[shitpost] Is Q's most recent image a shoop?

140  2018-05-17 by snallygaster

Recently, Q posted this image wherein he suggests that he's in possession of an Executive Order (EOs don't have letterheads, but that's beside the point in this case). While the Qultists debated over the potential contents of the piece of paper, I decided to check out White House letterheads. The only images readily available online of a White House seal from Trump (or any other president for that matter) features a one-headed eagle. In fact, the only images that display the two-headed eagle are from things like a local news website and seem to originate from a stock photo. I think you can see the similarities between these photos and the one that Q posted.

Obviously they're not identical. However, Q's is obviously shooped and/or filtered, given the blur and unnatural lighting (not to mention that the "letterhead" is heavily filled in with low detail, which is not the case in any presidential letterheads). The perspective of the image also seems off. The text at the top doesn't seem to match the alignment of the text at the bottom, and the font at the bottom is much larger than the one at the top. Other factors such as the shading and the apparent size of the paper seem a little weird to me too.

Any image editing masters want to chime in? What do you guys think? Has Q passed a shitty shoop job off as an Executive Order, or am I as nuts as the Qultists?


We can submit quotes?


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. this - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. debated - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  4. Trump - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. the two-headed eagle - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  6. a local news website - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  7. a stock photo - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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You do understand that "Q" is make believe right?

How much did Soros pay you to post this???

23 big boy points to spend on shaggin' yer nan m8

/u/snallygaster isn't a m8, she's a lass

Lassies can be mates


Lassies can be mates

SRDine go home.

You sayin' /u/snallygaster can't be my m8, m8?


Daddy’s home


With his trusty ol' belt no less

Jumper cables boy.

The letter Q looks like a balloon. What do balloons do? They float into the sky. Why does Q want you to look to the sky? Is it because there are things on earth he wants to distract you from? No, it's because Jesus is returning soon. Stay woke.

lol mentions jesus and stay woke in the same paragraph...wakey wakey sunshine

Thats rude

Jesus was very clear when he said son of man. Study symbolism until you know what the son of man is.

What is it?

You mean like a butt baby?

Umm what?

Nice try, SHILL!

Thats rude

If I wanted to create a photo like this I wouldn't even bother photo-shopping anything, I'd just buy a nice agenda and pen, and print out the faked document for real. It's probably be easier that way too, plus in the future you could release more photos with the same props for 'authenticity;.

Apparently the pen's been in a few shots, so that could be real. My guess is he printed out the piece of paper on the bottom, position the pen and binder, then shooped the letterhead on top + the top right corner after the pen.

and the desk at camp david. i guess a larper broke in there and put a piece of paper on the desk, took a pic, then went home and photoshopped it lol.

link pls if you have it

qanon.pub and then post #481


Finding the 4chan threads referencing that pic will be MUCH harder, but they did prove it was that desk though. I think it was Obama's desk but moved there when Trump took over. Don't quote me on that but i think i'm right.


He's bullshitting you. This is the "proof" that the image was taken at Camp David. That there is a desk at Camp David. Not a desk with the same color, texture, or type of wood in Q's picture, but a desk. This is what apparently holds up as 'irrefutable evidence'. Something that anybody with eyes can see doesn't even match.

i guess i shouldn't be surprised bc these people are clearly all retarded, but that wood stain/type isn't even on the same plane of existence as the desk at camp david's. what is even happening here? are these ppl all high off wood stain themselves?

OMG. One desk is at Campdavid. The other more recent desk is at the white house. LOL.

you're saying that this pic https://qanon.pub/data/images/254d3301a888d245e2568b062c9c0a1b65f9359abb7773e62e01998302107d8d.png

is proof that Q was at camp david

but then later decided to shop a photo of a fake executive order?

Bahahahahaha, he posted a completely different presidential letterhead in that 'drop'. It looks like another shoop too; I wonder which google image result he used.

Also, this shit is worse than divination. I don't see how somebody could conceivably construe this as 'proof' that the guy's at Camp David unless there's an image of a desk there with a wood grain that matches this perfectly.

Q likes hanging out with Trump in between fucking with Picard; what is so hard to understand about that?

All Qs photos are originals


If you're talking about this "proof" then you're beyond the point of saving; the desk is a completely different color tone than the one in Q's picture and seems to be made out of polished wood in comparison to the rough texture of the wood in Q's image. It doesn't even look like the same type of wood. This is non-evidence at best and pretty strong evidence that Q devotees will find the Virgin Mary in a piece of toast at worst.

pretty strong evidence that Q devotees will find the Virgin Mary in a piece of toast at worst.

So that's what all of Q's "bread crumbs" are for

Chessus Crust

Did you read what I said? NOPE you didn't. The desk was obama's old desk, not the original camp david one.

you’re beyond the point of saving

says the person reading r/drama lmao

You’re not wrong, but A) you’re also reading /r/drama so we have at least the same baseline of retardation, and B) you unironically believe Q shit which automatically sets your “catastrophically gullible” coefficient way higher. Also you’re dumb as hell.


Maybe this trolling 101 flies in r/drama, but it's laughable

I'm definitely trying harder than you deserve. Please don't go anywhere so we can keep mocking your deluded ass directly to your face.

you sound angry. you're a liberal trump hater aren't you LOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


60000 fake internet points worth of r/drama posting. you should print an award out and hang it in your office.

and by office i mean next to the fryer



Sorry, I'm assuming your gender.


Let's see a picture of that desk, then.

Its because they are two different desks. the president is not at Camp David anymore, he is in the White House.

So where's the proof that the image Q posted is of a desk somewhere in an Important Place? That's the entire point of the conversation.

...wait, you think that a picture of a pen on a piece of wood is proof that he was at Camp David? wtf

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We've gone too deep. Conspiracy is citing us.

Mines of Moria timeline confirmed.

When /r/conspiracy thinks your conspiracy theory is ludicrously fake, you've gone so far off the reservation you don't even remember what a reservation is anymore.

Not really; it's a hit and miss since a lot of leftist disinformation ppl and bots are here to keep people confused

Yeah, Soros is definitely paying people the big shill bucks to post mediocre trolls on the wingnut conspiracy subforum of reddit dot com.

The fact that you think literally anyone thinks you guys are that important is honestly hilarious tbqh.

But Russian bots are all over this site? It goes both ways.

I challenge you to find a single thing about Russian bots in my post history.

Not saying you, or a anyone in this thread. I'm challenging the fact that bots are on Reddit. If soros doesn't pay people to be on here (not saying he is) then would Russians be paid to be on here?

People are so quick to dismiss that there are bots on Reddit, that aren't Russian. Saying, like you, who would pay to have people on here as bots?... but are quick to accept that Russians get paid to be on Reddit as bots. Just have an open minded view is all I was suggesting.

I challenge you to make a good post.

Comment or post? And on what topic?


If soros doesn't pay people to be on here (not saying he is) then would Russians be paid to be on here?

"If [entity] does something then [completely different entity] does it too" is faulty logic for so many reasons.

"I accept that [enemy entity] is trolling this site for its political purpose, but to think that [friendly entity] is doing the same is laughable." is equally poor logic.

The truth is that the internet has become a battleground of ideologies and radical ideas, one where ideas are artificially seeded, spread and inflated, while others are diminished, attacked, and extinguished. While I'm still waiting for proof of the fact, I don't doubt that Russia has an online influence operation going. I'm equally convinced that China does the same, as does Israel, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, the UK, the US, and so on, and so forth.

There were so many recently created accounts in the beginning, dismissing the allegations against the DNC and their treatment of Bernie, often using verbatim the same exact phrases and talking points, so that their shilling efforts couldn't have been any more obvious. These accounts have since become slightly harder to detect, as they appear to be using artificially aged or old vacant accounts now, too.

At any rate, it's clear that we're bombarded with bullshit from all political angles in a deliberate attempt to seize public consciousness.

Don't believe everything the mods tell you. There is no (((boogeyman))) hiding under your bed.

import praw
USERNAME = HodortheDoorHolder
PASSWORD = abcd1234
CLIENT_ID = missing
CLIENT_SECRET = missing 
USER_AGENT = script : haha Q supporters are retarded : v0.3:written by /u/takeittorcirclejerk
reddit = praw.Reddit(
print("Authenticaed as {}".format(reddit.user.me()))

while True:
     hot_posts = reddit.subreddit(YOUR_SUBREDDIT).hot()     
 links = [post.url for post in hot_posts if not post.is_self]
     for submission in reddit.subreddit(TARGET_SUBREDDIT).new(limit=None):         same_sub = str(submission.subreddit).lower() == YOUR_SUBREDDIT.lower()         if submission.saved or same_sub:             continue         text = submission.selftext         has_url = any(url.lower() in text.lower() for url in links)         if submission.url in links or has_url:             submission.save()             reply = submission.reply('/r/{}'.format(YOUR_SUBREDDIT))             print('http://reddit.com{}'.format(reply.permalink()))      for comment in reddit.subreddit(TARGET_SUBREDDIT).comments(limit=None):         same_sub = str(comment.subreddit).lower() == YOUR_SUBREDDIT.lower()         if comment.saved or same_sub:             continue         text = comment.body         has_url = any(url.lower() in text.lower() for url in links)         if has_url:             comment.save()             reply = comment.reply('/r/{}'.format(YOUR_SUBREDDIT))             print('http://reddit.com{}'.format(reply.permalink()))

haha Q supporters are retarded

/r/conspiracy thinks anything suggesting Trump isn't the greatest American and greatest person ever living is fake. I'm alright with them being upset at this.

A part of /r/conspiracy, sure, but by no means the entire sub.

Q was never ever confirmed one anon after his first post, he doesn't samefag

Hey, those mines are only for people looking for the crystal. Keep safe.

Is Q still a thing? Dudes dead

can't be true :(

Fucking kek @ /r/greatawakening's absolutely batshit insane response to this post


What did they say??

Get in here and explain yourselves friends.

u/snallygaster you god you

It could be real, it could be fake. Q does put out misinformation sometimes to confuse enemies.

Jesus fucking Christ.

u/snallygaster I guess whatever you've done is enough.

oh no pls

You need some credibility to lose it.

Are we sure that’s supposed to be White House letterhead and not Waffle House?

Now the real question: what do we do with this knowledge?

The same thing we do every night. Laugh at the qultists.

You're not gonna be laughing when Jesus Comes Back. And Donald Trump and all his loyal followers are ushered away to eternal paradise, while the end times are ushered in down on Earth.

Will it be like Heaven's Gate?

I'm saying right now, I think Trump will off himself before this is all over.

I genuinely can't tell if this is satire or not. Great job!


Your delusional. Maybe read the bible once.

I've read the Bible every night while praying to Jesus and Trump, and its brought me great riches and good times.

Well then you know not to worship false idol's.

Yes, would is why I'm glad Shillary has been cast out of Washington!

which is




Awesome Poe's tbqh

Imagine spending this much time trying to debunk a LARP.

Bitch, where the FUCK you think you are and who the fuck you think made that post?

It took less time than you spend with your hand on your dick every day.

dont kinkshame the poor centipede

Stay safe friend.

Don't let the Q monster get you.


Go shove crypto wallet drives up your ass somewhere else. Get out normie.

No u

Oh look, one of them! Cute.

I honestly just feel bad for these people at this point. Some day in the near future "q" will either disappear or reveal the ruse and their entire world will come crashing down around them. They've been so committed to this for over a year now and post about it with such passion that I'm afraid a mass suicide will follow the exposure of Q as the obvious fake it's always been.

Sidenote, my 87 year old grandmother asked me about Q on mother's day and I told her I didn't believe it at all, she said she thought it was a load of bullshit too. I have no idea who these people who believe it actually are.

What if they're just playing along?

Certainly there's a few true believers, right? It can't just be thousands of idiots all playing along...

I'm sure some of them (especially the younger ones) are, but a lot of the True Believers have been involved in the conspiracy circuit for decades. A lot of the things they reference are really obscure militia, doomsday christianity, etc. shit. There's been a strain of paranoia in American culture for a long time, and the Qonspiracy is just leveraging that.

I have no idea who these people who believe it actually are.

I'm pretty worried about some of my family members bought into it, since they're kind of the type. I'm dreading the next time I talk to them, lol.

How did qultism spread to the level where normies are talking about it?

Well, they can always fall back to saying that deepstate made him denounce The Truth or something along those lines.

I’m afraid a mass suicide will follow the exposure of Q as the obvious fake it’s always been.

I feel like “afraid” is the wrong adjective here, I’m going with “optimistic”

The Qultists will just say that Q gets special letterheads personally designed by the God Emporer.

Given what they said when Q posted a fake email, they'll probably just say that he's testing them or someshit. I wish I could deliver the news to them tho.

Its like how God buried dinosaur bones.

You think those old fucks know anything about shopping?

You could write "White House" on a napkin and they still wouldn't give a shit because they're all deluded af. I don't even know why this guy bothered with a photoshopped image in the first place. If it were me, I'd just slam my head on the keyboard a few times, type a bunch of gibberish and tell them its a secret code message for these idiots to figure out.

Yeah, he doesn't have to post any tangible "proof" so I'm not sure why he decided to risk slipping up with a pretty obvious shoop. Oh well, it's not like his devotees will care either way.

Snally you don't get it

The two headed Eagle is y Pierre Du Simitière's Design of the Shield on the Great Seal of the United States, clearly seen here

It was to represent all the Imperial Germans

The man founded the first history museum in the United States.

He actually had to work with these crazy fellows to make a seal you know the thing we have today?

Here's what they suggested

Benjamin Franklin: "Moses standing on the Shore, and extending his Hand over the Sea, thereby causing the same to overwhelm Pharaoh who is sitting in an open Chariot, a Crown on his Head and a Sword in his Hand. Rays from a Pillar of Fire in the Clouds reaching to Moses, to express that he acts by Command of the Deity. Motto, Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."

Thomas Jefferson: The children of Israel in the wilderness, led by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. For the reverse side of the seal: Hengist and Horsa, the two brothers who were the legendary leaders of the first Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain.

John Adams: The painting known as the "Judgment of Hercules," where the young Hercules must choose to travel either on the flowery path of self-indulgence or ascend the rugged, uphill way of duty to others and honor to himself.

Clearly Q is actually either Pierre Du Simitiere or he's from an alternate timeline where Imperial Germany invaded America


Yeah, he doesn't have to post any tangible "proof" so I'm not sure why he decided to risk slipping up with a pretty obvious shoop. Oh well, it's not like his devotees will care either way.

I think these mistakes are like the spelling errors in a Nigerian prince email scam.

How, he wondered, were scammers who never sent an email free of typos earning enough money for the United States Secret Service to establish its own task force to fight them?

In fact, those typos are a key part of the scam.

Levitt and Dubner explain the genius behind such an obvious scam in terms of "false positives," referring to email recipients who engage with the scammers but don't ultimately pay. Reaching out to scores of potential victims isn't much work, thanks to the ease of email, but with each reply from a gullible target, the scammers are required to put forth a little more effort.

Therefore, it's in the scammers' best interest to minimize the number of false positives who cost them effort but never send them cash. By sending an initial email that's obvious in its shortcomings, the scammers are isolating the most gullible targets. If you trash their email, that's fine. They don't want you, someone from whom there's virtually no chance of receiving any money. They want people who, faced with a ridiculous email, still don't recognize its illegitimacy.

As Herley tells the book's authors, "Anybody who doesn't fall off their chair laughing is exactly who they want to talk to."


My theory: Whoever is behind this is looking for a gullible group of people that are willing to commit to group action. #WWG1WGA

It could also just be someone that started LARPing, hit the jackpot and now they're just seeing how far they can take it. It seems like more than that to me tho.

Surely you can prove Photoshop. Show us how you proved it.

Go to forensically and try it out for yourself. Look at the FAQ. Check out examples of presidential seals compared to the ones that Q has posted. Look at the text in the image Q posted compared to text that comes from a natural photograph. I even posted some examples of fake vs. real photographed text. You can see how it was 'proven' in the OP, here, and in this post, and you have all the resources you need to run your own examples of fake and real photographed text through the program (and/or magnify it in your favorite image-editing software to see the difference). You should additionally look up the methods that false psychics and prophets use to keep people hooked on the methods that they're trying to convey and compare examples, e.g. Branch Davidians, to what you're following in GA.

I don’t agree with you but you’ve definitely got a way with words that made me laugh. 😂

You could write "White House" on a fucking napkin

Q had lunch with the president CONFIRMED!!!

I'm experiencing another great awakening~

Thank you Q, thank you snally-senpai ❤️❤️❤️

np np

I piss where I shit.

However, Q's is obviously shooped


Nice try, deepstate.


Deja Q

Tfw you thought the 2016 election meant Americans were going to finally eliminate themselves in a civil war but instead both sides just started playing spy ARGs

Open your eyes man! Obviously that double-headed eagle is a secret clue. There are two Koreas right now, maybe the EO is related to NK and SK talks.

he should post a very very high res image

the lower the res, the easier to fake

thus its a fake


Now the real question: what do we do with this knowledge?

Try to make up for the 45 seconds we wasted acquiring it.

Now the real question: what do we do with this knowledge?

Post it on /r/greatawakening

Unfortunately the mods remove any dissenting thought that isn't qualified with something like 'I believe in the plan wholeheartedly but...' and ban or 'shadowban' anyone who doesn't seem like they're a True Believer. All of the Q-related spaces are heavily moderated, so the devotees are unlikely to see this.

Ask yourself this,

  1. How do you know this post is made by Q instead of some Larper?
  2. How do you know who made any post on 4chan?
  3. How do you know if Q is intentionally embedding clues via Photoshop?
  4. How do you know if Q has been compromised?
  5. How do you know if I am not Q giving you hints with these questions?
  6. How do I know if you are not throwing shade on Q for Streisand effect?
  7. How do any of us know if Q is already in this sub?
  8. How do we know if Q isn't a metaphysical amorphous amalgamation of the primordial will of man in search of truth in a world full of falsehood?

How do you know if your sister is coming on to you when she asks if you've been working out?

Could really use some help here.

How does this even prove it is a photoshop... unless the "forensics" site can be explained/reproduced with proof that it is a vaild way to prove a shop... this is just a bunch of kids (you) playing with filters over an image.

Here's the original explanation behind why the first two images are significant. The third is mine- in the 'White House' text there's gray pixels that contrast with both the text and the paper and indicate that the text has been messily selected and moved or that the part of the image above it has been changed somehow. It's like how, when you use the 'magic wand' or 'fill' tool in an editing software, you get some unwanted residual pixels stuck to the lines of the thing you're trying to move/fill in, and they don't match with the rest of the photo/area of the photo. Here's an example of what I'm talking about with a 5-min shoop I did using the stock photo. The edges around the letters are blurry and unnatural. Here are examples of what letters on a page look like in a photograph. There are artefacts around the letters, but they're colorful, similar to the pattern of the surrounding paper, and don't have distinct boundaries because the letters are part of the paper. Here's another obvious fake that you can refer to for good measure. For clarity's sake I will say that there are gray artefacts on scanned paper, but they also contain the artefacts you see around text in photos, and Q supposedly posted a photo so it's a moot point anyway.

Wow, you really care about this! It's good to be passionate about things, you go dude.

I'm just really into digital anthropology and how groups develop, communicate, collaborate, and form norms and mythos online, along with the wider social and/or cultural reasons that cause people to reject 'mainstream' thought and culture in favor of online communities. The Q phenomenon is particularly interesting to me because it's the largest 'cult' that's ever formed online, and it's attracting both people from decades-old fringe groups and people who've never been involved in a well-defined subculture. Not to mention that it's carrying over to 'real life' and has the potential to effect political discourse (or cause somebody to do something unsavory). Following the Q phenomenon makes me feel like I did when I was observing Otherkin and other subcultures that have since been absorbed and destroyed by wider 'alt' culture (thanks Tumblr...), so I'm pretty excited about it.

I'd compare you to Jane Goodall, but that feels insulting to gorilllas.

Thank you a ton for the concise response!

Happy to help!

Maybe Q is all the bussy we met along the way.

That's why when I see people doubting Q because of one or two minor inconsistencies, a red flag immediately comes off in my head that these are deep-state operators. I still suspect you are one, because you CLEARLY stated that Q's credibility rests on this minor post.

I am not reporting you yet. I want to leave this post up for others to see, to educate others. At some point, we will sweep you out. You will go to GITMO and spend the rest of your life there.

By the way, how much do they pay you? I bet not a lot, because you don't do your job well.

These qbois are so tough and scary.


It's still real to me dammit

Those people are such hilarious garbage, like the pigs from the Donald on really bad meth

real question: what do we do with this knowledge?

Get hookers and blow.