Video game company decides to change a minor aspect about their game. The entire community goes apeshit proving once again that gamers need to be erradicated.

24  2018-05-17 by Snowayne2



Where the fuck is the factorial bot? !!111!1!1!!111!

Good riddance. Fuck that little bitch



I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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LoL fags



good post

I think I could take their complaints a little more seriously if they didn't do this every couple of weeks.

Imagine you're a mid-laner... This is what it feels like to be a a game revolving around a RNG scuttlecrab

I have absolutely no idea what language this is or what the post is trying to say besides the fact that the game company changed something and people don't like it.

Let me translate. The game has three lanes the "mid laner" is the guy going to the middle lane. The jungler is the guy killing monsters in the jungle. RNG is random number generator and the scuttercrab is monster that runs around the map. Enjoy this useless information.

No one asked that.

no u

Great, I'm going to either have to get alcohol poisoning in the next 5 minutes or smash my head against the cement to forget this information.

You were going to do that anyways

This person seems to be speaking a dialect of the English language, but I'm unsure which one it is.

I play Baldur's Gate. I don't get video games but I'm happy with Buldur's Gate.

What about Siege of Dragonspear

Yo, have you tried Big World? It fuses both BG games into one, and lets you fold in mods in the process if you want.

League of Legends is a normie game for normie losers.

Lol, /u/brazilianfreak. This is probably the gayest post tittle ever.

r/killthosewhodisagree material right here.

It's just an objective fact that the world would be a better place if all gamers were executed.




Incorrect if wrong

Lol viado

This is why DotA 2 is better

All I know about League of Legends comes from porn so I have nothing to say

Eh, as a league player this sucks.

If you actually think the league sub has a point with their hysteria you have no idea what you're talking about.

Eh, a heap of high elo players hate it.

A few high elo jungle mains known for being whiny kids (dardoch, iwd, tarzaned) have complained their role got rightly nerfed you mean.

Nah, I mean like Scara, Wings, shiphtur etc.

Yesterday on BTR imaqtpie, scarra and smoothie agreed that the community reaction is overblown. QT said he didn't even really notice a difference, scarra's only criticism was that 2 early scuttles are too much. All agreed that jungle was way too strong and had to be nerfed though.

Shiphtur is just memeing around with his terrible smite mid pick.

The guy who balances League of Virgins is the same autist credited with killing WOW. He literally looked down a list of the shittest possible changes to WoW and said "the guy who thought these up is a genius".

Also LoL was founded by the dipshits who got told to fuck off by the DOTA community because all their ideas where shit.

I wonder how a game with so many 'tards could be so shit.🤔

If this starts an outrage with a word ending in -gate, that would be real drama.
Imagine playing a video game that only stays relevant because the devs keep messing stuff up every 4 months and being upset that you may have to press buttons a little differently while typing obsenities at people for not playing how you want to.

I have never played one of those DOTA, LoL games, I've never watched more than a minute of a video of them and after reading that, I am glad that I have absolutely no interest in whatever genre of game that shit is called.