Redditor wishes to travel to the “Vietnam of Africa”. Gets accused of racial insensitivity

43  2018-05-16 by nordicangst


This, but unironically.


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The entire African continent is a shithole. Who would've thonk that?? 🤔

,northern Africa has some lovely cities, but they're full of Muslims, so you will get raped.


Yeah no shit Sherlock.


Pretty sure when people go "What is the (SE Asia) of (Not SE Asia)?" that's just code for "Where can I go on this continent to find sexually available people?"

Seriously. Of you want to go do drugs and fuck homos in a downtrodden, sprawling metropolis just save yourself the money and go to LA.

Fuck you ed


"Guys, I mean a place that has great cities, that's worth the trip without going to see lions or elephants and stuff."

"That's racist!"

lmao reddit just gets crazier and crazier

>Going sub sahara for any reason beside wanting to inject yourself indigenous feces.

Not colonizing Africa in a race against the Chinks

This guy went to Africa to literally to stomp in their muck and catch their hookworm.

Oh, and he sells his shit, so you don't have to make the trip!

This guy went to Africa to literally to stomp in their muck and catch their hookworm.

I was talking about this dude, but good catch.


so Africa's cities can't compare to South-east Asia ... got it

This guy’s a sex tourist right?

At what point does regular AIDS tourism become "sex tourism"?

about the time you cross the border into Uganda

unless you stick to Knuckles, he's clean as a whistle

Every single day I mourn the fact that I was born to late for the legal entitlement to kill one whole mess of gooks.

But you were born in the era where China revolts against the American hegemony. It'll be even better.

Every single day I mourn the fact that I was born to late for the legal entitlement to kill one whole mess of gooks.

Where is the chinatown of Europe? I mean where can I buy brand name knockoffs?

Rwanda, militarily speaking.