A Jordan Peterson conspiracy starterpack gets posted to r/starterpacks, and Memerson fans rush to defend their savior!

34  2018-05-17 by Sai22


Someone was actually autistic enough to make that.

Check out his post history. He's completely obsessed with Jordan Peterson.


/u/wastheword why are you such a freak?

I'm not good at basketball so I enjoy dunking on the 5 foot high Fischer-Price basketball net that is Jordan Peterson


You're white, act like it you fucking dweeb

Get dunked! 🏀


Thank you for making those annoying retards foam at the mouth. Memerson fans are retarded af

lmao good answer my guy

I didn't.

when a removed comment is deleted, you can't reply to it. In this case, I can't.


This was removed by the mods (lol). I later replied to it and it was possible because I didn't delete my comment.


when a removed comment is deleted, you can't reply to it. In this case, I can't reply to your comment


This was removed by the mods (lol) but I was still able to reply after removal

Wow, I never knew /starterpacks regulars were so stupid.

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Why did you link to your fucking subreddit you moron?

To get some exposure. Respect the hustle and shut the fuck up retard.

Why the fuck is Jordon Memerson so damn controversial?

He has a some kooky opinions and he has some annoying fans.

But most importantly, people absolutely hate being told to clean their room.

professor memerson

He's a fucking joke. Idk about being controversial but he sure is a laughing stock

Thanks for helping me form my opinion of him, Ed

Jordan is the culmination of the frustration many of us men (and women) feel in the culture that i being changed around us.

He is today's knight and he is building an army. I would happily use the resources I have built (I donate to him now mohtly) and even my combat skills to back his ideals if need be.

Keep preaching Jordan, hopefully it doesn't come to violence but there are millions of us who agree that our freedoms are worth fighting for. While I hope the new dialogue being created calms people down enough to talk and solve our problems Demoratically, I worry that it will simply enrage the Left even more who thinks they have a monopoly on the thought of the country.

All when in fact, they are a tiny minority and if they chose to go to violence, they will ████.

Hopefully insanely intelligent people like Jordan will help lead the way peacefully and allow the more moderate Leftists to take pack the party from the Progressives who have violently taken over the Democratic Party.

Hahaha, who woulda thought it would be a Canadian that I would call my modern day hero to join the likes of George Washington and Lucious Quinctius Cincinnatus!

This but every other word unironically.

you suck at satire ed. i mean, besides satirizing yourself with your serious comments ofc

You let redditors form your opinions?

Anything Ed hates is probably good and just.

Ed 2020

ackshully ED-209 is my real waifu

Not an argument

Memerson is great, he's a drama machine.

I remember you telling me just the other day that downsnozzles (or whatever retarded children's name you call them) don't matter

My point is that my comment worked. It's controversial as in has a red dagger by its side. I don't want to stop anyone from doing it.

It's not the same thing, Jared. You need to try harder.

You know what, Ed? I got a whole weekend up in the woods with a good friend coming up today, so I can't even pretend to Internet bicker with you. I hope you have a good weekend and end up with a delicious meal or a wink from a cute girl or something.


The man tells solid advice like "Make your bed before giving others your shit political opinions" and that's before even discussing that feminism is a branch of neo-marxism. Also hes a christian so that is just so uncool and lame.

Feminism isn’t really a branch of neo-Marxism, early feminism evolved in the mid-19th century at approximately the same time as Marx’s original writings, but most Marxists considered feminism anti-Marxist (and most early Marxists were pretty extreme misogynists who considered women’s rights irrelevant except in destroying capitalist inheritance law/primogeniture). Early 20th century feminists who won the right to vote for women were usually bourgeois and had little problem with capitalism also, many early feminists were pretty much rightists except for supporting female suffrage. Even modern feminists on the SJW side are usually fine with capitalism and aren’t seize-the-means socialists. Only a small branch of r/gendercritical stule radfems are ‘real’ socialists.


Whats it feel like to be this wrong about something but care enough to type that much?

Gottem with the old "na-uh you are wrong."


Hello leftist degen alt

Modern feminism, mainly interaectional feminism is basically plagiarizing the dialectic though.

feminism is a branch of neo-marxism

yeah, see, it's his habit of convincing retards word salad like this actually means something that makes him "controversial"

What is if critical theory.

again, literally not a coherent sentence

Liberals are obsessive hateful freaks who can't let anything go.

Yeah because we're the ones who are spamming him everywhere.

There was a Vice article about Patreon that randomly named dropped him before saying he was the alt-right's favorite philosopher or some shit.

Also the staterpack was literally posted by a lefty, evidence against you are retarded keeps stacking up.

Actually, yeah. The amount of user activity decrying Peterson in subs like /enoughpetersonspam, /chapotraphouse, /onguardforthee, and /samharris far outpaces, in my experience, what we see in /jordanpeterson and /joerogan. The professor is a living Streisand effect and has been since day one as far as I can tell.

Exactly. Like if the students at his university didnt scream at him and surround him like Zulu warriors then he wouldn't even have gone viral in the first place. Tons of college professors say horrible shit, but because they are on the left it's perfectly fine and no one cares because it doesnt go anywhere

I have literally never heard of him except from people who don't like him and the spergs crying about that.

Get our agenda posting scum.

who the fuck is jordan peterson? or did he really call himself memerson in some stupid white attempt at humor?

no, "memerson" was all us, i mean along with other great historical events, like the battle of waterloo (on the french side), 911 (yep, copiloted that motherfucker myself), and let's not forget the salem witch trials.

we get around, we do.

on the french side

Reeeee, Grouchy, reeee


This but unironically.

great historical events, like the battle of waterloo

thats not historical its just white on white violence

thought he was trying to give himself a big title like the rest of the pasty defective herd likes to do with everythng else

white on white violence

mmm double mayo with a side of murder, my kinda schtick

lightskins are a savage defect in humanity. lighter the skin, the greater the sin.

this is basic science

He has silly graphs and jungian archetypes in his books. Truly full of shit, not sure how he became influential.

Since the reddit echo chamber is in full effect, I just want to take this opportunity to leave this here, because I think it exemplifies so much about who Peterson is and what he's about. I want all the people who hate and demean him for his political views relentlessly to watch that because maybe then they'll realize how far from basic humanity they have strayed. You will not find a more compassionate, caring man on this planet than Jordan Peterson. If you disagree with some of the things he has to say (I know I certainly do), fine, but to feel genuine hatred for this man? Or to feel that you are so right about your opinions that he must be stupid for disagreeing? That is an ever increasing mentality that absolutely destroys me to see.

We are all people. Almost all of us all want the same things: peace and happiness and prosperity for as many as possible. We should love each other in spite of our differences and come to compromises, not hate and mudsling and demean each other; there is no progress or happiness down that road. We are all humans.

Is this a copypasta

Hardline gender essentialism most likely.

He's very articulate and goes to extreme lengths to carefully word defenses of things that seem like complete nonsense to outaide observers and is smart enough to walk circles around the idiots he lets interview him. He's such a great troll and trolls of future generations will study his technique.

I say he's just fucking stupid.

Personal responsibility is scary. Also jealousy that his memes are natural, while shit like the OP is so forced it hurts.

I was going to chastise you for crosspost-advertising your small sub but the name is spicy af


jordan peterson is great for people who wake up at 26 and think, "hey I'm a relatively well-spoken white guy, why am I not successful...?" AKA the type of people who don't think about improving themselves until the've already turned to complete shit

So you're saying you'll be a fan in 11 years?

I think you're mistaking my age with how many loads I dumped in ur mom last night

Doesn't matter how many there were, each one was still sloppy seconds to my own.

why am i not surprised this sperg couldn't even put together a proper starter pack? excel on the brain, i tell ya

Jordan "clean your room" memerson : aka the time when people complaining about the academia being full of out of touch philosopher decided to follow an academic philosopher.

  • Psychologist

He is a psychologist ? Fucking kek. It's even lower on the academic totem pole.

Then philosopher? Nah man, nah..

Go visit /r/badphilosophy for more than 30 seconds and attempt to tell me that philosophy is redeemable as an academic value.

Fam, at least important people got interested in philosophy like aristotle. The most well known psychologist wanted to fuck his mother.

You is basic and unlearned.

And you should clean your room.

Yes but every bad x sub is a terrible representation of their respective field. Obviously nothing good is going to come when you get a bunch of undergrads together bragging about how they took intro whatever now know more stuff than the average person.

Also socrates was a philosophy and he invented bussy.

I mean if you want something worse than just plain old normal cancer you can go to /r/askphilosophy or read judith butler

Jesus Christ, man, this is just getting ridiculous. Dr. Kermit P. Memerson is the most milquetoast, boring, normal human being I've seen since the days when Mr. Rogers had a closet full of sweaters and a neighborhood full of puppets. How the hell is he this controversial? His whole spiel is "stop with identity politics," clean your room, and get your shit together. Do people not realize how crazy they look when they suggest that guy is somehow a dangerous "alt-right" ideologue? He is probably the most boring person in history to ever garner this much attention. He makes vanilla seem like it might be an exciting, exotic flavor. All this guy had to do was state the obvious without a hint of aggression or malice to generate more drama than a Kardashian appearance on Ru-Paul's Drag Race. It's fucking mind-boggling.

Not to get all fanboy but anyone who says Peterson is boring with a straight face pretty obviously knows very little about him.

can someone plz elect me pirate king? kthnxbye.

Stop linking to your garbo sub

So my boyfriend (John…not his real name) and I like a bit of light kink mixed in with role play. Nothing too unusual, some boss/secretary stuff, some teacher/student stuff, that kind of thing. It’s fun, maybe something we do once a week or so? Last night my boyfriend started a professor thing…that was cool with me, although he seemed a little more nervous than usual. Once we got into it, he asked me to call him Professor Peterson. A couple of days before we’d been watching some of Jordan Peterson’s videos. I hadn’t really thought much about him, but my boyfriend was excited to show me…he says Dr. Peterson has been helping him figure some stuff out in his life.

I watched the videos and thought some of the stuff he had to say was okay (yeah, take responsibility for your life, for sure), but some of it was just a bit weird over the top alpha male for me (something about not respecting men who won’t fight or something?). It just kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

So anyway, when my boyfriend brought up the Dr. Peterson thing I knew where it was coming from. I really like to be accommodating in bed…I totally get off on it actually. So I went through with it but in the end I wasn’t super comfortable. John has brought it up every day since then…he’s got some real dom fantasies that he wants to act out as Jordan Peterson. I don’t know, like, should I look more into these videos and see if I change my mind about him? Should I play along? I can tell John is totally into it…he’s normally a sex two or three times a week kind of guy but he wants it ALL the time now. I’m happy he’s feeling more horny and I don’t want to shut him down (I’m normally the high libido one). What should I do?