TwoX jerks itself off over fanfiction again

121  2018-05-17 by Displeased_Canadian


I also want to make it clear that this is not a judgment on those men based on their nationality, however I wanted to make a note of it as there have historically been difficulties in relations between people of Indian heritage versus those of Chinese heritage.

Lol what odd edit.

"Hey, not racist or nothing, but is Chinese fucking despise the street shitting smelly rapist faggots. NOT RACIST."

it begs the question: why mention their ethnicity at all?

Please answer this question u/doradiamond

Bold move /u/doradiamond making the protagonist of yoir fanfic a massive racist.

Begging the question is a specific fallacy you retard. It doesn't mean ask the question.

Why do so many people on reddit get so autistic about logical fallacies like you do?

Because a lot of people on reddit are autistic

If you win the argument, then you're view is correct. Unironically

It is your you austistic dumbfuck

  • from another autistic dumbfuck

ad hominem and straw man. try again buddy.

> Using no true slippery hominem fallacy

Argument invalid.

more like phalluses amirite lol?

Irregardless, my question stands for all intensive purposes

That sentence gave me a hemorrhage and I know you did it on purpose.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

Because when I originally posted it, it was a gendered issue but I thought it was important to recognise that it might not have been a sexist thing but a cultural thing.

What's that, you hate the chinese?

I hate everyone equally.

I... Can't fault you

Come on give me something to work with

Ok gimme a sec...




You're not you when you're hungry

She's a TrollX poster. They're always hungry.

Its garbage. Chinese are racist towards everyone. Esp other Chinese. Fucking dog fuckers.

noodle-cide when?


Do you know how retarded you have to be to unironically post on twox?

I don't browse /r/TwoXChromosomes (and drama from there isn't posted here as often as drama from /r/TrollXChromosomes), so I can't really say if it's that retarded, but just make sure you're not confusing /r/TrollXChromosomes with /r/TwoXChromosomes. The former is definitely way more retarded, and a lot of their users actually hate /r/TwoXChromosomes because it's not retarded enough.

twox is beyond retarded, almost as bad as trollx.

twox and trollx are absolute shit, there's a reason there's so many women in /r/askmen

I hate everyone equally.

Let me guess you're also dating a white guy lol

If she hadn't mentioned their ethnicity it would have been harder for us to understand why she made fun of his mispronunciation of "caching"

Racism is an inherent feature of feminism.

Wait, there have? When did Indians and Chinese ever meet historically? There were a few battles in Kashmir and Ladakh but otherwise all we did was trade.

He literally fell back with a look of utter horror on his face


Heh thanks :P Afterwards, I turned to the client and said, "I hope you don't mind me being so aggressive with them." And he just laughed and said, "I love it. It's fantastic to see a woman taking control like that."


And that client's name? Elon Musk.

And he gave her a free Model S, 3 and X.

Nope. His name was Ben.

It's a joke, you idiot. Calling your story BS.

He should have thrown a stapler at her head and yelled GET OWNED BY GAMERGATE, BITCH

What is this? An anime?

Be condescending to me? I’ll put you in your place.

Yeah I’m sure that attitude works real well with your supervisor.

He wasn’t my supervisor. It was an agency that our mates had engaged. He was pretty sure he was gonna discontinue the contract anyway but wanted a sanity check.

He should have gotten one from someone who actually knows something about SEO then lol

Yes, Google does care about DA

O I am laffin

Look I didn’t put it into the OP cos it was getting too long and I wanted to simplify. I realise that Google doesn’t strictly care about “DA” but you’re not going to get as much benefit out of a backlink from a shitty website as a reputable one.

Not only were these low quality sites but they were also irrelevant. They were link farming directories from other countries (not the country the client is based in) so they were low quality links.

As a rule, I disagree with link farming, since earned links are better. But my point to the SEO guys was that if you’re going to farm links, at least do it to a site that’s relevant and reputable.

Obviously so much of what they said was untrue. Yes, Google does care about DA.

This is your actual quote. At this point you're basically backtracking to hide how ignorant you're about SEO.

Your biggest accomplishment in that scenario is showcasing your ignorance in the matter at hand while feeling "smart" about correcting the pronunciation of men to whom English is most likely a 2nd or 3rd language.

Reeeee it should have been the porn scenario!

Marketing people are all scum parasites.

OP should be banned for this faggotry 😤 given my two day suspension over near identical fggotry.

P sure to that's not why you were banned

Didn't you do something like autistically spam a link or dox

Nope, to quote the retarded mod:

extra day because this wasn't just a meme. I had to pore over it in vain looking for any scrap of drama.

Oh subreddit ban lol

You know the drill, name names

So maybe it’s because I’m on my phone but when I pull the convo up it doesn’t show the mod’s name.

Mod cowardice from /r/drama smh

Oh shit, I didn't realize that the mods added that rule. They sneakily added it 12 days ago.

(((They))) should suspend said guideline when it involves proud women telling tales of their greatness 😤 how else can we blow them out of proportion?

SEO: Well that's just a caching issue (pronounced incorrectly). Me: I think you mean CACHING (pronounced correctly).

Sounds racist to me.

"And then I said, 'ka-CHING bitches!' which is perfectly fine since i'm of chinese descent by my half chinese, half cherokee great grandmother on my stepfather's side, twice removed!!!!!"

A racist white woman whitesplains to some people of color, TwoX cheers.

Think she is Chinese or some shit

she yellowfacing

links entire thread



Obviously so much of what they said was untrue. Yes, Google does care about DA.

LOLOLOL no, actually they don't. DA has nothing to do with Google. What a dumb cunt.

right? I don't even do SEO and I know that Google uses all their own internal metrics and definitely not fucking SEOMoz's horseshit DA ranking. Hell, Google even said they don't publically -- and why the hell would they depend on an external metric?

yeah, the chick is dead wrong and those SEO guys are probably laughing at her stupidity. The SEO guys win in this case because nobody wants to deal with someone who thinks she knows something but she's dead wrong.

also I've worked with countless indians over my career (dots not feathers, though some feathers too) and I don't think those guys even know how to look horrified. confused, sure, stupid, sure, lost, of course, but horrified?

I could go on but would bore the non-tech industry types here into the ground. Hell it bores me.

me too. Lots of dots in the industry and they usually have no expression at all, so that part is bullshit. They don't call it "indian seo" for nothing, but she has no idea what she's talking about either.

plus, it may sound harsh but if you're outsourcing SEO to an indian firm, you probably are looking for the cheapest, not the best (even though many domestic SEO firms outsource monkeywork).

the only thing I'll give her is that it sounds like they are just spamming links, which is par for the course when you hire an Indian for SEO. I get at least one of these jokers in my email every day. "Aaron" from India wants to sell me SEO.

yeah but that's half the "SEO Consultants" in the business.

The whole business is shady af and I can't stand SEOs in general because of it.

You're not mansplaining are you?

this is the internet, i could be shemalesplaining and you'd never know. or cuntfusing the issues.

They should be called one extra chromosome.

"This is the last time you oppress wombxyn with your misogyny, patriarch!" I cried, throwing a mighty punch at the evil male's head. He tried to block it, but because physical gender differences and sexual dimorphism are myths perpetuated by the hereronormative patriarchy, he couldn't muster the strength to stop me.

"NO.....HOW CAN YOU BE SO STRONG....SO EMPOWERED...EVEN AFTER 500 GORILLION YEARS OF CIS MALE OPPRESSION?!?" the misogynist cried. "Because, you pathetic cis white creepy MRA incel Redpiller MGTOW rapist misogynist male....GENDER is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT." I teleported behind him, unsheathing my katana forged by the greatest warrior-craftswomxyn of Fempan. He raised his copy of "The Myth of Male Power" to block, but the sword clove cleanly through both the book and his neck in one smooth motion. Another blow dealt to the patriarchy.


Women in the workplace was a mistake

Smh missed the drama :(

A national hero. She needs a monument.