Weaponized memes anger twitter.

47  2018-05-17 by TSwizzlesNipples


I mean, they're not wrong.


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Jesus...you're fucking senient.

I wish I was sentient

you wish you *were sentient


Two caves and few Taliban veterans of Russian war?

Letā€™s give our ā€œdefenseā€ $100 trillion to effectively fight.

Civilized man racket since Rome.

Are you having a stroke, buddy?

Did you complete your PhD?

haha people are mad because the military does its job and doesn't cry about it and in fact has fun with it

There is something to be said about unnecessary and frivolous drooling over what is essentially bunch of assholes making demented fun over what amounts to be a cave and few bearded guys.

I could be wrong...

Don't be a pussy, dude. It's an organization that kills people and it upsets folks that they're not self-flagellating about it, but instead have fun with memes and shit while they do it.

Check out these stone cold killers who also like shitty pop music, how offensive.

lmao, "hey let's take a break from killing people and make a cute lil video for the folks back home"

"but when we're done, we can go back to killing people, right...?

"oh absolutely"

their bravery is unmatched

imagine how many chicks fingered themselves to that video, too

You definitely own one of these https://i.redd.it/sb0hjfo2ieh01.jpg

there are two things in that image, so that's pretty dumb

you definitely own one of these

o shit

whatever killing people is cool u fag

He doesn't dehumanise Muslims to the point that memes about the military liquidating them is funny

lol, what a faggot!

My taxes pay for it, I have a right to tell it to civilized in public and not make shitty tasteless jokes.

Nothing tasteless about slaying browns

and not make shitty tasteless jokes

That must be the unpublished 18th article of the Bill of Rights.

Yeah, I don't get why people don't think war is lighthearted fun. Have these people never played a video game?

Have you ever been in one

If you think I need to have been in a war to decide if dropping bombs on people is funny feel free to ignore me. And, damn, what is with all the soldier fluffers rage hitting the down vote button?

So no

No. And I still don't think war is like a TV sitcom where everything that happens ends up being just more hilarious high jinks.

But you wouldn't really know better team, ssy, the military

What is it I am thinking I know better about than the military?

Yeah, I don't get why people don't think war is lighthearted fun. Have these people never played a video game?

Would the military know more about war than the people complaining?

Just make whatever point it is you are trying to make instead of dancing around with cryptic questions. I feel like I'm talking to a sentient box of fortune cookies.


Itā€™s a bunch of twentysomething dudes in a giant sandbox surrounded by guns, explosives, and cheap heroin. Itā€™s a miracle we get anything resembling professionalism out of these guys.

Cancer as a category of disease isn't curable and the people who make comments like this would just piss the money away on increasing welfare for blacks instead.

agreed. guys why are we killing terrorists and maintaining an active army for defense of our sovereignity when we could build a sexually neutral toilets that also functions as an abortion clinic in every single street in us to prevent trans bullying and suicides? this is fucked up nazi.

God - what a turd!

/T_D ---->

I'm banned there.

Simpleton personified!

Don't hold back...

I don't wanna talk to you.

Go back to your hate sub!

no u!


I've never used this stupid meme, but literally, "this, but unironically"

whose budget could cure all forms of cancer.

Yes, that's how medical research funding works, like a little percentage bar in The Sims. Damn it, we're only 5% of the way to curing "cancer," if we had twenty times more funding we'd have the cure by now!

Jesus H. Christ... am I surrounded with unironuc baffoons, or what?

It was a fucking mannaer of speech, a metaphor

A metaphor is a figure of speech that directly refers to one thing by mentioning another for rhetorical effect. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas.

It was a commentary on the size of miliatry budget that drowns all other topics, interests and ideas.

Imagine if we gave the entire US Military budget to Elon Musk!

The cth threads would be worth it

haha people are mad because the military does its job

The Air Force lost an ammo container full of live Mk19 rounds the other day on a public road. A few years ago they accidentally lost a rocket due to a shipment mixup. A looong time ago they accidentally dropped a nuclear bomb on a northeastern state but thankfully it didnā€™t go off. The Air Force is seriously incompetent.

TIL it's not a zero fault industry

Motherfuckers need Six Sigma.

Motorola nonsense out out out

Those arenā€™t combat missions you retard. Those all happened during logistics movements in non-combat situations. Iā€™m glad the Air Force sticks to flying planes because theyā€™re incapable of doing anything else combat related.

TIL it's not a zero fault industry

TIL youā€™re a faggot who repeats himself.


Stop memeing this serious conversation!!!


oh yeah good point

dropped a nuclear bomb on a northeastern state but thankfully it didnā€™t go off.

Nothing of value would have been lost.


/r/fellowkids incoming



Ok buddy

It's dumb and distasteful on multiple levels though. "Hey taxpayers, airforce here! Still can't seem to defeat the taliban after 15 years but we made this dank meme to assure you all that we're having a blast over here!"

They apologized for the tweet so it seems to have worked.



I'm an Su-25 man.


yikes gross eww icky


The Air Force is so fucking lame

I would have figured blowing up members of the Taliban would be one of those things most people could agree on

So the AF made a meme (not really cringe but not funny either) about colorgate 2.0, and people are mad now?

people are mad now

That's a constant like the speed of light.

I laughed

Can we at least agree that both the meme and the army response are shit ?

Won't someone think of the Taliban.

Holy fuck

God I can't wait to get into the Air Force.

Pretty sure you need a higher ASVAB score than what your average dramautist is capable of.

That's quitter talk.

Whatever, I got a 93 on mine. Or was it 39?