r/AgainstHateSubreddits brigades a sub that has only 2 posts and less than 10 subscribers. Increases traffic, quadruples subscribers, and gains 2 moderators. Stellar work.

190  2018-05-17 by DV-Throwaway


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHat... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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u/BelleAriel imagine spending time searching for obscure subs to be offended by. When did life take such a wrong turn

lol evey is busy crying to reddit admins

man, wonder what sort of lowlife feels compelled to do nothing but post about politics which are mostly smoke and mirrors. can guarantee she’s probably like an obese retarded chick or something

Probably has a bunch of Funko pops

I actually have screen caps. Belleariel was a T_d poster for a bit till she got banned. She is all about the karma, this AHS stuff is just her karma whoring. I know her from blue light

Who karma whores political subs?...fucking amateurs. Feel free to post those screen caps, tho.

Meh nobody cares. I’ve posted em on my sub before.



She's still trying to get r/unitedkingdom banned for banning her.

Check out the number of threads she posted to her weird silent sub.


Woman stalking everyone else demands no one stalk her.

This is just beautiful. How have we missed this?

This person gets it , if only wonkyeye would.

She sounds real triggered.

I wish /r/unitedkingdom was banned

She needs to be reported to the social service for child abuse. She spends far to much time shit posting on Reddit to take care of that poor child.

For that poster? When their parents couldn't find a coathanger in time

u/BelleAriel is a legitimately insane person who would her shit on r/badunitedkingdom on a near-daily basis until she fucked off to cry about Nazis and post shit pictures of her white trash pets. Good to see she's been keeping herself safe though.

So you're Spork? The guy who she obsessively followed for months?

She's been trying unsuccessfully to drum up support for her campaign to remove moderators who don't respond to her pleas to un-ban her.

But don't worry, she has a new red iPad case and only needs some Labour stickers now.

Oh no, that's SymbolicCyanide, an infamous r/politics and UKPol poster who frothed at the mouth and wanted everyone right of Pol Pot dead. After a ban, he reappeared as ExtracurricularSpork, who I believe is also gone.

I'm his even more mongoloid brother, ExtraChromosomeSpork. I'm like the Dumbassahedratron to his Wisdom Cube.

No mate. SymbolicCyanide surely followed through on his promise to move to Germany after his company in the UK closedbecause of Brexit and relocated. Luckily they offered him a relocation package and took him up on it. I was working near to where he said he was going at the time and offered to have a few beers. He deleted his account instead...

And yes Spork was IP banned by the Admins for ban evasion. Shame that.

She's deleting all her ridiculous post you linked from her dead sub, maybe she's realised how fucking stupid she looks,I can't believe she was denying being Evielevibe , what a mong

ahs is unironically one of the most pathetic subreddits, even more pathetic than drama. taking reddit seriously should be a criminal offence

and ahs is legitimately one of the most hateful subreddits

ahs killed my dog

pibble deserved it tbh

How does it feel to be /r/dogfree ?

The 2008 Financial Crisis was caused by AHS

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits ate my asshole. They made me do copious amounts of cocaine with them, to the point I thought my heart was gonna stop. They told me to calm down, gave me a drink, and I don't know what was in the drink but I blacked out. And when I woke up, they had both my legs over their shoulders, and they were numb-sucking my asshole like there was no tomorrow. I tried to fight it, I tried to get away, but I was restrained. They told me that I liked it, they told me not to worry cause they used the good jelly, the Smuckers. So nobody's paid me to, uh, confess this now, and I've kept it under wraps for all these years because I knew no one would believe me. No one would believe that AHS ate my asshole.

taking reddit seriously should be a criminal offence

Well tbf, the subreddit they linked to is taking reddit pretty seriously:

This is mainly a place to monitor the corruption and fall of subreddits by the team of SJWS that's been killing them off slowly and quietly. I'll be keeping a stickied post of what I've noticed as well as the current list of SJW mods to watch out for.

They are shutting down free speech on reddit and nobody is trying to stop them. I want to change that. At least educate people as to what's happening.

the solution is to just let seriousposters have at each other


Ed you suck


Username checks out I guess. Also YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!!

I'm not a dirty damn Mexico like urself


nice try, rapefugee.

I've in drama since before mde u dumb whore

and I believe you! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Thank u ed, ur opinion matters to me

passive aggression

The whitest reply imaginable πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Whiter than you, muhammed

thinks I'm a muzzie

being this desperate for "ownage"


implying you aren't

<not using superior orango pointers

You still need to go back sweaty

Mayocide would fix this

اِ Ω†Ω’ شَؒ َؑ اللّهُ

It's like the worst people of SRS got together and decided not to send their best.

Any anti sub is unironically worse than whatever the original thing was.

except /r/banpitbulls, none of those folks have mauled a toddler

Can't go wrong with shitting over dogs, tho.

The demand for hateful subreddits has outstripped the supply.

I'd gild you, because you deserve it, but I don't want to give Reddit 4 dollars.

aka "the splc phenomenon"

You might want to word that differently, lest you be ticktocked.

Imagine if a neo-Nazi farted in the same room as an AHS user. Do you think the protest rally would descend into antifa rioting or would it end with a dance party?

It would end in impotent seriousposting on Reddit because anything else is outside their abilities

I was hoping u/shitpost953 would address these accusations.

what's to be addressed.

It all seems pretty plain.

what's to be addressed.

we weren't hiding anything.

Insert witty cuckhold joke here

I respect that...do what you want if its not hurting anybody.

However, your involvement with awkward/souixie is concerning to me. I may be just an annoying downvote troll, but there's a reason for doing what I do, and I think we share more common ground than you realize.

They're on to us!

This is what happens when you don't have enough spank material.

I'm starting to suspect they call us "cucks" because that's the sound we make when we read their little attempts at spelling.

/u/Haus42 please explain what possessed you to type this sentence unironically

So... they sound like fucking chickens?

I suspect he's such a cuckold that the word "cuck" just flies out of his mouth at all opportunities, including when confronted by incorrectly spelled words

like a pokemon

brigading a barely active sub just to start a circlejerk over a misspelling

wew the absolute state of AHS

Man, that bitch never learns. She's been doing this for YEARS.


You should start a comedic carrier with those jokes. Your talent is wasted on reddit.

death of free speech



death of free speech


LMAO that subreddit is still smaller than Trump's dick

Against hate subreddits recently falsely indicted proud pro jew sub /r/millionshekelextreme for no reason.

The greatest thing is that the new sub got traction after the brigade-attempting post AND its author was invited to become a mod!!!!!!

you think SJWs actually want to stamp out -isms and -phobias

they're parasites; without those things they would have literally no reason to live

My will to meme is dying, because this shit is just fucking retarded.

"They should be monitored at all times"

I mean just look at this shit! LOOK!

Christ, these people are so fucking insane that they should be pried off the internet by force. Don't believe me? They literally made a subreddit for watching the no name subreddit. /r/SubredditSentinels/ (Yes this a different sub meant to watch the original one).

Two posts, TWO! That's all it took to get these guys hot and bothered.

She posted on one of her hate subs (ironically called /r/AgainstHateSubreddits) this:

*I’m still surprised that Trump was elected. I remember the day he was elected; a colleague and I were discussing it and a man who usually jokes around, told us that Trump was America’s president elect. We were like β€œstop messing around no way in hell would they elect that man.” We were in shock. Mind you, the Tories were elected here, which was frustrating as hell. And then they drove 120,000 of our most vulnerable to their deaths, so we’re not much better.

To which I responded:

"a colleague and I were discussing it and a man who usually jokes around, told us that Trump was America’s president elect. We were like β€œstop messing around no way in hell would they elect that man.”

You don't even have a job. Reddit is chock a block with screencaps of your previous devotion to T_D. and other unpleasant items you have posted in the past. You link spam to every subreddit you can think of with your karma obsession and never, ever make a contribution to political debate - other than "Trump should be impeached" "Tories are cunts" "Theresa May is vile". So many people call you out on it and yet you carry on blundering through with a few set phrases that get you a couple of karma votes.

You are banned from so many subreddits - not because everyone's against you per se, but because everyone is sick of you and your crazy behaviour, stirring trouble up and blatantly lying. Who has a subreddit devoted to causing trouble for others and does literally all the posting and commenting, even going to the lengths of conversing with yourself?

All those subreddits are NEVER going to let you back and bad-mouthing them is not going to make them suddenly see you as rational.

For a long time I felt sorry for you. But I've seen so many people try to help you sort yourself out. And what do you do? You then turn your clumsy attacks on them as well.

Not even joking but you will never be taken seriously. I sincerely hope that you seek some help in grounding yourself and gaining some equilibrium in general.

Edit: and yes, I made this account just to say this. Because I don't want to be another one of your victims.

Naturally she deleted it within seconds. I feel sorry for her. She has caused so much trouble and somehow sees herself as a victim. She has had people who try to help her demodded. She stalks her chosen victims and has the bloody cheek to call other people her stalker.

What the eck is wrong with her? Why won't she stop?