Joan_Wayne_Gacy sucks a guy off in a bathroom. Doesn't cradle the balls.

111  2018-05-16 by GrandpaTickTock


Now with added cancer!


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All indications are that this is real.


joan can't come to the phone right now

Who is she and why should i care?



im just saying... she has big hands

50/50? Ill stick with it.

Saving this post for uh... science.

That's gay af

u/joan_wayne_gacy i beat my dick mercilessly to this. god bless you


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Wtf?? Are you stalking me rn? 😳😳😳


And that's how I met your father

It's a dressing room not a bathroom iirc

a dressing room with a toilet in it

Implying I'm going to actually watch it

you should

y tho

yum (っˆڡˆς)

good evening reddit this is ya boy westofthetracks and I just came so goddamn hard while watching this video that I can't even begin to rationalize the thought of death. again and again I try to make sense of my existence but never to avail for the reason of which still exists today is unknown. how am I to know if I am truly real or just some smaller piece in the puzzle of life that is waiting to be placed in its correct spot where it will reside forever until unavoidable death comes to reclaim the soul of my breathless corpse. I am always unable to make any reasonable conclusion about the universe as a whole because of its immense complexity. how am I, someone so small, so little, so unimportantly tiny in the grand scheme of the cosmos even begin to rationalize the thought of an infinitely expanding universe? a universe in which every day I drift farther and farther away from the neighbor galaxies farther and farther away from the one chance humanity has ever had of exploring the observable universe but due to the lack of time and the lack of resource, I am left to cope with the thought of being an insignificant afterthought of a reckless mad god who threw me upon the earth just to tease and torture with the vision but never the reality of exploring more than the ball of rock and metal I reside upon. but the one thing I am sure of in my life is that I can't even feel my left leg my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird to take a piss

There is no way thats JWG, someone is willingly interacting with him.

Circumcised people please go.

Baby, that weiner is NOT circumsized

Virgin alert

Even a virgin should know what dicks look like, dude is simply retarded

Patrick Stuart?

He's retarded too.


Still better technique than Jewdank

Still better technique than Jewdank

Most lesbians have better technique than her.

Grandpa tick tock going in irl to get this video. Very impressed by his work.

spits it out

What a fucking pussy. I don't understand people who are okay with having cum in their mouth but not down their throat.

its like 500 calories bitch!

basically gives a handjob with 2 inches of blowjob instead of deepthroating

p a t h e t i c

1) that was not 2) men are garbage

Was this recorded on a camcorder from 1990?




no u

No see enjoying a good boi pussy is not gay but enjoying any cock not attached to a trap is gay. Do you understand?

Hand on dick all the time

Doesn't deepthroat even once

Spits out cum

What a waste of my time

I can't afford the calories.

I at least let him in my mouth tho.

Why are you sucking off men in toilets and filming it with a world war 2 video camera?

This is /r/drama, do you really have to ask?

Eh I would expect jwg to have a better camera and audio setup.

Isn't it okay if it's calories from protein though?


It's called a blowjob friend.

Hey now! Could just be a brojob, did anyone say no homo?

We are back baby

Any argument made about how a guy knows best how to please another guy has been proven wrong by that horrible lack of technique

/u/GrandpaTickTock why is a grandpa distributing gay porn online

also, you need to go into retirement from being a faggot

Wait...what happened here? Besides the obvious blowjob. Why was JWG suspended?

Happened over two months ago for something happening on one of his alts. IIRC he did something funny and admins didnt like it so they all got banned.

Thanks! Do you know what’s with the video? I see he’s back know under a different alt posting his bussy. Been a bit since I was here and the sub was more focused on SRS and what have you then. Did he down on a man to be ironic (not sure if that’s actually possible)?

Apparently somemod stickied this, and it looks like they think its real from the flair.

Joan's is rl gay, so this would appear to be a unironic brojob.

IIRC Joan and his bf are on the drama discord

I’ve missed out on so much in my time away. Thanks!!!

Joan's on the discord but ipbanned from Reddit for ban evasion.

No they proactively banned him because they found out he doesn't fucking swallow. This is just proof of that.

Drama is homophobic

Huddling together and cheering for a dude sucking a dick en masse

Pick one.

Doesn't cradle the balls.

I bet he's the kind of shithead who would fuck a man in the ass and not even have the god damned courtesy to give him a reacharound!

This video is further proof that I am the alpha gay of this sub.