According to LE REDDITORS working at McDonalds is the hardest job their is!

74  2018-05-18 by Ayylmao11023


the fact that this has 17k upvotes shows how reddit is fulled with teenagers.

"I'm an unskilled laborer and I deserve double my current wage because I have to deal with dumb customers and occasional inconveniences!"

They act like they're in the trenches.

job doesnt pay to my standards

shud bankrupt company to pay me more.

McDonald’s is actually a really hard job. The 1% artificially keep the wages low on this job bc of the patriarchy. I read all about this in r/menslibwatch

"I also want to import many millions of unskilled laborers who I have to compete with and will further depress wages"

Imagine being such a fragile spoiled child that any of those listed things seem difficult.

and not even the hot sexy kind of teenager.

Yameteonichanitai weeps in the corner.

Isn't he attracted to flats with fridge proportions anyway

Right? Every single fast food worker around here is greasy and obese or look like they use meth on their lunch break.

yeah i don't see any hot girls in fast food either. they either look like they are 15 and probs working part time, or they are adults who are fat and ugly.

Go to Canes. It feels like its a requirement to be good looking to work there.

Fulled. Neck yourself.

Grammar mayo ➡➡➡

If you really look at the comments, it's pretty clear it's mostly white male teenagers.

It's pretty fucked up that people look at reddit as if it's the pulse of the United States and "what's happening now", when it's basically a chat room for nerdy, awkward high school anime club zit poppers.

I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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People who work for tips are still worse. I tip well because that's the retarded way we chose to pay these people, but the entitlement some of these assholes have makes wish I was a worse person.

sawree im autistic giv me a brake

I'll have a #2 no tomato with a Dr. Pepper

I, too, wish I was a worse person. But alas I still tip well.

I used to defend those people as well, but now I realize it's just because I am super defensive about spending my early 20's working for tips and acting like a martyr because it's so hard to be young and hot and have people hand over their money for minimal work and interaction. The truth is I am just mad cuz I'll never make $30 an hour that easily again.

They’re not active anymore, but for guaranteed laughs may I suggest Bodybuilders Against Tipping

Got try owning and running a business where you work 80 hours a week and don't turn a profit for a few years. I worked at BK in HS, it doesn't compare to a real job.

Flipside is business owners who are lazy as fuck, high on drugs, and steal from their own businesses. Old boss was so lazy he'd have me bring him a water to his car and he also stole my tips quite often. He was cool otherwise though, hated black customers and the only criteria he had for hiring women was whether they were hot >:)

Most fast food employees are lazy as fuck and high on drugs though.

I don't know about most. I worked with lots of straight-laced, hardworking kids who went on to become something in life. And then there's me XD

You grew up to use XD

Use dat ass XD

Those types of kids usually end up at Chick-Fil-a or In N Out.

Fuck, I'm an engineer who is lazy as fuck and high on drugs.

The only people more regrettable than servants are small business owners. They open up a hardware store or do some people's taxes and all of a sudden they're Pharaoh.

try owning and running a business

no thanks im not a cuck

Yeah being your own boss and being in control of your own destiny is being a cuck, you MDE retards are really something.

MDE retard

wrong side of the (autism) spectrum. you drunk again or something?

Oh my bad a chap NEET and not yet barely got a buzz.


Chapotards OUT OUT OUT

Owning a business is the opposite of being a cuck you retard

Yeah but then you have all these white trash single moms who harass all their high school friends over social media to buy their garbage quality, over-priced makeup-up and candles, and call themselves "business owners"

im sorry the truth upsets you so much

Sounds like a shit business run by an idiot.

amazon wasn't profitable for like it's first 6 years


Amazon intentionally ran a loss to put all the profits back into the company.

try owning and running a business where you work 80 hours a week and don't turn a profit for a few years.

also 100% sounds like someone's own decision too. That is like deciding you're gonna get pregnant than bitching about having a baby.

The funny think is that all of their employees are probably making more than the owner for the first few years, but once the owner actually starts making a good living having grown the business people start telling him that he didn't build it and he doesn't deserve all that money.

He didn't deserve all the money he had to start the business in the first place. Obviously he already had all the money he spent on employees.

You don't know anyone who's started a business do you?

Wow, talk about not knowing shit about businesses nor how most are start up. Not everyone can get a small load of 1million from their dad. Most have to get business loans and put their house, car, and about everything on the line as collateral. Starting a business is a risk that can have major rewards, but you can lose everything and usually the first few years you work non-stop and struggle.

So is working at McDonalds and making shit money and having a shitty quality of life.

Sounds like Silicon Valley

Sounds like a shit business


Bitch, have you ever tried manual labor.

im a welder so.....ya

Oh god, lifting things! It's not like nearly every human on earth can do that!

so thats a no then

I can lift stuff sure. What I don't like doing is carrying things around for 8 hours in 40 degrees C weather. I hated manual labour and hope I never do it again


This tbh

Jesus, 15$ an hour is really good for that kind of job lmao. It's actually hilarious how people think that any of the things listed are hard. I worked at Walmart and Giant Eagle when I was in college, and you can fuck off 90% of the time with this kind of shit. Like yea, the worst part is that it's kinda gross, but that's pretty much ok for a job you can do while being completely checked out. It's obvious that these people are losers because they don't realize that in most jobs you have to motivate yourself. It's way harder to work and be productive in a job where the requirements are more than just being a physical body at work. I'd say they're teenagers, but a large portion of reddit also seems to be serial fuck ups and losers.

They aren't being paid 15 an hour. This is probably an old meme from the bernster's retarded $15 an hour nationwide minimum wage idea.

Could be also connected to when that pipeline opened up. Wages went up across the board, locally. For some reason, media centered on the McD's $15/h.

bernster's retarded $15 an hour nationwide minimum wage idea

Yea, that's so retarded. Way more retarded than having our tax dollars supplement the wages of these workers through welfare because McD's, Walmart, etc don't make enough in profit to pay their own god damn employees.

The current minimum wage is too low in most places, but making it $15 everywhere is even worse then keeping it $7.25. Clinton's CoL adjusted minimum wage idea made a lot more sense.

I'd say they're teenagers, but a large portion of reddit also seems to be serial fuck ups and losers.

They want to work less, and get paid more, so they gravitate to socialism and/or UBI because those government checks will all show up by magic.

Whatever, they get paid little enough that I'd rather be home so than work there (and would have to be homeless even if I worked there, if I didn't have another living situation).

This is why In N Out is better. They only have to learn 3 items and they get paid well above minimum wage.

In-n-Out actually has standards for hiring. If they hired your average McDonalds who takes 20 minutes to make your order while fucking it up anyway they'd be fired within a week.

3 items? Nigga, I roll with fries light and mustard-fried patty.

Mustard fried patty? I've never tried that one.

It's part of animal style, but then you just say animal style, because carmelized onions.

Which are amazing.

It's amazing the quality of employees at In N Out and Chick-Fil-A vs every other fast food restaurant.

Oh my god ! people asking for a liveable wage, the horror, the horror

they don't deserve it tbh, we should work on increasing rents so they'll have to get in debt to afford to live with roommates

Just eat the burgers lmao

If you're relying on completely unskilled work in the fast food industry to provide you with a 'livable wage' then you've made a very poor set of life choices to get to this point, and you probably won't have any wage at all in a few years time when fast food companies transition to fully automated processes (making their product cheaper, more reliably and without any fucking around or inefficiency). Fast food work is a part time gig for students and those who need to supplement their incomes, not a career.

Just curious. Are you ok with your tax dollars supplement the wages of these workers through welfare because McD's, Walmart, etc want to keep more of their insane profits to themselves? Personally I wish these companies would pay their own god damn employees and stop leeching off the tax payers.

Are you asking if we should cut welfare benefits?

No more welfare ➡ crime outbreak ➡ post-acopolyptic America ➡ fun, meaningful life trying to survive. Could be good.

The reality is that they can be forced to pay their employees more, and that will hasten the end of any unskilled individual making money in that sector, or they can pay the fairly shit but still better than nothing sums that they pay now, and act as a reasonably ok supplemental income source for students and the like. Personally i hope the former happens, I don't want a bored teenager mangling my meal if it can be helped.

Walmart had something like 6 percent net profit last year. That's not insane.

If they need our tax money to stay in business then they deserve to die out.

They don't need the tax money. They offer work at a legal price, and if people can't sustain themselves on that only work, that is not the employers fault.

What if my business only needs a part time staff 20 hours a week? Am I supposed to pay them enough that they do not need another job to support themselves?

What if I can afford to pay a full-time worker $11.00, but not $15? Are people better to not have the option, than to make less than you think is appropriate?

Should wages be related to productivity, or some centrally-controlled metric (to be determined)?

Nobody is forcing anyone to take minimum wage jobs. The people that work there chose to work there. It's not like they got hired at 12 an hour then McDonald's was like PSYCH NIGGA.

These are jobs for fucking highschool kids trying to save up for their first car or abortion. Not to support a family.

It is mostly adults who work in fast food.

Which is pretty fucking sad.

If you are planning to try to support yourself for your life by dropping fries into oil, you have already fucked up.


I mean, really all that raising the wage of McDonalds employees will do is result in poor people atarving to death.

See, it's like this. The only people who shop at Mickey Ds are people too poor to go elsewhere. If we raise rhe wages, we will have to raise the prices. Ergo, people already on the margins and barely able to afford their dollar burger will not be able to afford the newly $3 burger. And they will starve. And they will die.

So the solution to poor people not earning enough to eat is to not pay them more. Totally logical.

$15 is a decent wage for low skilled workers. if they can't handle dickheads or flipping burgers then they're really going to have a hard time with a actual job

Door-to-door is waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse and pays less, whiny little shits.

Imagine working retail but instead of the customers coming to you, you have to go to them, imagine knowing that YOU are the "bad guy", imagine spending 15 min pitching when you work on a strick time schedule only to not get a sale and imagine walking for hours in the rain trying to meet a quota that it basically impossible to reach because who the hell buys from door-to-door salesmen?

I am a little mad tbh, all jobs have their downside but people act like retail is somehow way worse than it is, I would have killed for a retail job but good luck if your parents don't know someone and you don't have tits (This is Norway not Murica).

if you go to someone's house and they didn't invite you there you are evil

How does that even happen lol Don't evil things that enter homes unannounced just turn to ash or something

No you're thinking of Jews.

strick time


I had to go to an office at the start of my shift to grab the tools I needed, though I call myself a "salesman" my job was actually to get people to give monthly financial aid to an activist organisation, at the end of my shift I had to give them back to my supervisor (who was breathing down my neck).

Though I guess you may have just been making fun of the spelling error.

Salesmen are scum of the earth anyways

Who does buy btw? Most homeowners associations here have guards with the sole purpose of keeping your kind away but I always wondered who buys a water filter cause someone showed up selling one. Especially in the modern age of online retail.

I take offense to "your kind" comment as I only had the job for 3-4 months, and I mentioned in another comment that my job was to recruit donors for an activist organisation. No idea who buys from doors unless it is candy, but you find the occasional slacktivist willing to give some money so they can feel like they did something.

People that have worked similar jobs sometimes also sign up because they know they can cancel the giro before it actually charges your account and giving the signature helps the poor bastard maintain his/her average. I did notice that the people who signed had often also signed for other organisations like red cross etc.

I take offense.

Pls baby I can only get so hard


The distinction is that literally everyone is on board with door-to-door salespeople being miserable. Human popups _should_ hate life.

In this thread: yeah your jobs hard but so's mine so no more money for you!


Fast food work is shit work, but an actual knuckle-dragging, sub-70 IQ retard could do it.

whats harder?

you aren't paid by how difficult a job is. you are paid by how many people can do it, and are willing to do it.

Being a worker on an oil rig in the North Atlantic doesn't need a lot of talent or education, either, but fewer people can do it than can flip a burger, and even fewer are willing.

Wait they want to earn a living wage but also only work twelve hours a day?



Who are these new people on here. You're all legitimately, non-ironically assholes.

Hey /u/Jess_than_three, if you spent less time crying about your penis and more time learning a skill you could have a big boy job.

Damn, /u/Jess_than_three is in that thread. I haven't seen their particular brand of crazy in a while.

links entire thread
