/r/menslib discusses male genital mutilation. Ground rules : you're not allowed to call it mutilation when it happens to males, but those words are somehow fine for females. Also don't mention religion.

155  2018-05-16 by IAintThatGuy


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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"People with penis"

/u/BreShark explain pls.

He is simply referring to men and women and boys and girls.

Maybe. Let's see what's on his mind.

He's a horrible commie piece of shit.

Don't you have a "Jewish conspiracy" to cry about you mayo ass white skin mutha fucka?

Isn't there a bpt thread you should be larping as a black dude in right now?

GREAT rules. Thank you! :)

I said that in the post and put "only men have penises" with that. I got banned from the sub.

ur the hero we need fam

;) if only I didn't get banned :(

Well I'm pretty sure that place is proof that some men are pussies and some are just cunts.

Yup. I don't need encouraging words from randos on reddit.

Right? I had a sensible chuckle IRL when I read that.

* Benis

I visited tranny subs, gay subs, incel subs. Even furry subs.

But without the shadow of a doubt, r/menslib is where there is the biggest concentration of faggots I have ever seen.

Apart from the "no scapegoating religious groups" (since the practice is inherently religious) those rules aren't that bad.

Circumcision isn’t inherently religious, though.

It is in the modern world, at least. But you're right, maybe that rule has its merits as well.

Yeah it is. Americans did it because of anti-masturbation effort due religious reasons. Jews does it because rabbis like sucking baby penis.

Apart from Jews and Muslims, nobody in the US gets it done for religious reasons. Maybe it became popular due to religion, but that’s no longer a motive for the majority of circumcisions in the US.

no longer a motive for the majority

source? 💩?

P.S: I don't expect to see any data about it anyway. It's can be vague.

A lot of ppl do give the appeal visually to women and supposed cleanliness as the reasons why they'd do it.

Lol nigga I don't want to see your disgusting smegma-covered dick.

Cheese is the extra feature.

If she can see your dick you're doing something wrong.

If you can see it being unclean you're also doing something wrong.

If you clean it properly you'll never see smegma.

your foreskin is probably filled with poop from bussy buttholes.

The only reason you think that foreskin is something bad is because your 1incher somewhat resembles deformed clitoris and makes transfaggot like yourself better while justifying your mental retardation.

i don't think foreskin is bad , i think that yours is filled with bussy poo.

What you just said is logical fallacy, mentally retarded people by definition have impaired ability to think, trannies don't have one at all.

you wrote a whole paragraph of how your little willy should be parked in bussy at all times. i then surmised that your foreskin had over time, collected vast amounts of fecal matter from said bussy holes.

there is no logical fallacy here my friend.

You're just jealous that nobody wants you to pound their bussy, autist.

little smelly willy.

We aren't talking about yours right now :(

"no u"

good comeback purpleincel

Pretty funny, considering it's coming from definition of "an incel so he tries to change gender since femcels aren't real".

"no u"


Wouldn't it be more logical to cut the penis itself or their hands to stop them from doing what they still can even if their penis is mutilated though?

rabbis like sucking baby penis.


Eh, not comparing it to female mutilation? What? Ok - no comparing women’s earnings to men’s.

That's a different issue though. I'm not saying that sub isn't shit, but these particular rules make sense.

That's a different issue though

Only when convenient for the narrative.

That one doesnt

It does. The two aren't directly comparable, and when people inevitably do the same old drama repeats itself ad nauseam like a million times before. You can make a watertight case against circumcision without bringing it up anyway.

They'll still call female genital mutilation "mutilation" though.

Objectively, they both are. The problem is that male circumcision is a very normalized practice in the US. Calling it mutation makes some people incredibly defensive, since you're basically saying their parents are child abusers who mutilated them or their brother. It creates a shitshow that's benefitial to nobody.

It is beneficial to me because I feed on this shit, try again faggot.

Also they are abusers, and if I had enough power, everyone who even thought about circumcision unironically would be gassed before mayos.

So you'd do the Jews first? Yawn, that one's been done before.

Nah hitler was a loser, I am not gonna repeat same mistake twice, I'll let jews think they are safe then just nuke them when I'm done with mayos.

HARAMbe!!! you racist colonizers will speak down to Allah(PLAYBOY) and brownie traditions.

The problem is that male circumcision is a very normalized practice in the US. Calling it mutilation makes some people incredibly defensive

So if we were talking on a subreddit with mostly people from Sudan, we'd have to be careful about the words we use to describe cutting off clits?

I'd imagine so. Not very relevant though, is it.

Let's just call things for what they are. I'm tired of PC speech, and having to walk on eggshells so that savages are not offended when called out on their bullshit.

The problem is that male circumcision is a very normalized practice in the US.

So was homophobia and racism, if freaks dudes with mutilated dicks dont like it they can get fucked

I agree, but people need to get convinced first. Presenting facts calmly is a better way to get new parents to not mutilate their little baby boy than telling them to fuck off to a place where friendly people will tell them to get their son circumcised. Gay as it sounds, education is key to societal change.

meh, muricans


You mean people need to be told that cutting off a piece of your child without any anaesthetic may be a dick thing to do? (no pun intended, but it works so well im keeping it)

Presenting facts calmly is a better way

I don't think that attitude's gonna get much traction in this sub

MensLib actually did something good for once

Except all those rules would go out the window if a woman were breaking them. But yeah, it is a good list.

That's the only downside, they're hypocrites and don't treat men and women equally













Yes hi hello sir how are you this morning?

Pretty good, thanks. Flying out to Vegas in a couple hours, should be fun. You?

At work programming yet more shit that may or may not be used at all in a year! So much fun pissing away this budget due to management politics!


Wtf since when do you speak, did somebody remove your ball gag?

Most people have to wait for their first drunken orgy to get herpies, so these little fellas are two steps ahead of the game!

Most Yankland mutilees are Christians.

My favorite part is that OP is a woman considering whether to mutilate her unborn child against his will, or not.

The simple fact that it's a "debate" on /r/menslib tells you a lot. Let's post the opposite : a post from a guy who considers whether to remove the clit from his baby girl (or even piercing her earlobes).

Um sweaty that comparison is against the rules. I'm cutting off his peepee tip and there's nothing you can do about it.

And letting the rabbi suck the blood afterwards

Muh Jewish culture though

oy vey what do you mean you don't want your newborn son to die from herpes?

Why do rabbits want to suck bloody baby dicks? I thought they only eat carrots.

Abraham thinks children are sexy and that is why deviant sexual shit involving children is pervasive with people who hold power in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths.

Whereas Hindus just like to rape.

He's super into bondage, too. Like in the Binding of Isaac.

Umm nope, if you read my actual post, I’m not considering it at all. It’s more for support and resources, since I’ve already decided not to circumcise my son but I have very little experience with uncircumcised penises.

What type of support could you possibly need?


Yass kween!


Western mothers need a standing ovation every time they manage to achieve the bare minimum

What you should do is cut your son's entire penis off. Then he would be equal to women and no longer a patriarchal oppressor and future rapist 👏👏👏🐸☕

Sincerely, good for you. Also sincerely, never ask for advice regarding men from a feminist sub.

I mean cutting off the foreskin is nowhere near is a severe as cutting off the clit. But I agree, you shouldn't do either.

Lmao only /r/drama would downvote a literal fact like this. If you askef, I'm sure most of them would unironically say white men are the most oppressed group of people in the world.

circumcision != genital mutilation

Euros must be taking over :o

If you askef, I'm sure most of them would unironically say white men are the most oppressed group of people in the world.

Do you know where you are? We would give up everything for mayocide.

Ok, how about a ritual prick of the clitoral hood? That's banned from the second the West heard about it

Yeah you shouldn't do it, that's what I'm saying.

inner labia then. it's just skin


hello, sex haver here. the clit is the same as the excess skin on a mans dick

sex haver here

Your uncle fucking you in the shed when your parents are away doesn't count.

Oi, we here at men's lib believe in the principle of trickle down equality. Remember that all of men's problems are first and foremost women's problems and, therefore, by helping women you are helping men. Praise feminism, Heil Anita!

Heil Anita!

Unironically this. My waifu Anita can dom any day.

Trickle-down equality

my sides

3) No bodyshaming, which would include referring to cut guys as "mutilated".

4) If you are circumcised and you're okay with it, great. But don't tell other men that it's not a big deal and invalidate their concern for bodily autonomy.

/u/Broshark you can't put these right next to each other, you have to space them out or else it is too obvious you are trolling

3) No bodyshaming, which would include referring to cut guys as "mutilated".

4) If you are circumcised and you're okay with it, great. But don't tell other men that it's not a big deal and invalidate their concern for bodily autonomy.

/u/Breshark you can't put these right next to each other, you have to space them out or else it is too obvious you are trolling


1) Absolutely no mention of female genital mutilation (FGM) in any capacity. Not even as a comparison.


Circumcised men have a 0.0001 higher chance of resisting aids.

It's medical.

Where do I sign up?

That's only true if they had an old Jewish man suck their foreskin off. If you missed that vital step you lose all protection.

FGM specifically exists to decrease arousal and there is are no medical reasons to do it. Very different.

That's retarded lol, many religions have """reasons""" for FGM that are as retarded as the ones for MGM.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) found that the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks, but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision.

Here are their reasons:

  • A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.
  • A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.
  • Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.
  • Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).
  • Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).

I know you don't like it, but there are actual medical reasons for circumcision.

If all that was done in FGM was the removal of the clitoral hood, then it would be an accurate comparison, but that is not the case. The actual clitoris is removes as well as the labia and in some cases the vulva as well. This would be akin to removing the whole of the penis, not just the foreskin.


FGM refers to more than just one procedure you know, and it wouldn't be akin to removing the penis because men also use it for urinary reasons.

You know that you can remove the penis and leave a hole to pee out of right?

...Do you actually think cutting your penis would make you unable to pee ?


I'm pretty sure you can prevent athletes foot by amputing your babys feet, but the intense and tough actin lobbying from the tinactin people keep us from solving the problem of athletes foot once and for all. Follow the money shills.

The fact that most people still have functioning penis' after circumcision is hurting your argument.

Most people who have their feet amputated can still walk, compete in the Olympics and even kill their girlfriend. The fact that your circumcised penis can't do any of those things is hurting your argument.

Oscar Pistorius aside, name me another double amputee that has competed in the actual Olympics.

Caster Semenya had both balls cut off and he still won an olympic gold medal. Not sure if he is circumcized or not. checkmate, ableists.

Angelina Jolie certainly have functioning tits after her preventative surgery...

You have no fucking clue what a functional penis is do you?

I have four kids and a sexually satisfied wife, I have a pretty good idea.

Let's leave your wife's bull out of this.

You realise there are different types of FGM, right? Type 1a FGM is the removal of only the clitoral hood. It is the exact female equivalent to male circumcision. The only difference between the two is that female minors are protected from it by law, while male minors are not.

Also, did you know that none of those "benefits" you stated have actally even ever been proven real?



The only exception to this would be the prevention of adult phimosis (obviously), which is caused due to forced premature retraction of the foreskin during early childhood. However, phimosis in children is not an abnormality -- it's a completely natural stage of penile development that goes away on it's own.

And about the STD prevention claim... How brainwashed do you have to be to use that as a legitimate reason to justify infant circumcision?? Let's use our brains for a moment: even if it actually was proven to help prevent transfer of some STDs, why would a CHILD need such a desperate last-resort form STD protection?! Like seriously, that makes 0 sense. If anything, all circumcision does is increase the transfer of STDs as it discourages the use of condoms. Condoms + circumcised penis = no feeling at all.

Bottom of the line, even if every single one of those supposed benefits were proven as facts, it still doesn't give parents the right to permanently modify their son's body without any consent. IT'S HIS BODY FFS. Once a boy reaches the age of 18, he can decide for himself if he wants it or not. Castration negates the chance of testicular cancer... should parents have the right to castrate their sons because they believe "it's in his best interest"?

Now how about the negatives to circumcision? Keep in mind that unlike the supposed "positives", these are actual facts.

  1. Loss of foreskin and all pleasurable nerves exclusive to it
  2. Loss of frenulum and all pleasurable nerves exclusive to it
  3. Loss of rigid band and all pleasurable nerves exclusive to it
  4. Loss of glands sensitivity and sheen/smoothness
  5. Loss of gliding functionality
  6. Rougher and more painful vaginal sex
  7. Increased chafing of the glands due to forced exposure
  8. Inability to masturbate properly
  9. Meatal stenosis
  10. Skin bridges
  11. Emotional distress (depression, jealousy, grief, betrayal, insecurity, ect.)

And in rare cases, even death. Babies have actally bled to death on the spot from ruptured arteries due to botched procedures, or later died from infections in the wound. There have also been people who went as far as committing suicide because they couldn't live with having to feel violated their whole lives. Horrible. http://www.cirp.org/library/death/

So tell me. Do you really think the "benefits" outweigh the risks?

Which are all bullshit. Most of them are either based on badly done trials (circumcision prevents std) or can be archived with a much less invasive and painful process.

UTIs are already rare, especially if standard hygiene is applied. In fact, to prevent one UTI you'd have to circumcise 111 boys to prevent one case of UTI.

The studies who claim that there is a decrease in STI transmission have one flaw, trials began shortly after circumcision, at a point where most men surely won't have sex. Furthermore the efficiency is only about 50 to 60 percent, using a condom with 99 percent efficiency and no invasive surgery is definitely preferable.

The same can be archived, iirc, with hpv vaccines, again a much less radical procedure than circumcision. Thing is, in many countries boys won't get hpv vaccines even though it has undeniable benefits for both boys and girls.

For inflammation there are anti-inflammatories that can be used.

Phimosis can be treated with stretching exercises and steroid creme. And if those don't help, a far less invasive procedure where only the frenulum is cut can archive the same results.

You say MGM can't be compared to FGM, leaving out that there are various forms of FGM, ranging from a needle prick through the clitoris to a complete removal of the clitoris. All forms are equally shunned and rightly so, but if you condemn any form of genital mutilation in one gender you should also do the same for any other gender, lest you be a hypocrite

You do know that the same is true for MGM right?

Like, Dr Kellog, the guy who really made it popular among secular people in the US, was in favor of it because it stopped little boys from jerking off so much.

You are looking at 2% of the story and claiming it to be the whole. In the mid 1800s doctors were writing papers advocating circumcision as a way to decrease venereal disease. It was decades later (1890s) that the circumcision helping to decrease masturbation myth became common.

Sure, many of the infection risks associated with not being circumcised have been lessened due to better overall hygiene, but those risks still exist.

Remember, just because something was advocated for a stupid reason in the past doesn't mean that was the only reason for it.

  1. Shut the fuck up with the serious posting.

  2. Why do you want to sexually mutilate baby boys?

  1. Dangit, I got caught serious posting.
  2. Women like streamlined penis' and I like gussy

Women like streamlined penis' and I like gussy

This is the only right answer in this debate.

The moment you proclaim love for bussy is the moment you've lost.

You don't typically start tapping that gussy when you are a baby, unless you are really advanced like me. So why not just wait for the child to decide to do it or not when hes 18, like signing up for selective service?

I might be wrong, but iirc circumcision can be problematic and have complications and stuff at a later age. I’m not sure though

If I beat off 4 times in a day with no lotion it gets sore.

Can anyone uncut confirm this isnt a problem for them?

Why on earth would you beat off with no lotion

Must be the only way I can feel anything since the evil doctors amputated all my nerve endings.

earth to mutilated weirdo, if you are uncircumized, you can beat off with nothing but your kung fu grip.

Because I actually have a foreskin.

I have never once in my life used felt the need to use lotion.

How am I going to get lotion when I'm jacking it under the table at Applebee's?

  1. It's a lot cheaper when they are infants
  2. If they go through school with forskin they'll end up as incels
  3. I sign my kids up for selective service as soon as they start breathing.

Much better.

I don't like beef curtain labias, can I now demand that all girls be trimmed in shape? Or is that sexism and misogynistic?


It's cultural appropriation? My bad, didn't know that.

Doctors before linked vaccines with autism unironically, 1800s my ass nigger.

You really haven't done any research on this have you?

Sorry I am not obsessed with checking whether cutting off parts of yourself changes something, that being said, please cut off your balls before it's too late.

It's too late, I already have 4 kids and a grandson.

I have no foreskin but it doesn't stop me from stepping on snek.

Me either TBH. And I go in dry for the most part.

Is it possible to be half circumcised? I have no idea which side I'm with, so I don't know who to be angry at.

The League did an episode about that. Essentially sometimes when a baby is really fat their FUPA hangs over the area in question and the doctor botches it.

So yeah, it's possible to only be half circumcised.

le reddit history lesson

You know what they call the person who graduates last in their class at medical school?


If being cut has decreased my jerking, I'm fucking eternally grateful because if I was intact I wouldnt have any time to do anything else.

Fun fact: Aside from being a Jewish tradition, male circumcision was originally done as a way to discourage masturbation in America.

It's a part of it, but not the whole and not at all why the American Academy of Pediatrics still recommends circumcision.

Their recommendation is leaving it up to the parents though.

That's understood, but they aren't recommending it in order to decrease masturbation.

FGM specifically exists to decrease arousal

MGM in the West specifically exists to prevent masturbation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circumcision#Modern_times

You might want to read a little more. In the 1850s there were medical articles written about circumcision and the reduction of venereal disease.

Stop using one groups reasoning and applying it as the full answer.

And then those ideas were discredited and gradually abandoned everywhere except in places infested with religious fundamentalists, the less religious the sooner abandoned. 🤔🤔🤔

Question: Why do you feminists want to sexually mutilate baby boys?

What on earth makes you think I'm a... "f" word?

I just assumed you were because you're obviously retarded. Sorry for "miss-feministing" you. Keep calm and keep on chopping.

Did you actually just assume the gender of the penis owners? Seriously?

Its a sign of our covenant with G-d

Signing things with your bloody penis is quite metal, I must admit. Though when I imagine the kind of fan that would proudly rock an Anal Cunt album with an authentic imprint of Seth Putnam's bloody cock, I find it hard to then imagine G-d as that kind of guy. OTOH that would explain many things.

None of the major medical boards recommend routine circumcision for every newborn male. Well except for one and they only recommend it for certain parts of Africa where the AIDS epidemic is really bad.

I noticed that you stated that in a very specific way. No, none of them recommend it for every newborn male, but they do recommend it.

What do you mean they recommend it? There are scenarios where male circumcision becomes medically necessary. Being born isn't one of them and all the medical boards agree.

They say benefits outweigh the risks but they don't recommend it be routine. It's a little wishy washy and I'm wondering why they made that decision. Maybe they think the ethics or cost of this make it not worth endorsing (I'm just guessing though).

They link to three different scientific papers on their website, reading through them it looks like they backed off their full support for it due to the current backlash against circumcision.

Urinary tract infections, heterosexual HIV transmission, and penile cancer are not major men's health concerns in the US. Thinking that prophylactic surgery on babies should be used to reduce these issues is moronic beyond belief. UTI is massively more common in women. Hypothetically, if we found out labiaplasty could reduce UTI, should it be legal as a "medical" procedure on female minors without an actual medical diagnosis? And laymen, not doctors, should decide whether it's necessary based on their "religious, ethical and cultural beliefs"? No other pediatrics organization in the Western world agrees with the AAP's stance, and even they don't recommend it as a routine procedure. It will keep dying out here just like it did in the rest of the Anglosphere, and the AAP will inevitably change its retarded culturally biased stance.

Give me a medical reason to do it for males then.

Don't bother with it because there are none and I'm not reading 200 year old papers that are irrelevant now.

Why don't you read the AAP's statement then? Here's a direct quote for the lazy...

After a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence, the American Academy of Pediatrics found the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks, but the benefits are not great enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision.

In essence, yes the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks of the procedure, but not to an extent that would make them advocate mandatory universal circumcision.

Maybe read this too or go to your incel cave and reassure yourself that if you hadn't been circumcised you wouldn't have a micropenis.

Imagine being so insecure you project the fact that you've been circumcised and have a micropenis on someone who actually wasn't circumcised (my parents actually cared about me lul) and their penis is above average.

To steal christian boy's souls to the jew God, are you dense?

MGM was brought into the US as a masturbation deterrent and also has no medical benefits. What's your point?

Do you read what you write or just slam your fists on the keyboard?

I see nothing wrong with what I just typed.

Then you are completely ignorant of the history of circumcision. Read some unbiased sources and then re-engage in the conversation. There are medical benefits to circumcision. And it wasn't just "brought into the us as a masturbation deterrent", it was brought to the US as a religious practice if anything.

I love how you passed over the whole section before the one you linked to that completely counters your point.

Sentence structure please.

None of the medical “benefits” require circumcision though, except in very specific cases, like the inability to retract the foreskin.

You can teach a boy to wash his junk, and that will decrease the likelihood of urinary track infections.

We have condoms in the West, and education. Both reduce the risk of the spread of STDs. This isn’t Africa. The only ones getting AIDS are the gays. And even then, a majority are black and Hispanic. Two communities where circumcision is less common anyways. And we have HPV vaccines now, which they should give to boys as well as girls.

The fact of the matter there is NO reason for doctors to be recommending boys be circumcised unless there is a present medical condition that needs to be rectified. The only reasons to do so in the modern West is if you’re a lazy / bad parent who can’t be bothered to teach you kid how to wash himself, or you want their dick to ascribe to the cultural norms and aesthetics.

That's your opinion, not that of the medical community.

Is it mutilation if the penis becomes more a e s t h e t i c?


You gonna start calling ear piercing Female Ear Mutilation?

Are you mentally retarded or just acting like you're mentally retarded?


Answer my question first

Removing the dickflaps is mutilation, but removing the entire penis is stunning and brave

Dont make me upvote you again.


have you ever even seen a foreskin

Why would I be looking at some yuropoor's dick

this is what people mean when they say roastie? like fixin the roastie dick or somethin?

u/BreShark and the rest of the r/menslib mod team and community are pure scum.

3) No bodyshaming, which would include referring to cut guys as "mutilated".

What. How is calling a mutilated guy mutilated, bodyshaming?

They literally think it's normal there. They all get their foreskin chopped off even if they're not Jewish, talk about drinking the fucking kool aid,

but instead of drinking kool aid it's chopping a bit of your kids dick off because everyone else does it

I say we split the difference and make up our own term. How about genital sculpting or foreskin hide and seek?

Genital streamlining.

[Actual photograph of my dicc](6229_Duchess_of_Hamilton_at_the_National_Railway_Museum.jpg)


i actually think all those rules sound unironically reasonable. the one i agree with the most is when sluts chime in and say they prefer mutilated dicks. pretty sure i can't exclaim that i prefer girls with no clits, or girls who had their labia cut off like porn girls. hell, i've even been shamed on reddit for saying i prefer a shaven pussy, which 90% of girls IRL do anyway. cause i guess reddit is filled with leg beards who don't grounds keep their pubes.

This is a good comment. I'm only replying so that I can have a good way to find it again. Thank you.

You know you can 'save' comments, right?

Yeah but I already have a bunch of non-important stuff saved and this was really special so I decided to reply to it so it's more obvious to me since it's in my post history.

how do u know 90% r shaven. stop generalizing hoe

i'm no player, but no girl i dated or fucked ever had a giant hairy bush. lots of them have that on the top part, but not around the labia. reddit has this weird opinion that it's weird for girls to shave their genitals and that it's weird for guys to prefer, when like, in real life, it's just fkn normal.

i'm no player

Dude, your sample size of 3 isn't statistically valid.

so are you claiming most girls have bush? what is your fkn point?

I'm not disagreeing with the conclusions, just the methodology.

go outside your house and talk to some girls. you'll find that it's fairly normal for most girls to do some sort of waxing or shaving. you don't need to fuck 80% of the population to know these things.

"Hey, how's it going, I'm TransexualWiener. Soo... what's the situation with your pubic hair?"

Great pick up line! 😎🤗😂

Shaved bussy or gussy

Random sampling. When you've slept with enough women from across the country you will have enough data to extrapolate it to the entire female population. Stop being a virgin.

i almost fucked my cousin does that count

We'll count is a sample of 0.5

Youre right, I AM a warrior!!!!

I doubt there's a single owner of a male penis modding that entire subreddit.

I doubt there's a single owner of an intact male penis modding that entire subreddit.

Pretty sure they have trannies on the mod team

5) If you have sex with people with penises, no one needs to know about your preference for cut or uncut penises. Your preferences are irrelevant.

Your preferences are irrelevant.

/u/BreShark, why do you hate us, gay and bi ?

Uncircumcised dicks look like shit , european cucks

I can't argue with your intimate knowledge about dick aesthetics. You've probably had a lot of them in your face, so I'll cede that point.

Now "does that justify mutilating children?" is another important question.

Lmao you are a retard

It literally looks like a bad dragon dildo!!! Not just the penis but the whole pubic area. You disgust me!

an European

Poor /u/purpleleopardprint s kid :(

Umm, why?

You think the rules they promoted are valid and think it's a useful place to get advice.

Protip : if mutilating your own child is something you wonder about to the point of needing an online debate, you're a fucked up person, and a bad parent.

You're asking an online forum whether to mutilate him or not, and then you fawn over the fact that they're so nice they don't allow their users to call it mutilation, or remind you that if we were talking about mutilating a female everybody would be against it, and you'd be banned just for asking for advice.

Totally not what I asked. It’s more like, I’m not circumcising my child (that was never up for debate), but the majority of parents around me do, so what now?

Just be honest. You're either fishing for validation (because you made your decision not to circumcise but deep down you're hesitating), or you're trying to use /r/menslib to actually make the decision.

"I won't mutilate my children" is not something people who aren't fucked up in the head need to have discussions about.

If you have a girl will you decide to now cut off her clit or infibulate her, but then ask /r/islam if there's a risk she'll be considered impure, or a slut, and won't be able to marry?

Not at all. It’s more like, I’ve already dealt with ignorant comments literally before he’s born, so what do I need to know when preschool teachers, other parents, babysitters, and mean little schoolmates might have never come across it before or decide to make an issue of it? Where do I learn the basics of care because they sure didn’t teach us even in pediatrics class in nursing school? But since you’ve already decided what my motivations were, I doubt I’ll change your mind.

what do I need to know when preschool teachers, other parents, babysitters, and mean little schoolmates might have never come across it before or decide to make an issue of it?

His teachers shouldn't see his penis (but it might happen by accident in preschool). Other parents should definitely not see your child's penis. Little kids probably show each other their genitals, and I'm not sure they judge too much, so please don't use that as an excuse to mutilate your child.

Where do I learn the basics of care because they sure didn’t teach us even in pediatrics class in nursing school?

Only a minority of people are circumcised in Europe (basically jews and muslims). And nobody has to get special training to deal with it. We're not dying in droves of penile infections either (at least I've never seen a study showing more issues here than in the USA).

Basics of care are : don't use sandpaper on an uncircumcized penis, don't cut off any part of your child's genitalia that is healthy (I make an exception for cancer, necrosis, moles that are changing shape, size or color...). Use fucking soap and water like a normal person.

How fucked up can America get that a Frenchman has to tell you how to bathe?

Are you serious?? Preschool teachers and other parents shouldn’t see his penis?? Do you think that the only ones who should ever change his diaper or help him get dressed are his father and I? Or that once he is potty trained he will never have an accident?

Do you think that the only ones who should ever change his diaper or help him get dressed are his father and I?

If you think it's normal for the parents of his classmates to interact with his genitals, you might have been badly abused in your childhood and not realize it yet. Like I'm not saying it should only be the parents doing it, but there should be some kind of vetting process first. You shouldn't let random people change your son's clothes or diapers or whatever.

For extra fun, take a gander at her past posts. Her history is a total wreck, and she meets all the criteria of a typical trollxer

Menslib is literally one of the worst subs created. Can we kill them all

Yes, even before mayos

As if they're not all white.

Don't worry. They won't reproduce, lots of them will kill themselves anyway, others will be so ill prepared for the harsh realities of life by believing the advice of that sub that they'll die earlier than normal people.

my circumsized dick looks beautiful tbh.

Just so you know, they weren't supposed to leave you nothing but an inch. Bet it's cute though.

Not commenting on that(mutha-fu***, this is fake drama crap man), but circumcision is total bullshit.

Not commenting on that(this is fake drama crap) but circumcision is just total garbage in today's world. Not a real medical reason for it, might decrease pleasure in sex for the males.

I think a form of controlled circumcision is considered valid treatment to some conditions where the foreskin is to rigid (basically makes it impossible to pull it from the glans, and makes erections painful, and anything from masturbation to intercourse becomes a risk of tearing your skin). But then surgery is used only in cases where they can't deal with it with topical treatments to make the skin more elastic so it stretcheds naturally.

No one actually cares if you're cut or not in the real world.

Plus IRL only a minority of the people you meet should ever see your dick.

except Americans, they care a whole lot apparently

Both of us are pretty typical white people of mixed heritage, I'm an atheist and he has some pagan leanings

God bless the united states of america

I know we're not supposed to call for mayocide anymore (at least not on /r/drama), but can I openly advocate for rounding up hipsters?

Only if they're white.

Can you be a nonwhite hipster?


People of other cultures are just expressing themselves uniquely in an otherwise opressed and downtrodden society systematically abusing them, non-whites are being "hipsters" as a cry for help and a solemn heartfelt expression.

When the whiteoid does it its just further apporpriating the culture of their own slaves in their perverse priveliged system often using appropriated clothing, hairstyles and expressions.

Thank you that's my opinion too. Plus there are lots of other legit reasons to hate nonwhite already.

It's difficult but yes, it's like threading a needle

I guess some asians could.

Wrong. See: danny glover or kid cudi for that matter

kid cudi

Didn't he appropriate trying to kill yourself for attention from white teenage girls?

Is Steve Urkel a nerdlinger?

I think he's fictional. AFAIK he never shot anyone or received any welfare, that's what made me think he wasn't real.

/u/breshark is a fuckin cuck say it with me

1) Absolutely no mention of female genital mutilation (FGM) in any capacity. Not even as a comparison.

I agree with this one, cutting of a clit is nothing like male circumcision, that would be like cutting the head of the penis off.

that would be like cutting the head of the penis off.

/r/menslib only supports cutting the whole dick off.

I think it's also a waste if time because so what is one is"less worse"? Both are fucked and shouldn't happen.

Stop hating on my aesthetic penis. You keep your flesh sock there buddy, I'll keep getting frequent blowjobs being smegma free.

Shower and soap are things that exist you know? Wash your dick you filthy ass nigga.

I'll remember after a night of clubbing.

You csn shower before going out you moron. How long do you think it takes for any smegma to build up? At that point you're already stinkig like a pig. It would take a few days of ot showering or anything else to vet smegma.

Maybe you think your dick is awesome after having danced, pissed, and sweated the night away all stuffed in a flesh tube sock. You'd be wrong.

Going back to my first point, soap and water you filthy fuck. Use them.

So you start to dance with some woman, you've been making out with her and fondling her to the point where the only thing she wants to do is fuck. You go back to your hotel room, and strip off each other's clothes, never losing physical contact.

And then....

"Just wait baby, I gotta go wash my dick."

You know what, forget it. Arguing with someone who thinks that an uncut dick is coated in smegma after a few minutes of not washing it isn't worth arguing with.

Do you think your dick is a shinning example of cleanliness and heavenly smell after you where clubbing all night?

Minutes? Slow down their casinova. It's not just smegma, it's just a bad smell taste thing. I know slutty women who won't blow flesh socks because of it.

My dick might not be perfect after a long night but it's going to be better.

Nah, your dick will be just as filthy as mine after partying all night.

Wait... I've been arguing with a fury?

So add a fur suit in top of having a flesh sock?

Come on, do you really want us to believe you have a big dick after your parents had half of it chopped off? XD

Look I'll give you as a fury, you know cock smell a lot better than me, being I only have mine and what women say about it, and you have a lot of hands on experience.

But being the fury crowd isn't know for personal hygiene, are you sure your lifestyle hasn't biased your perception?

I like how you have not a single argument to properly back your point and resort to personal attacks. Besides, you apparently like staring at other guys dicks to, considering that you've posted several times on r/bigdickproblems. Although, I can't see bow you'd have a problem considering you likely have a microdick after your botched mutilation.

You post gay fury porn. This isn't like I'm reaching and projecting like you are.

/r/bigdickproblems doesn't even allow photos.

And? You still have not a single argument that would proof your cut dick better than my uncut dick.

I don't even need to follow the link and can already see a flaw. How can cutting tens of thousands of nerves off and subjecting the glans to constant rubbing against pants and boxers, which leads to the building off callus increase sensitivity?

At the beginning sure, but over time it will become less and less. Why do you think so many circumcised men complain about erection problems and feeling no pleasure during sex? Because their tip is completely calloused.

Just put your paws over your ears and eyes and maintain your ignorance.

See my parents loved me so I had my circumcision at birth but I'm worthless for a study since I never experienced sex with foreskin. So when they have people who have had both with and without they find the vast majority have better sex without.

To seriously post circumcision provides some minor benifits in life, maybe not worth it but the anti circ people are lying assholes about it.

You know what, fuck you. The only one ignorant is here. You don't subject a child to this procedure for so little benefit at such high costs.

There are also enough people who say they hate their circumcision, that they'd rather have their foreskin back.

And where are people lying when they say that circumcision hasn't enough benefits that can only be archived through circumcision (actually it has no benefits going by that merit) and that infant circumcision is genital mutilation.

And the rest isn't much better, loose my ability to feel pleasure to satisfy a partner. Invasive surgery for a potential 60 % reduction i hiv rates, with no proof if it works foe homosexuals, the group where hiv is wide spread. Hpv vaccines can also prevent the spread of hpv and the risk of penile and testicular cancer. Lasting longer is simply because you feel less.

If it's so beneficial why force it on babies who can't consent? Why not wait until they're 18 and let them decide whether they want "to get snipped", nice euphemism for infant genital mutilation by the way.

Let me ask you something, do you know that women can also have smegma?

And since you think uncut = smegma and smell when you don't wash every ten minutes or so, has any of the girls/women you've been with ever smelled bad? Or had smegma in or on her vagina?

cutting off a clit is nothing like male circumcision

Clit cutting isn't the sole form of FGM

Its the one that's always brought up.

They are all illegal regardless.


One frequent claim is that FGM is analogous to ‘castration’ or a ‘total penectomy’. Put that way, anyone who tried to compare the two on ethical (or other) grounds would be making a serious mistake – anatomically, at the very least.

More prevalent, but much less frequently discussed in the media, is a range of less extensive alterations, sometimes performed under anaesthesia by medical professionals and with sterile surgical equipment. These include, among other interventions, so-called ritual ‘nicking’ of the clitoral hood (common in Malaysia), as well as non-medically-indicated labiaplasty and even piercings that might be done for perceived cosmetic enhancement.

And yet all forms of non-therapeutic female genital alteration – no matter how sterilised or minor – are deemed to be mutilations in ‘Western’ countries. All are prohibited by law.

The story is very different when it comes to male circumcision. In no jurisdiction is the practice prohibited, and in many it is not even restricted. In some countries, including in the United States, anyone, with any instrument, and any degree of medical training (including none) can attempt to perform a circumcision on a non-consenting child – sometimes with disastrous consequences.


So? It's not redditors in charge of the UN and WHO. Also super weak attempt at bringing low T into this

it's more like labiaplasty -- just removing skin lol

Man, people are really sensitive when discussing their disgusting, smegma-filled, sandworm cocks or their mutilated, impotent, dried up cocks. I can't understand it.

This is the radical centrist perspective I came here for

As a gentleman who is semicircumcised I agree

Left half or right half?

Think like the predators jaws but with foreskin

Holy shit, that place should be aborted.

uncut master race checking in. bow to my superior penis

isn't the sole reason american goy moms circumcise their baby boys usually because they say it looks "better"? jfc

I remember my Health Education class saying something like that. She wanted her son to fit in.

"Remember kids, peer pressure is bad! Unless it involves cutting off part of your cock."

So the moms are doing it so they can enjoy looking at their son's penis? Nothing wrong here.

Next thing you know she'll be breaking his arms

Menslib - listen to us and you will kill yourself faster...

Seriously - fuck that sub, it's as worthless as mra ones.

/r/menslib is basically like TRP : they give advice on things they know nothing about, based on a general feeling and a story they build in their minds. Except some TRP advice (taking care of your appearance and physical fitness, being ambitious at work...) might actually make your life better. Menslib is about learning to quit trying, and supporting each other in feeling that it's ok to be a loser, and it's the people calling you a loser who don't understand anything.

My fam....I do have to ask, because This Is r/drama - is this a copypasta or a serious post?

It's serious. /r/menslib is the worse place for advice. Even incels will tell you to give up and focus on what you like to do in life, which is marginally better than /r/menslib.

The menslib mods literally banned every single circumcision talking point then said "alright now debate"

Let's post a thread and change genders. "I wonder if not cutting my daughter's clit will make it harder for her later on in life?"

More like clitoral hood tbph

I don't think even that would fly on /r/menslib.

Still, ordnung muß sein in bashing the feminist(male).

I agree. Juden raus.

Its like having a race, but the ref shoots one of the guys in both legs before it begins.

then said "alright now debate nod along and agree smilingly with each other"

Even /r/menslib posters aren't cucked enough to support plastic surgery on baby dicks. There is no creature more pathetic on Earth than the typical Amerigoy.

I’ve noticed that faggots tend to be unusually pro-foreskin

It makes more sense when you realize /r/menslib was founded by /r/againstmensrights contributors.

It was merely a rebranding. All the batshit crazy stuff they say is better understood through that lens.

Circumcised penises are the proper penises. Uncircumcised is uncivilized.

Which kind tastes better?

uncut by a mile


3) No bodyshaming, which would include referring to cut guys as "mutilated".

Lol so we can't call MGM mutilation, because that would anger circumcised guys? Do you not call FGM mutilation because it would anger circumcised girls?

Next time he calls it "female genital mutilation" let's tell him it's islamophobic. Call it "purity surgery" or be a bigot.

Her parents just wanted her to fit in!

LOL@anyone who actually thinks my beautiful, cut dick is somehow "mutilated."

Bitches love it.

It literally is by definition lmaooo

do u need bussy bb?

good one dude

u2 sweetie

These "men" (if you can even call them men) are pretty damn pathetic. I'm not memeing or trolling or anything like that. I truly mean that these people are just so god damn pathetic.

I truly mean that these people are just so god damn pathetic.

But they're telling each other it's ok to be that way. Then they give each other advice about things they know nothing about. And later on they complain it didn't make things better in their lives. If anything, the incels are funnier, and more self aware.

The space that is to deal with mens issues favours women over men...how shocking, how can that be?

Also /u/breshark terrified of even saying the word homosexual and doesn't want men discussing having sex with men...again so shocked....not like he's shat on gay people before.

Also Who wants to bet they are more then happy to push the female led "It's cleaner" narrative, while they prevent men who seem to generally prefer foreskin from saying so?

Also Who wants to bet they are more then happy to push the female led "It's cleaner" narrative, while they prevent men who seem to generally prefer foreskin from saying so?

We're discussing male genital mutilation. So on /r/menslib, what matters most is how it makes women feel.

lots of dudes her with ugly ass uncirc'd dicks

Said it before but r/menslib is such a huge conclave of literal quivering pussies. There was a post awhile back in there talking about how being called a neckbeard was offensive and problematic. They take shit like that seriously. I would challenge even one of these homos to wake up early, do some cardio, have a decent breakfast BEFORE whining on the internet. All of this posting from them would be moot if they actually did a thing in their lives instead of complaining.