Man who fired shots at Daddy's resort is an internet shitposter

19  2018-05-18 by UnexpectedLizard


link to wherever the fuck you got this from?

So he's an antifa liberal who happens to like right-wing memes and Melania Trump? This doesn't make sense.

> And in another post, Oddi blasts the United States for "giving $10.4 million every day" to Israel. "They have free healthcare and college. but we don't because we can't afford it!"


> On social media, Oddi lists himself as a fitness instructor, real-estate investor and manager at Pegasus, a business dealing in minerals and gemstones. Oddi lived a few miles away at a rental complex, 8100 NW 53rd St. Born in South Africa, Oddi became a U.S. citizen in August.


> He and Oddi worked out together every day at the LA Fitness in Doral. Gonzalez said Oddi is a dancer and entertainer, and has a small dog named Popo.


All we need is a confirm for his appreciation of anime hunks.

Is he a gay?

Well, duh - He dances.

This doesn't make sense.

Luckily for him, this is 2018

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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We are all shitposters in this glorious age.


Investigators late Friday were still trying to unravel the motivations of Oddi, a 42-year-old fitness junkie and businessman who appeared to become unhinged while attacking the Trump National Doral Miami resort.

On Friday morning, he unfurled the American flag inside the South Florida hotel owned by the nation's president, then got into a firefight and chase with police while ranting about Donald Trump, Barack Obama — and bizarrely, rap mogul P. Diddy, according to law enforcement.

can this sub make someone a mod from prison?