Random girl gives Reddit username to boyfriend’s friends, get shocked when they cyberstalk her. Then the friends show up

26  2018-05-17 by uniqueguy263


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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He gave me an ultimatum this morning that I warned him on our first date he would always lose (so he obviously knows how that's going to work out).

Ditch any bitch who plays that shit

We just stopped going to his house because watching him get hit and abused sucked so bad. We started talking to him via texts and phone calls. Have you ever seen your friend get hit in the face? Taken advantage of at every turn, emotionally and monetarily? Then imagine seeing her post on Reddit about how horribly he treats her. Her making fun of his mom with MS, saying she's going to die and be eaten by her cats, insinuating that there lives will be better after?

But honestly it's hard to feel bad for any guy who lets someone treat him AND his mother this way.

Unreddit link.

Btw can't unreddit be made one of Snapshill's links? Would help a ton to read links the moderators got to before OP.


Removeddit is basically the same thing.

It looks like the moderators also deleted all of the guy's friends' posts which paint OP in a bad light.

uhh why are people like /u/TeaTimeTemptress and /u/GiddyGiraffes defending violent abusers? is that some kind of radfem sub or something?

Drama like this makes it worth sifting through hundreds of agendaposts

Roasties smh