"White Culture"

542  2018-05-17 by GuillotinesNOW


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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It’s OK to be white.


Shut up cismayoscum

I'm a racial preservationist. Terms like xenophobia, white privilege, nazi, white supremacist, diversity, racism and so on are whitephobic terms aimed to take advantage of white's overly strong sense of kindness and empathy, in an effort to disarm whites from doing what is best for white survival.

https://youtu.be/rGmA_97dBY4?t=10 jews are responsible for slavery.

This but unironically.

Nice. I pretty much agree.

Judging by the downvotes it seems /r/drama has a bad case of whitephobia.

No we just hate weak faggots

So judaism, BLM, virtually any nation on Earth, anyone who identifies themselves as anything or part of anything, you hate em? What is your hate going to solve here? What is your goal exactly?

making you type more than me

the juice

The blurry info graphic did it for me. Can't even read the names to google any of them to see how full of shit it is/isn't.

You know an image is legit when it involves superimposing the Star of David over various people who are likely of Jewish descent

Guys I think Israel might be run by Jews

If you're not a jew, you can always be a "crypto zionist." There's room for everyone on the hate-train.

Amazing and enlightening youtubes! Thanks for sharing!!! My worldview has revolved on its axis.

Its probably because many jews have the combination of entrepreneurship towards capitalism, banking, journalism, teaching work ethic through religion, the inherent need to be close enough with each other for survival thanks to countless genocides. This is also why jews are over represented in scientific discoveries too.

Many Caucasian ethnic groups in europe have these traits too. Germans for their quality manufacturing/work ethic, swiss for their banking, british for their colonialist powers, french, Italians, etc for their culture, etc

I once read that jews even got blamed for plague because they practiced kosher food practices that basically reduced their likelihood of getting that disease.

You white nationalists/supremacists still blame the jews today for your problems even with all the information available on the internet. White "muh state rights" confederacy movement is still one cancerous movement that is not about cultural exchange but one of circlejerking about cultural supremacy over "lesser" people.

In America, caucasians came from different ethnicities, there is very little unifying culture other than their (lack of) skin color. But despite this, America enforced strong whites only divide for decades, and enjoyed the advantages and wealth that came along with it. Thanks to sensible legislation starting with civil rights act in the 60's, things start to get somewhat better in the resulting years.

Today, whites still enjoy disproportionate representation in congress, they still enjoy the fruits of their segregation policies today with disproportionate availability of resources by area, and they are also closer than ever to call for constitutional convention.

6/10 white people vote republican. A huge portion of you still engage in stupid religious practices that keep your people down culturally, economically, and socially. A huge portion of evangelicals still deny climate change, brazenly believe in creationism, meaning anti scientific thinking, still vote for policies and politicians who brutally reduce upward mobility of their own people. It has reached a point today that their ideology and beliefs are starting to only confirm that ironic saying: reality has a liberal bias.

You need to start blaming your own white leaders instead of blaming jews, blacks and non whites for your problems. But who am I kidding? Thats not going to happen, is it?

1912 jewish bankers hired woodrow wilson as their puppet to run for US president, he won. His goal was to create a coup over the USA, federal reserve act 1913, he succeeded. This gave them absolute control over the money and banking. With this immense newfound wealth they purchased the media, weapons of mass conformity.

What this boils down to is jews, rothschilds, goldman sachs, owners of the federal reserve, are the real US government, the buy and own the overwhelming of US politicians, doesn't matter which party you vote for, D or R, they control both virtually entirely.


jews will deny this, if that is what you've got, don't waste your breath.

Wilson was one of the most racist fucks to occupy the White House in 20th century America. He's the same asshole who banned black people from federal employment while finding time to endorse that shitty propaganda flick "The Birth of a Nation."

I'm a racial preservationist, 'racist' is a whitephobic racial slur used to stop whites from doing what is best for white survival.

Natio, latin, a people, race. Nation is a land, a place, for your people, race. The purpose is to protect your peoples my delicate and vulnerable job of all, motherhood.

Wilson was still a jew puppet. The most whitephobic thing he did was proceed to send millions of innocent whites to kill each other in the jewish WW1.

How do you feel about Syria, Iran, Cuba and North Korea generally being destroyed? These things may come to pass because nations like Iran lack rothschild jewish central banks and they may well continue to use the US military to destroy these places just like they did Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and so on.

Its probably because many jews have the combination of entrepreneurship

It's because of history. Jews were mostly excluded from trades and professions in Europe until relatively recently (19th century). Likewise, Jews were largely excluded from the land and world of agriculture so they tended to congregate in urban centers where they were walled off and made to wear distinctive clothing that identified them as jews. The well known Christian/Catholic injunction against usury created a niche for them (though the Italian bankers gave them a good run for their shekels for a while there).

The reason they "control the media" (ie, are so over-represented today) is also historical in its genesis: actors were largely another outcaste. It was only in the 20th century with the advent of mass communications technology that the profession of actor or entertainer was actually "respectable" let alone enviable. The fact that jews had largely been restricted from other professions which actually were respectable positioned them for this.

But you know all of that.

Also the "White race" was an deliberate invention ("social construct") by North America's ruling class to divide and conquer a contentious and increasingly inter-racial working class.

Dear Sub-Human Filth,

I'm appealing to all of you stupid idiots to vote Democrat in 2018. That is if you have the basic education enough to read a ballot, anyway. I understand the majority of you racist rednecks can't even read this post, though. But those who can, please pass my message on to the rest of your inbred family.

We Democrats are morally, culturally and intellectually superior to you in every way. I will qualify myself by noting that I have a Liberal Arts degree from a college, which you obviously have never been to, if you even know what one is. I also have a black friend. I have been told by several professors that everything you hold dear is terrible. Therefore you, personally, are also terrible.

I don't know you, but I know that you're racist. I also know that you hate gay people and still get scared during lightning storms.

The religion which you hold closely, greatly believe in, and which brings you comfort--you are wrong because I'm smarter than you and I'm telling you so. It is one of the many reasons why you are stupid and I'm better than you.

You see, us Democrats want a system which helps everyone in the world. Our system is designed around love and kindness to everyone. If you don't agree, I hate you.

It's not too late to change. If you knew your history, which of course you don't, you'll remember a time in America when Indians were dragged away from their homes and forced to assimilate into white society. Well, we want to change that kind of behaviour (sorry for my spelling, as I'm not from your country) by making sure you go to college and have a small apartment in a big, busy coastal city, where you belong. That will help you rid yourselves of your backward, incorrect culture and way of thinking. We'll do everything we can to make sure you agree with us and say all the right things and not be brainwashed against thinking the same way we do.

All of you stupid, backward, redneck, racist, homophobic, uneducated yokels need to realize we're trying to build a classless society where we all get to live in harmony with each other, where we're all equal. If you only understood that you wouldn't be so much worse of a person than I am.

So please vote Democrat. Help me help you, you worthless motherfuckers.

Sincerely, u/I-need-MAYO

That conformity experiment is old, flawed to begin with and simply not relevant today.


The results of the Asch experiment are enthocentric, androcentric etc. They can only be applied to male students that lived in the US just after WW2 ended. To link the video like it means anything today is just silly.

mayocide when?

Why do you hate whites?

did you even look at the gif

PLEAAASEEEE tell me you are joking.

if you look at the gif it will answer your question

The elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

As for the reasoning behind the mayocide, it should be pretty self-evident, but if it isn't, I'll let /u/westofthetracks explain it for you.

Indeed. Like all people, the white race originated in Afrika. As humanity's first great cities grew, it became increasingly difficult to deal with habitual thieves, rapists, pedophiles and homosexuals in the population. These offenders were genetically predisposed to their deviant behaviors and exile was the only way to safeguard the populations of the cities. Gradually these inherently depraved individuals were driven ever northward, away from civilization.

Eventually they were driven across the Mediterranean into Europe. Here they settled, their naturally black skin atrophying to a sickly pale color to adapt to the lack of nourishing sunlight. These savages did not build great civilizations, they did not develop science and art as their fathers in Afrika had. Instead, their genetic predilection to violence and the harshness of the European climate brought them to a state of perpetual warfare. As a result, they became great warriors and built powerful new ways to wage war. By contrast the dark skinned peoples of the world became great artists, scientists and philosophers- always maintaining their deep spiritual connection to the Earth. Peoples of color worshiped life, the Europeans worshiped death.

We know what happened next, the Europeans spread out like a plague, raping, destroying, consuming, pillaging everywhere they went. The non whites' cultural superiority was no match for the perfected, savage onslaught of the whites. And so this is where we are today. The tribe of rapists, pedophiles and criminals that all whites are descended from have infested the planet. While it may sound harsh, the only viable option for the preservation of the species is the aggressive termination of this malignant tumor wherever it takes root. And this is why the global extermination of whites isn't just right- it is a moral imperative.

Oh damn I see its above now too, oh well. We can't say this enough, really

yeah i considered not reposting it but the truth must be spoken

Why don't you hate whites?

I love myself and my people.

I think you’re right. They’re just whitephibic.

Fake and gay forced meme


No, not if you dance like that.

Like all people, the white race originated in Afrika. As humanity's first great cities grew, it became increasingly difficult to deal with habitual thieves, rapists, pedophiles and homosexuals in the population. These offenders were genetically predisposed to their deviant behaviors and exile was the only way to safeguard the populations of the cities. Gradually these inherently depraved individuals were driven ever northward, away from civilization.

Eventually they were driven across the Mediterranean into Europe. Here they settled, their naturally black skin atrophying to a sickly pale color to adapt to the lack of nourishing sunlight. These savages did not build great civilizations, they did not develop science and art as their fathers in Afrika had. Instead, their genetic predilection to violence and the harshness of the European climate brought them to a state of perpetual warfare. As a result, they became great warriors and built powerful new ways to wage war. By contrast the dark skinned peoples of the world became great artists, scientists and philosophers- always maintaining their deep spiritual connection to the Earth. Peoples of color worshiped life, the Europeans worshiped death.

We know what happened next, the Europeans spread out like a plague, raping, destroying, consuming, pillaging everywhere they went. The non whites' cultural superiority was no match for the perfected, savage onslaught of the whites. And so this is where we are today. The tribe of rapists, pedophiles and criminals that all whites are descended from have infested the planet. While it may sound harsh, the only viable option for the preservation of the species is the aggressive termination of this malignant tumor wherever it takes root. And this is why the global extermination of whites isn't just right- it is a moral imperative.


first great cities grew


This but unironically.

White people did not evolve in Africa. That’s silliness. White people evolved in Europe. You know that whiteness is a European thing. But the origin of the color is not so important. Race is very superficial, but people are very superficial as well. Race matters to most.


It's OK to be wrong

Why is it like that?

I think it's because when Yakub created them, he forgot to put in a soul.

I knew there was something wrong with me...

I saw this old black guy on the train a few days ago and he was rambling about random stuff, like at first, he was doing this thing with some mayoette where he would guess random things and then act like he had prior knowledge of what he guessed when he guessed them right (like "You're coming back from X, right? No? But you've been there before? Yeah, I know. I knew"). Eventually he got to walking around the train and walking up to random people (mostly mayos, but some unfortunate humans as well) and rambling to them about wypipo. What stuck with me the most from his ramblings was his constant repetition of the fact that "the white man ain't a human, because he got no hue. Humans got hue."

I actually recorded part of it, but I don't know if I should bother transcribing it.

Just post it. I want to hear it in his old black man voice.

Fine, here it is. The background noise and mayochatter is really bad in the beginning, but it's not as bad afterwards.

After he says "excuse me" at the end of the clip, he gets off the train, and everyone is pretty much like "wtf lol".

My caveman culture is not your prom dress!


If you were hueman you'd have hue...

Damn nigga! Are you a soundcloud rapper??? 😍😍😍

I'm not a rapper 😎🔥

Moorish Americans. Learn it.


makes sense. just like women don't pee because they don't have a pee-nis.

Untainted by negro stank

DJ Ruckus in the home.

Well alternatively they could be shooting each other in the face in gang/drug wars. You can survive awkward teen dancing.

Because white kids never shoot each other.

Could you hit me with some statistics on this bro? Or do they both shoot each other in completely equal amounts? Just curious man!


But frankly, I don't have a clue. A jackass with a gun is s jackass with a gun. I dont actually count by race.

Good looks bro. After I finish today's drive bys I'll check out the article.

Something that is almost never mentioned when using poverty as a statistic, although the article somewhat hinted on, is controlling for urban(densely packed) vs rural population .

No its because blacks have the warrior genes

Hey look! An MDE poster in the wild! I thought we told you guys to get out :)

We're taking over white boi. Surrender your pibbles and fire up the grill.

NOT an argument.

Well alternatively they could be shooting other peoples' kids at school, as they so often do. You can survive awkward teen dancing.


because of the way it is

It's like a 9gag meetup

Heyyy! These guys look like they are 9. We are 12!

They are 9, we are 11. Together, we are Bush.

> Our memes are better than their memes 😂👏👏👏

The dance of the ethnostate.

As an Asian:

I appreciate the big booty white bitches

Like malfunctioning chunk-e-cheese anomatronics.

Not a bug, a feature.

As a white man, I hate my race's culture.

White is not a race, it's an absence of race. White culture is not a culture, it's an absence of culture. There's a reason they're called "Persons of No Color" (PoNC).

we should be more cultured, like figuring out for thousands of years how to make mud huts and ugly statues made of mud

All white lies. African and Arab culture was 10,000 years more advanced than the pale neo-Neanderthal before they used colonialist imperialism and disease to wipe away all that progress, and steal the technology for themselves. The first truly developed countries were led by ebony-skinned scientists who managed to have both culture and empiricism, long before the ashy, pallid hordes descended on them with viral and bacterial maladies. Mayonnaise-gene bearers can lay claim only to one title, and that is of the Most Biologically Sick Thieves, sent to us as a test of humanity's resilience. But we will prevail.

all the black neo-upperclass pharaohs flew away in their giant pyra-spheres to separate galaxies circa 8000 bc, also taking with them their ultra advanced medicines that would have given the current africans the ability to survive such plagues

Yes but this class oppression was purposely imported into the Black Consciousness by the devious neo-Neanderthal pale-sick thin-skin white creature, the one who stood up only long after his Black cousin (three times removed in genealogical classification, as remote as the pit viper or sewer rat) as there is no precedent in the Brown Histories for such class frameworks. Nice talking to you!

sorry sweetie.. but just.. no. sorry honey lol

Ah! The consumption of honey--something the cave-dwelling neo-Neanderthal observed his Black cousin (three times removed in genealogical classification, as remote as the spider or lichen) doing. The Mayo sub-sapient ashy creature can only replicate. Thanks for proving my point!

dont have to bathe in piss in olden tyme, sorry

Ah ha! The apology--a classic case of thievery from the Brown Cultures. Thanks for proving my point!

Oh and before you go, I'd like to point out that the thank-you is yet another piece of culture stolen by the Eggshell Ape from the rich and driven Brown Cultures. So don't bother, replicator!

is brown culture twitter groups and sassy gifs?

i dont think i have to worry about anything because from what you imply it seems that your side gets smashed by a lil bit of bacteria, like damn, yo bacteria too spicy for ya? cant handle a lil' bacteria? shiit

Bacteria is synonymous with decay, representative of the inferior Eggshell Ape's unclean, unkempt lifestyle. Decay breeds chaos, chaos being the genetic content of the albino sub-man, and even the most noble and proud of Brown Societies were impacted much the way any force of nature, no matter how disgusting, can overtake the accomplishments of the Greatest of Men.

Also, white people food is bland

i dont think they bathe in piss though

do you even watch hot ones? black dudes are always the first to tap out after the first 2-3 hot sauces, pretty tame yo.

also i prefer food that doesn't give me diabetes and heart disease at 24

Only weak men can't survive diabetes and heart disease at what should be a man's peak years of 20-30 years old. Yet more evidence the Milken Glass Man is weak and shallow and trembling.

i feel that most normal people arent severely overweight at their peak years of 20-30

The hollow skeleton of the Mayo sub-degenerate quasi-human folds under the pressure of healthy weights. Observe

imagine not being twinkmaxxed lol

your body probably absorbs sugar and junk food resulting in horrible medical conditions and obesity while the avg. twink body breaks down any substance while keeping a lithe physique. could eat like 30 packs of fruit rollups and not get a negative consequence at all, probably would get a positive outcome.

and btw, twinkmaxx vs bloatmaxx? twink always wins. a twink has the agility and speed to slowly whittle down a bloatlord's hp while a bloatlord would fumble around at incredibly slow speeds, an easy kill for the twink

True. That is why the secret gene-splice protohuman--the Black Man--may separate the Id from the Ego to become two twinks rather than one Fat Bastard. This is an ancient Egyptian scientific art known as the Buu Cell Metatransfer. Inferior Apeoids such as yourself wouldn't understand. But thanks for playing!

lol gonna use buu cell as a transfer? shit the subject will just keep making people cookies to eat dog, you even watch dbz? already a diabetic failure, sad!

The Superior Buu Cell Transfer regenerates and manipulates the skeleto-muscular structure in any manner determined necessary by God Herself. I would back off of my superior cartoon edifice if I were you as I am more than a Black Womyn, I am also directly descended from select Wakanda genetics (yes Wakanda is real) and you should know I am mightily yoked and skilled with the spear and nosebone.

we wuz kangz and shitz

Your privilege is showing, Mayo sub-sapient dead and ashy-skinned creature!

thanks. keep yourself safe, especially when cops are around.

Policing of a society is inherent to the Eggshell Ape--unnecessary in the Brown Cultures pre-Mayo Invasion. Unfortunate that the concepts of theft and murder were introduced by our inferior cousins!

man look at this buttmad MDE rapefugee can't handle the 100% straight jive about the mayos

I'm having flashbacks to the NoI preacher who I regularly saw hawking The Call outside the train station on my morning commute.

mdefugees out

too late

It was the pibbles wasn't it

you have to go back

>chapo trap house

you have to go back to being an epic bro dude

too late 😎

plz scold me for using the word retard

Who hurt you?

damn couldnt even respond to my last comment huh? lol

I bet you don't even own a Nintendo Switch XD

mdefugees into the gas chambers

Well it definitely would've been better than destroying Rome and plunging civilization back a thousand years.

Rome had already been destroyed from within due to the effects of deforestation and subsequent erosion of topsoil as well as the almost ceaseless internecine strife and internal warfare. You are pretty much the poster child for the concept of a "Failed State" when you have 4 emperors in a single year, all of whom come to power through violence and struggle. And when the Secret Service/Praetorian guard starts auctioning off the purple robes of State to the highest bidder, it's pretty much time to close up shop and call "civilization" a day.

(And I haven't even touched on the debasing of coinage due to constant civil war as well as to the Romans' insatiable demand for spices and silks, which left the Roman empire in a state of fiscal insolvency.

The Roman empire was a rotting building and some Goths just kicked the rotting door in finally.

Yeah but they still were tribal niggers who couldn't figure out 90% of the stuff Rome did for a thousand years after. Even the Arabs were smarter than that, they managed to keep the old infra in the Eastern Roman/Persian cities they took till the Mongols rolled in.

And when the Secret Service/Praetorian guard starts auctioning off the purple robes of State to the highest bidder, it's pretty much time to close up shop and call "civilization" a day.

The Roman Empire lived on for like 300 more years after that event.

Europeons were living in caves and gnawing their marrow uncooked while "muds" were building pyramids in Egypt and creating civilization in the fertile crescent.

It was pretty impressive when the Sumarians did it in 3000 BC tbh.

they're called "Persons of No Color" (PoNC).

Ahem. I prefer "Person of Pallor," thank you very much.

Unironically funny comment. Was it a /u/LetsBlameYourMother original?

Honestly, probably not given that the internet is basically the old infinite-monkeys-on-infinite-typewriters idea brought to life. At best, I independently re-invented it.

White people had the power to make choices and straight up abused that power. White people making choices is canceled.

I mean can you blame us for oppressing all the Colorful People? We're jealous of that shit.

Very good! Just like Black, Brown, Red, or Yellow, all just colors Of course colors don't have culture! You get a 🌟

You like watching a black bull nail your life partner don't you

He said he hated his culture

That was pretty good. You'll have a chance to repent on DOTR

dumb mayo thinks this will give him protection 😂

No you don't

What culture

(((Hello fellow whites)))

Would bang

school shooter style or plain old pedo style?


not you tho

why not both?

This isn't r/dankmemes


you really need to get a life eddy boy.

I'm scared that you'd come to our campus and shoot up the space to prove how totally masculine you are 😂😂😂


trying to revive week old drama. seriously, go outside.


Nah it's dead. Just like your sex life.


Get laid first.

i'll just let you win this one friend, seems like you need it.

how did they get them to all do this?

We need to find a way to aerosolize fentanyl

Damn the Ruskies were ahead of the curve on this one. 2002 and they were already playing with fenty!

Pretty sure the consensus is that they used carfentanil. Elegant solution tbh.

Chechens as mayos?

Only a quarter of the people they gassed to death were Chechens. The rest were mayo hostages.

Well, they were Russians, at any rate.

I can't tolerate anyone with even a single drop of mayo blood polluting their vains. Everyone mixed with a mayo is a mayo.

Pretending Chechens aren't mayo.

Oh you...

Well, the Chechens were shot after being gassed, and were mostly young and healthy - so chances are it's the bullets that did it.

The gas killed 117 hostages, all but one of those who died in the Russian assault to retake the theater.

Goddamn. Russians freaking love killing civilians.

They're minor league compared to the USA.

3 million in Vietnam

1 million in Iraq

And that's not even counting the outsourcing among the Apple Pie Dictators like Suharto.

That’s why they have to start drama with our elections like catty girls in high school. They’re jealous of our drive and success.

Leave it to the Russians to put together a brilliant raid and totally fuck up the aftermath. Had they simply had more paramedics on the scene and deigned to do the bare minimum of communication (as in, tell them it's an opiate), most of that 170 would have come through fine. But no, that last 5% is not the Russian way, they do it cherez zhopu.

Mayocide when? Mayocide NOW!


Still too late.

This is the future /u/ed_butteredtoast wants.

Absolutely not!! 🤢🤢🤮🤮🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️

Yeah, I went to white Christian sleepaway camp too. Never again.

Did you get Burger King crowns too?

If by Burger King crown you mean molested, then yes.

Was it a whopper?

It sure was

This is why we need Mayocide.

If they were black, they'd be screwing on the dance floor and half of them knocked up already.

ukuphuma! ukuphuma! ukuphuma!

Somebody's salty ze has no rhythm.

they'd be screwing on the dance floor

At least they're not incels like you.


Better than twerking.


It's not tbqh

What is this dance

omg, with this context, this is even more hilarious.

I usually just think of it as the fortnite dance

12 year old's have more butt and more rhythm than Tay Tay.

Surprisingly both are in OP's fapfolder

Don't ever say stuff like that again about my queen! 😤😤😤

leave the chicken dance out of this

Why does watching this gives me an erection?

You should consult a doctor if it lasts more than four hours.

Honestly we are just monkeys chimping out. We are all they same.

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GJ parents of generation lost cause.

Still better than that jungle bunny drivel they call "RAP" music produced by the niggers

lol gay.

Nah lad not even close

Dude modern hip hop is like a thousand times more innovative than pandering country or whatever shit you listen to.

This is some degenerate tier shit right there.

Their parents should be beaten.

ban twitch.tv

So..... many.... white people.

Never seen so much whiteness in my life!!

The fake anti white circlejerk is faggy as fuck at this point, tards.

Mayo detected

So you’re committed to being a faggot.

Lmao white tears

Do you think you’re funny or are you actually this retarded?


Well, he is a furry.

No, he's a furry.

Oh, well, then... shutdown /r/drama


Fuck off retard.

You might be the least clever redditor I’ve ever seen.

u mad?

PoC everytime: "Lmao white people."

PoC when white people make something: "Reee, why didn't you make it about my culture."

"White nationalists": "Da Jooos controls muh media!"

"White nationalist": "Muh Wuhite people made this movie about men in pajamas."

You may call it a "simile" or "analogy", heck, you might be referred to as “witty” but here, it's an instant proof of degenerative autism.

Congrats and apply for a mod.

Degenerate autism qualifies you to be a mod? Where do I sign up?

This is crazy racist. Reporting this post


Yeah because white people complaining is in the news everyday

If you want to keep them off the streets, just ban tiki torches and khaki stretch pants.


Son do you know where the fuck you are? You may as well call 911 and tell the operator you see a dead black guy on the ground for all the good reporting this will do you.

somewhere a dentist cries

This dance is the worst thing to happen in my lifetime. The amount of cringe is unbearable. Here's a list of some bad things that are better than this dance: Ebola, modern day politics, nuclear weapons, corporations, global warming, sports and Adam Sandler.

When's the communal Flavor Aid passed out?

"Black Culture"

picture of black women screechingly pulling eachothers braids out on the floor of KFC

out out OUT with all you MDEgenerates

ehhh those are children dude

offside imo

When I was in school it was called the macarena

And yet the asian dicklets here fail so massively to get a mayo femoid they're turning the sub into into chink r/incels