A Tolerant Totally Not Racist Feminist Tries To Harass Me With Her Two Alt Accounts πŸ˜‚

52  2018-05-18 by LadySaberCat



posts in /r/horses

I'm betting you're not exactly stable either

I see what you did there.

Not hating white people.

Fuck off.

I'm not even White though.

You are spiritually so.

Aren't you a cousinfucker? That makes you honorary white trash too.

I'm not an anything fucker.

Incels get the bullet too

I'm not involuntarilly celibate.

I'm not an anything fucker.

Really make you think. thinking.emoji

Being involuntarilly celibate does not make you an incel.

Surething incel

isn't incel a portmanteau of "involuntary" and "celibate"????????

Connotation also matters, not just denotation.

does it though

Thank you for you great input, 3 day old newfag

Aww cute seems I struck a nerve.

Are you white trash too ed? Is the retard with the most amount of alts on r/drama going to complain about alts?

Aww cute seems I struck a nerve. no u mad


Cant even bring the bantz without having a comment history to autism through.


no u mad



White trash confirmed πŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏ

I for one appreciate your efforts for white men.

It won't be forgotten when we reconquer the world next month.

πŸ˜‚lol thank you

out out out.

Whites are not people.

Easy there edge lord

Wrong subreddit?


Go back to europe.

Wrong race πŸ˜‚

Doesn't matter what race you claim to be, you will always be a mayo on the inside.

Repeat that in English

The flair of a flag that was popularized as a symbol of racism in the 20th century could have told you. Most southerners are a disease.

> Taking flairs seriously on r/Drama

IDK, I chose my flair because I really like ice cream sandwiches and I don't see why someone would use a flair that doesn't honestly represent who they are.

You should have picked the autism one then.




Maybe this sub isnt for you

This is gold. I'm sorry they don't appreciate you for who you are

Imagine being this out of touch

Negative IQ comment.

Here's some background regarding this fuckery: I replied to a comment made by the person who seems to believe that due process=calling rape victims liars and supporting rape and tried to explain how being appalled by false accusations doesn't equte being in favor of the rights of rapists. But of course she was hearing none of that as she just wants to keep hating men and reeee-ing about it on Reddit. Also I commented to her in another thread about how modern "activists" would make MLK roll over in his grave and even pointed out how these same people currently use racial slurs to describe MLK and she took that to mean that I support racism.

Your sound like a bitch on r/relationshipadvice. Run-on sentences about things only painful to you.

If you have a point, get to it.

I didn't finish your comment because you write like a white girl.

Damn straight. My ten-month-old said the word "owl" yesterday while you were probably busy cleaning up after your girlfriend's fetal alcohol drool-factory.

The point of that comment flew right over your head which makes it way more relevant.

while you were probably busy cleaning up after your girlfriend's fetal alcohol drool-factory.

Not sure if this projection or assumption. Maybe both? Also I have a vagina not a dick so pick a better comeback.

Also I have a vagina not a dick so pick a better comeback.

God have mercy on your children, or your dogs if you don't have kids.

I spoke and prayed that like a tru Xtian, but really you seem like a dogfree type.

Is it wrong if I support sexism against women who doubt that sexism is still a thing? I don't think it is. You know, I don't support ghosts, but if ghosts are real than they should spook me so I know. People deserve the truth.

It's definitely not time best spent getting outraged about ghosts, because, even if they are real, they can actually do anything but lurk and haunt.

Men rule the world irl tho it fuckin sucks, and most women are completely in favor of this situation because they've been indoctrinated to pretend to like the taste of semen. I don't think there is a productive way to spend my time, my brain is busted.

Women can like the taste of semen and then also be Angela Merkel. Why should cocksucking be a barrier for people who have actually sucked one/had theirs sucked? You're talking teenager shit.

Think of it as a thing you like to put in your mouth or have a mouth put on during a festive occasions.

Angela Merkel rules Europe and she's probably sucked cock. So fucking what?

That's what you're not getting: semen uniformly tastes terrible. All of it. It's earwax-flavored mucus. The fact that people who haven't tried semen have no idea about this speaks to the extent of the indoctrination.

I think you have had too many semens tonight.

One is too many for a lifetime if you have taste.

I'm sorry oral sex has not brought you joy as it has to millions of other couples for the last 200,000 years.

What I'm saying is: it's widely known that vagina isn't delicious. But women have pretended in such wide numbers that semen tastes great, few non-cum-eaters know that it is completely rancid. Next time you cum please eat the entire load, report back with results (serious request).

Or maybe I'll just mix it up with berries, like all of oral cognoscenti do.

Next time you cum please eat the entire load, report back with results (this is a serious request).


where did you get that number because that is some anthropology i'd be very interested in reading

Learn how to troll better. Seriously. You suck at it.

Yet you keep replying, sperg lady.

haha lol n urethe sperg.



You're the one following her around Reddit like she's your ex, especially after she stopped communicating with you.

Must be sad being ignored huh?

I'll worry when I start threads about the two of you lmao.

Redacting the username is no fun. Now how are we supposed to ping her?

Make a post on Unpopular Opinion about due process and wait is great bait for the wild troll to appear.

Doesn't include any actual racism in the screenshots

Presumably because he posts on r/unpopularopinion the only place with lower standards than r/drama

Hence my comment about MLK where I mentioned whole back story as to why this particular specimen decided to follow me around like a Camel Spider that needs shade.

Edit: That's an insult to Camel Spiders.

Camel spiders r scaree 😡😡😬😬😧😧

Yeah but at least they're usually, scary as hell but useful.

This is what you lie up awake about nights? Fuck, man, even gamers have something better to do, viz virtually squat on other gamers and pretend to teabag them. You can't see the virtual scrotum, of course, because all the triple-A developers are cucked.

Lie awake at night thinking about? Nope. Laugh my ass off at? Definitely.

You laugh your ass off about picking off the lowest-hanging, maggot-filled banana? I want whatever fent you've got a line on, because I still have higher standards after all this time.

Nah I'm laugh at the fact that this person had to make two accounts just to REEEE at me.

Um which two, my Pleistocene lady. I just commented twice on two of your retarded comments.

Um which two,

I just commented twice on two of your retarded comments.

Yet I'm the retarded one here.....

Indeed you are.

Says the person who suddenly has amnesia and how no idea what I'm talking about.

Are we talking about how you're retarded? Because I'm Waterford crystal clear on that.

You replied to most post here and one of my comments, actually yet you can't remember which?

And you care about that, sperg lady? I'm just drunk and can barely type this out. Drunk as I may be though, I cant tell you suck in the wrong way.

I'm just drunk and bored

Ah so THAT'S what's wrong with you. Suddenly everything make sense now.

Drunk as I may be though, I can tell you suck in the wrong way.

Ah one of those drunks. Go pass out somewhere.

Can I have one of your canine teeth tho? Or like a stuffed animal version of it? A memento? Something to commemorate when you feministly complained about feminists online for a subreddit full of angry boys?

Totally, I made the accounts on January 10, 2014 and on April 28th 2018 respectively just because I knew ladysabertooth was eventually going to come into my life <3 <3



Somtimes people take this sight way to seriously. Like who TF takes some of their finite time and does this with it? Sure I do dick all with mine sometimes but jesus this takes effort to do.

And I was actually quite civil in my first reply to this "person."

you and your trash family deserved to get harassed

i mean shes probably right tbqhwyf

She said because I pointed out the hypocrisy among the activists in the Left wing community and how the commonly refer to MLK as a coon for not preaching "kill all White people and Black people who disagree with me."

Dafuq is this thread. Half the commenters seem unhinged.

Well it's /r/Drama so don't act too shocked. Slow day plus Aluzky hasn't made any new accounts yet.

You actually seem somewhat normal. Some of the other guys on here, not so much.

Well I have a life outside of Reddit along with a job, better half and hobbies so I generally don't get too wrapped up here. I like Reddit and most of the people I encounter here, don't get me wrong, including the quirky ones but there's definitely people here who need some help to say the least.

Shut up you fucking white male piece of shit, who said you could open your worthless mouth?

/u/discoschtick, /u/ingridelena, this lady is talking shit behind your back, and doesn't even have the common decency to ping you.

Both accounts are the same person and I'd happily talk shit to her face but I seriously doubt she'd have the balls to meet in person to discuss her opinions. But you guys can talk to her because I've said I wanted to say to her.

Is /u/preserved_fish an alt as well? Seem like the same brand of crazy 🧐

I dunno, he said he was drunk but it could be the bitch I was talking about in the screenshot

Yeah she's been doing it for awhile, they created a thread in cringeanarchy about it too lol.

Link to said thread?

Thanks! πŸ™ What's with the accusations of doxxing. Did you really do that?

Nope, another user brought up that ladylasercat was doxxed in the past. Idk who doxxed her or what thread it was in. But he mentions it here:


She's laughing about LadySaberCat being doxxed and harassed in the past and she(the racist shit stain you replied to) sent me a lovely reply saying she hopes I get accused of rape one day.

So basically Ingrid is the type of woman who claims she's a happy Feminist who wants equality and peace but tells people they deserve to be stalked and harassed and accused of rape. $1000 says she'll probably end up on the news after going to a Women's March and carrying a sign saying "Kill All Men" or "Melania Trump Deserves To Be Raped." You know, typical progressive stuff.

I STILL hope you get a false rape accusation!

Title should read: A rich white femanazi and a rich white nazi argue on redditchan. Rich white nazi posts to /r/drama in hopes of getting sympathy.

But then again I'm a troll that likes to stir shit up

Not White and not a Nazi, I'm just not a racist person nor do I believe having a pussy gives me a get of trouble free card.


Check your inbox


Explains all the anger now. She's mad that she isn't getting any.

🎡 I'm always on your miiiiiiiiiind 🎡