Why do the retards of /trollx/ believe everything they see? This is the most unbelievable garbage yet they circlejill about how women have higher EQ than euphoric stemlords.

57  2018-05-18 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


> Oh honey He was a pimp trying to pick you up to work for him

wtf is wrong with TrollX

C'mon now...don't you understand that, for us chicks, any human interaction with a man is laden with pretension and subterfuge for the sole purpose of sexual exploit? And that we're always a victim of male advances and can't possibly run into a congenial, friendly person that happens to have a Y chromosome?

Christ...how do people function in society like this?

They don't. They post online and claim disability benefits while not ever leaving the house. Or teach womens studies I'd guess.

my culture is not your cartoon

> He thinks Canadians are French

Your culture is the worst in the world, Japanese never suffer breakdowns visiting SanFran because it's full of rude, crazies and smells like piss only Paris, really makes you think

That cartoon might have been based on some of my ancestors. I'm the proud product of a long uninterrupted line of humans conceived without consent.

Jamais de la vie! I’m Cajun; the men here are too fat and drunk from gumbo, boudin, and moonshine to be active rapists, mon gars.

Christ...how do people function in society like this?

Mostly they don't.

And that we're always a victim of male advances and can't possibly run into a congenial, friendly person that happens to have a Y chromosome?

Not possible it's a one way street only, anyway so how are you today? Wanna get raped?

According to TrollX, women are always seconds away from rape at any given time.

I thought i was on r drama 😆😆🤣🤣

I get paid good money to shitpost all day hahahhaha

OP, understand this, when you get a compliment once in a blue moon, you just don't know how to reasenobly take it.


did u have a stroke m8?

Post dog bussy

We can submit quotes?


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My opinion remains unchanged: trollx retards and veinbusting-stemlords who use the word "circlejill" unironically deserve each other.

Maybe masturbate to bussy instead? It's very calming: the anal testosterone counteracts your pent-up aggression in a way that gussy is incapable of.

you could have just posted the word "circlejill" and i'd upvote it

I know a girl who literally claims to have aced the IQ test. Of course none of her friends are gonna call her out on her BS, cuz once you do you're no longer her friend.

TrollX reminds me of her, and vice versa

Oh it's believable. It's the pick-up line of the dreaded male femrapist.

I always redirect compliments to how little money I spent on it at the thrift store. My favorite store will put things on sale for 75% off. 75%!!!!!!! And all my money goes towards helping an awesome foundation that helps HIV+, LGBT, elderly, disabled, and low income people!!!

There needs to be a term like "spilling your spaghetti" but for when women vomit their personality at someone when they're given even the slightest opening.

Best comment tbh

That fucking logic

So u want to help useless charities that siphon money

But nay, dont give a full donation, but rather a 75% reduction in donation then make yourself feel good

Yuck 🤮🤮🤮

They do this all the time on that sub. The "Look what a good person I am" shtick is annoying af.

those six bucks a year really make a difference

75% off is still 500% profit. Clothing is a racket.

I was a teen girl in the wrong neighborhood in Texas and shit like this would happen kind of frequently while I was walking. Took me a decade to figure out they were trying to be my pimp.

she's a survivor people

I guess the lowrider, gold teeth, and the diamond necklace didn't give it away?

informing me of what a good job i did layering the colors in my hair

he mentioned a thing a hairdresser did for me

and how fierce my eyebrows were

(this one is fine (+ very gay))

and how i shouldn't let anyone give me shit because i'm amazing

and then he stoked my raging narcissism

and i deserve to treat myself

and then he lied to me!

It was a compliment from a gay man who reads cosmo, or a pimp trying to get her to whore for him.

Ill take never happened for 500, alex

5 ways to improve a stranger you met at a stop light’s sex life

Yeah if you say fierce u gay

Less drama than an episode of the Brady Bunch.

Did they offer to buy you clothes? We have a lot of strip clubs in my area, and guys will hit you up to get into sex work all the time. One asshole offered to buy me an outfit at Walmart. Another time I was buying a gag gift at a love boutique, and a guy tried to buy me cheap massage oil. Their strategies are so fucking weird.

Anyone surprised the girl with the name "femanist" is a stripper?

Meanwhile, u/hat-of-sky is totes cool with rape apologia. Hilarious hypocrisy

Guy friends ask me how to compliment a girl without coming off creepy.

Walk up to them in a crowded bar and say, "Ball gag?"


never say jill again

jill again

Guy friends ask me how to compliment a girl without coming off creepy. What I feel works is if you compliment something that either is not physical ("You're such a caring person.") or something they put effort into ("Wow, your make up is on point." or "I think you're a great artist.") Also, if how you approach a woman or speak to her is not how you'd like the biggest, horniest guy in prison to, then you probably outta rethink your plan on how to pick up chicks.

complimenting a femaloid in 2k18 is like shaking hands with the Queen lol. Theyre so entilted and privilleged that they now have very strict rules on how to compliment them. jfl

It's ironic because they probably compliment other men on that kind of stuff all the time, because how gay would it be to compliment another man on how beautiful he looks?

I'm impressed they have such an intimate understanding of the opposite gender and their experiences.

TrollX did a thing


Was the fit alright with the given sizing? Sometimes they’re waayy off. I’ve been lucky recently but I’m still cautious. I bought two identical sun dresses in different patterns and one was tighter around the top than the other. It fits but barely.

[–]shootathought 60 points 14 hours ago I was helping my kid look for prom dresses, and, wouldn't you know it, somenody at the design factory must be a redditor, because at least 10% had pockets hidden in them! I died, and she was thrilled to have a place to put the insulin pump

My favorite line heard as my friend and I were walking down the street (she’s gorgeously curvy, I was legit ill with Anorexia.)

Do you feel the same way about complimenting guys, too? Do you only compliment women you find attractive? I feel like these are things to bear in mind, y’know?

Also, if how you approach a woman or speak to her is not how you'd like the biggest, horniest guy in prison to, then you probably outta rethink your plan on how to pick up chicks.

Confirmed best pick-up line: "Dude, I got your back. Anyone fucks with you, I'll tear his ass up."