MGTOW loses it over troll

0  2018-05-17 by ThrowChoe678


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I like MGTOW better than people who think about them tbh

Awww, you made a thread about me.

Are u a virgin?

Lol, no.

You said exactly the same to me in a message. Just wanted to throw the words in your face, was all.

Wait I never asked you before...did I? I don't remember. Anyway you should check out my AMALT post. The way MGTOW reacts is pretty telling.

You said "Aww, you made a thread about me", and I wanted to throw those words in your face.

This one? It's gone. So, can't.

Although from what little of your post history I can see, I get the feeling you're a bitter, hateful, self-hating person. I really don't see the point of actually interacting with you all that much.

Male sexuality is Predatory, Opportunistic, and Exploitative. And yes, AMALT. Even that nice beta guy. This is the “red pill” that women accept and swallow; most of us learn this in our youth.

Predatory- Male sexuality is self propelling and inherently devoid of morality. Legal restriction and strict social enforcement are the only reason men dont fuck absolutely everything.

Opportunistic - A man is as faithful as his options and opportunity.

Exploitative - All male sexuality is self interested without consideration of women’s well being. All Male sexual strategy is to restrict, deny, oppress, usurp, and neglect women’s sexuality for their own benefit. All images of female sexuality is filtered through the male lens.

In so far that feminism exists as a sexual strategy, it’s main focus is curb the above behavior. Female submission exists only as far as men’s ability to enforce it through the above behavior.

Here's teh actually post.

Although from what little of your post history I can see, I get the feeling you're a bitter, hateful, self-hating person. I really don't see the point of actually interacting with you all that much.

Brah, you've done nothing but interact with me all day. I sense some chemistry here. You aren't possibly bi are you?

I actually commented on it. To rephrase what I said before:

Sounds like MGTOW is the best thing for you, then. If men go their own way, they leave women alone. So then, women don't have to deal with this.

Everyone benefits. You should be supporting and spreading MGTOW, not fighting it.

Although given everything you've said so far has been lies and bullshit, I don't really trust that you believe any of that.

You aren't possibly bi are you?

I thought you were a woman?

I sense some chemistry here.

Actually the post was copied from Purple Pill Debate. Personally I find your response to be most reasonable. Other responses were that AMALT was impossible and insane, and that men weren't like that at all. Kind of hypocritical....

You thought I was a woman? My friend, my dick says otherwise. And what do you mean I can't afford you? You want my dick, I want your dick, that's all there is too it.

So, you're a man who is upset that male sexuality is predatory... okay. Seems legit.

Ever heard of the Boy Who Cried Wolf? After lying for a few times, everyone decides that the boy is a stupid little cunt who's full of shit, and stops believing him. Just seemed relevant.

So, you find my response most reasonable... but you still hate MGTOW. Okay.

I'm only gay for money. And trust me, you can't afford that. Also: I only pitch. Also: I have herpes. Also AIDS. And spikes on my penis.

And also a tail, but that's less relevant to this.

No no no, I posted AMALT just to see how you guys would react. And I was pretty disappointed. I don't actually believe AMALT or AWALT though.

A tail? Wait....are you a furry? Well if you can dress up as a cat you can dress up as WW....

No, an actual tail. Prehensile. I can use it grab small objects. I am definitely not a lizard person though totally am nope, no sirree.

Challenge: explain what you have against MGTOW.

I have nothing wrong with the whole MGTOW mindset and lifestyle. The problem is the people on the sub talk about nothing other than women, all the time. If you are going your own way it's really no longer relevant. Who cares if women ride the cock carousel, who cares if women are hypergamous, etc. And this is if we accept that these things are true. I use to think so. But more recently I've seen examples where women aren't with men because of looks or money. And it's kinda changed my world view a bit.

Were you raised Christian, by any chance?

I'll agree that people there are angry, but there are reasons for that. It makes sense. And while the sub may be like that, MGTOW isn't.

For the record, your response of "You're angry, so I'm going to troll you and try to get the sub shut down" is pathetic and stupid.

No my parents are atheists. I did go to Catholic high school though because the public high schools in my area are crap.

Also I wasn't trying to get the sub shut down. Trolling is a part of nature, plain and simple.


Well, look. I couldn't give a fuck about you. I was curious before. I feel I understand you enough that I no longer care, and I'm gonna do more useful and important things now.


Goodbye friend. I'm gonna miss you. Before I jump off the building I'll fondly think of the chats we've had.

I'm gonna miss you

No, you're not.

Before I jump off the building...

Not the way I'd go, but alright. Try to land on your head. Best for everyone that way around.