are just so fucking hilarious 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

He dead actually.

🙏🙏🙏 Praise the Lord

He lives in la-la-academic land, separate from us all.

Is even more true if you think about it tho!


rather infamous [...] viewpoints [...] zoophillia.

Did that furry make philosophical point i cant disagree with as Uni student and philosophy and history avocado.


Peter Singers, the jew boomer deity of hedonistic utilitarianism (ergo 'club med for me, white guilt for thee') is not surprisingly also encouraged by the man made endocrine disaster that is the furries.

Hitler was right.

Links to fursite

No drama, just furry agenda

links to fursite again in comments

Dude, if you were a wolf irl i would euthanise the fuck out of you.

If you're trying to get me to spend my extra money on humanitarian efforts then the last thing you want to do is tell me I'm killing people by not doing it. When I can start counting my morning coffee in terms of people I've killed it then becomes a fun game to see how high I can score.

My "two-ply" instead of "one-ply" toilet paper is literally killing people. Nay! My policy of not using my hands to wipe is literally killing people.

My policy of owning more than one pair of usable underwear is also literally killing people.

My practice of buying condoms for my bulls is literally killing people too! From now on, Jamal, Hussein, Sanchez, Goldstein and Ramaphosa, all ride bareback.


Not using condoms will lead to kids, using more resources and killing more people than using condoms.

Not using condoms will lead to kids, using more resources and killing more people than using condoms.

GOOD point. So... the most utilitarian interpretation would be to still not buy condoms, but give them all the old snip snip.

Also you're a degenerate if you don't prefer cleaning with water.

I'm not descended from Frogs, so no bidet. ):

So... the most utilitarian interpretation would be to still not buy condoms, but give them all the old snip snip.

If you haven't guessed, I'm not srs.

I'm not descended from Frogs, so no bidet. ):

Keep your shit-encrusted ass then, gora.

If you haven't guessed, I'm not srs.

I know, I'm just talking kak as usual.

Keep your shit-encrusted ass then, gora.

I'm an expert-level wiper, the shit stands no chance.

I'm an expert-level wiper, the shit stands no chance.

Lol you're still leaving behind invisible residue. When u rub on cream it doesn't mean that the cream has disappeared when its no longer visible.

I'm also an extremely high velocity shitter (I trained with a guru in Delhi. This took three years to master.). It doesn't touch enough surface area to cause issue.

That's your problem right there; you trusted an indian to teach you how to shit.