Nerd drama : Should equal exist ?

5  2018-05-16 by dogDroolsCatsRules


What is it, I don't get it. 😔

Java street shitters have taken over and now they want equal to not verify the object but only the reference.

There isn’t any drama here, and also this is going to go way over the heads of most posters here

There isn’t any drama here

Fam, the drama over wether equal should verify the reference or the object is great.

and also this is going to go way over the heads of most posters here

Don't make me sad.

I might be missing something, this is just some dude’s blog post. An interesting post, but I don’t see the drama. There’s one comment down in the comment section that looks mad but that’s it

And yeah this sub is hopelessly tech-illiterate I’m afraid though I appreciate the optimism

I admit it's not traditionnal drama, because we only have one side of the fucking moronic argument (>Imagining c++ will break backward compatibility lol), but it's still drama.