White House accused of killing off Laurel/Yanny debate

62  2018-05-18 by Snowayne2


This, but unironically.


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Current year just gets more and more retarded. Wow.

Maybe retard is actually a compliment since they've always been ahead of their own time.

lol he said covfefe thats the word he tweeted last year what a funny man you have to admit hes a likeable guy

He held a LGBT flag so you know he's cool with the faggot tranny crowd 🤗

finally you have achieved acceptance right out of the inauguration with an american president


may 18 2018: the day ed admitted he was a genderqueer tranny otherkin fag-wad

being this retarded

I should stop setting bars for you altogether lol

achieved acceptance right out of that inauguration with an American president

This sentence makes me feel like I'm trying to read while in a dream

Cool man


Killing this was perhaps the best move so far by the Trump administration.

Virgin Laurel vs Chad Yanny.
I am a centrist Ylaanurnely.

Can someone eli5 me ont hsis hit?

Wtf is even the issue here?

This is a crypost

Trump trying to be hip and cool.

Who cares? It’s just like when Obama made a “thanks Obama” joke. It’s just a dumb video why is this drama.

The headline is comically overdramatic.

Accused? More like praise him for saving us from this normie shit.


Trump's attempts at being personable and likable is cringy af though, aka normal for public officials. probably the most presidential thing he's ever done.

First I've heard of this. Is it some kind of meme or do people really hear yanny?

I unironically heard yanny

I just now seen this shit and listened to it for a few minutes only heard yanny

Must be what happens when you get fucked by large canines


The more high frequencies you can hear the more likely you will hear Yanny.

The low frequencies say Laurel but the high ones say Yanny.

Try focusing on the 'treble' frequencies, you can somewhat make out 'Yanny'.

So what you're saying is that if you bass boosted it, you would hear Laurel

I heard this guy explain it: https://youtu.be/nUawekViYpk

Yeah it was Yanny, duh

Someone posted a video of the sound pitch shifted up and down various amounts. It's pretty astounding, but like everything else in the news today, 4 days of millions of people talking about a 60 second oddity like it's the Second Coming.

I’ve listened many times and have never heard laurel no matter how hard I try.

better start collectin disability

Okay that was fun to watch.

I strongly and wholeheartedly agree with the Trump Administration's diligent decision to pre-emptively decimate the laurel/yanny meme.

I'm a MAGAsaurus now.

The video wasn't funny for the reasons the people in it think it was. But it was funny.

More proof LOLftists can't even laugh at their opposition mocking themselves.

killing off debate

good it was a dumb debate for stupid people and i was sick of seeing it pop up on youtube recommendations

the two sounds were layered over one another at different frequencies, if you boosted bass you heard one and if you boosted treble or held the headphone a little further away youd hear the other

wtf i love trump now