Apparently the proper term for femcels is PANKs, and instead of running people over they dote on their nieces and nephews.

29  2018-05-17 by itsnotmyfault


No actual drama that I can see. for the author's tweet about this article.

This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Twenty-five years ago, I made the decision to marry the man I love. I was 23 when I packed up my life in Montreal and moved to New York City for him. I had yet to actually meet this man

she some kind of psychic?

This is a very sad post.

The only thing sad about it is her failure to understand how her own choices have shaped her life.

Like, if you want kids, it's really not that hard to adopt.

It just gets me every time i see a conventionally attractive woman whine about how hard it is to find the perfect guy.

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the actual problem with white people is that they name and legitimize every way to fail in their culture

I’m now 49, still single, and on the other side of hope for motherhood.

Thank you, Carol, for doing your part for mayocide

I'm pretty sure the proper term for femcels is 'feminist'.

I mean, she moved to NYC planning to find a guy.

That's a bit like a dude moving to sacramento hoping to find love

Wrong place bud