Witches, Dragons, and "enforced monogamy": NYTimes writers spends two days stalking Jordan Memerson and reports her results.

91  2018-05-18 by itsnotmyfault

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/18/style/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life.html the article. It's actually pretty interesting, mostly because the man is a living, breathing meme. I have increasing difficulty believing that he's not the second coming of Kek, summoned by the NEETs to be the hero they need, not the one they deserve. Think about it, he makes his living literally telling NEETs to grow up. I, for one, am in eager anticipation of catgirls winning the 2020 election.

Among the highlights: Dragons and witches are 100% real. Memerson's pad is decked out top to bottom with USSR glorification and "hyper realistic painting of two nude women with swords”. He's also super autistic. He dresses and talks in old-timey ways because he gets paid more to do so.

Twitter takes: https://twitter.com/search?vertical=news&q=%22Jordan%20Peterson%22&src=tren











https://twitter.com/calebecarma/status/997512179623571456 https://twitter.com/calebecarma/status/997509866142011392 https://twitter.com/calebecarma/status/997503059407368192 (lol, legalized rape)










Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/8kdcyl/nyt_jordan_peterson_custodian_of_the_patriarchy/





Jordan Peterson is what happens when internet men confuse Game of Thrones (HBO, because they don't read) with reality

— dragons are real


memerson mcmemefag

Jordan is the culmination of the frustration many of us men (and women) feel in the culture that i being changed around us.

He is today's knight and he is building an army. I would happily use the resources I have built (I donate to him now mohtly) and even my combat skills to back his ideals if need be.

Keep preaching Jordan, hopefully it doesn't come to violence but there are millions of us who agree that our freedoms are worth fighting for. While I hope the new dialogue being created calms people down enough to talk and solve our problems Demoratically, I worry that it will simply enrage the Left even more who thinks they have a monopoly on the thought of the country.

All when in fact, they are a tiny minority and if they chose to go to violence, they will ████.

Hopefully insanely intelligent people like Jordan will help lead the way peacefully and allow the more moderate Leftists to take pack the party from the Progressives who have violently taken over the Democratic Party.

Hahaha, who woulda thought it would be a Canadian that I would call my modern day hero to join the likes of George Washington and Lucious Quinctius Cincinnatus!

Congratulations user, you have read the above post and become dumber

I like Ed's pasta

r/atethepasta 🍝👌😋

posting pasta = being retarded


Your freedoms shouldn't come at the cost of - ugh - oppressing so many others. Your comfort shouldn't cause so many discomfort. You're not entitled to any gussy just because you want it.

this pasta is the one time i will upvote Ed.

nah, fuck it, downvoted.

hopefully I doesn't come to violence

Sorry mate there's only way towards the mayocide

tfw your entire ideology is being defeated and overtaken by nerdy Dr. Kermit the Frog.

I'm not a huge fan of the alpha lobster, but it's hard to read this piece for a couple reasons:

1) Some of the reporting is just flat out wrong, like the reporter doesn't have a basic understanding of some specific academic terms Kermit is using and hence her editorializing is just showing off how ignorant she is.

2) It's pretty obvious that this is just someone throwing their toys out of the pram over the fact that a dork like Peterson keeps destroying them in public forums (see the most recent munkdebates where him and Stephen Fry decimated the safe space feminism crowd).

Basically, this dude has a pretty simple message for young men - cultivate yourselves into worthwhile human beings and the rest will follow. This is, for some reason, extremely threatening to feminists.

Of course, if you're cynical, you might be led to believe it's because they actually fear men, but I digress...

I kinda agree with what you said but since you seriousposted in r/drama you must be mocked

You can't mock that which has no heart.

Prove your devotion to radical centrism or be purged

cultivate yourselves into worthwhile human beings and the rest will follow

I know quite a few worthwhile men who despite the 5 figure job and daily gym workouts and cleaning their rooms. still ended up with nothing or did after getting divorced.

Lol and? What was the point of your anecdote?

Lion Arar, 22, a theater student in Montreal, says Mr. Peterson’s discussion of gender brought him back to religion.

“It made sense in a primordial way when he breaks down Adam and Eve, the snake and chaos,” Mr. Arar says. “Eve made Adam self-conscious. Women make men self-conscious because they’re the ultimate judge. I was like, ‘Wow this is really true.’”

it's funny how everything has changed for humanity in the last 100 years, but everything is still basically the same.

losers with no future get rejected by woman, and turn to __________ (insert idiotic movement or w/e) out of angst

The fuck kind of name is Lion

a theater student name

a dota support player name

Lion A-rawr ;3

I've met someone called california love. Trust me retards naming their kids dumb shit is becoming more common, this is why we have Peterson, nature has brought an equal and opposite reaction.

losers with no future get rejected by woman, and turn to __________


Nah, disenfranchised mayos that are too socially retarded to get laid

So, trannies.

And cumskins

White liberal trannies

Nah, I imagine they get laid more than socially stunted whitebois

I imagine them

You should stop. You'll go blind.

Trans bussy is 😋👌 tho?

No, /r/Drama users

or become faggots

You have personal experience with that

Yep. Anyone who was on the chans during the 00s remembers how many traps there were who are now the majority of the trannyfag movement. It's social rejects all the way down.

next time I have a breakup I'm gonna be an anarchofascist

The number of people purposefully misrepresenting, misinterpreting and utterly misunderstanding the devices of speech this man employs is astounding.

And it’s ironic that it’s mostly people who study humanities, people who you would think would have a well-calibrate cognitive spectrum to comprehend nuanced views he is restoring into a social zeitgeist.

And this intensity and near-fatal urgency with which these people are placing him on pedestal of villainy only confirms emptiness of their ideology and moral compass.

It’s quite sad for anyone there thinking there is an intellectual battle going on… a duel of ideas or something…

so explain this enforced monogamy

To give you Jordanesque answer... I don't believe arrangement writer of this article has put out so, I’ll need to take a look at the original source.

Looking down at sluts I expect. Forced in the sense that polygamy is forbidden, not that monogamy is mandated. It's weird how everyone is too retarded to figure that out.

So the status quo?


which is just slightly less retarded but still retarded nonetheless

I'm sorry that you want to 40 women to be able to all marry the same millionaire, but the rest of us like living in a society not modeled after Saudi Arabia.



Mate, do you realize how you are literally engaging in the post modernist discourse of warping meaning when there isn't any? This is how experimental art operates.

Instead of using standard definitions, you are using standard definitions to mean something else entirely.

"enforcing" has a big potential meaning to it: through lawful means.

You still haven't responded to how memerson uses this legalistic language here.

He is not practicing what he preaches.

Men, as usual, are better at marriage than women and can fulfill their end of the bargain with multiple women. The inverse isn't true, since it makes men uncertain who is actually the father of whatever kid.

Practicing this on a societal level results in a lot of young single men not getting their rocks off regularly. This is a recipe for societal unrest. Hence religion coming up with enforced monogamy.

Goddamnit guys don't downvote the lolcow

I seriously don't know how that wasn't obviously /s enough for /r/drama, but eh.

Who downvoted this man for shining a light on the slutgeist

Infidelity is grounds for divorce.

thot patrol

Bigamy is literally illegal in every single state.

The number of people purposefully misrepresenting, misinterpreting and utterly misunderstanding the devices of speech this man employs is astounding.

If you think that's bad, a few weeks ago some guy wrote a blogpost talking the possibility that societies might be interested in redistributing sex, since they're so interested in redistributing wealth.

A TON of people immediately assumed he was talking about legalizing rape. Things got even worse when a NYT article came out talking about the topic and people FLIPPED OUT, apparently completely losing the ability to read what the author was actually saying but maintaining the ability to write an article of their own.

See also James Damore, who was strung up for using the word "neuroticism" which is cited in tons and tons of Big 5 research. Apparently using science words is too much for journalists to handle.

Sjws don't care about science they literally make up their own 'feminist' sources eg completely garbage and made up with no proof or research. They just consider anything any lonely car lady non fiction writer has written as self evident, kinda like some shitty religion like scientology.

The issue I have is that if you hold him to the standard of rigorous scientific language his shit all falls apart (for example how he mangles and misidentifies all the post modernism stuff). He is trying to have it both ways, throwing jargon to mark himself as an intellectual and defuse critiques while not actuallly being rigorous or engaging with those who are proficient in the language he is speaking.

Now if he follows through on his debate with Zizek I’ll immediately shut up and go clean my room.

tbh there is no rigorous scientific language in post-modernism (or post-structuralism if you prefer) anyway.

him vs zizek would be hilarious though.

Even the loopier of serious academics have more consistent and precise language than Peterson's popular work. How rigorous postmodernists are in their language isn't really the issue though since Peterson doesn't even define them properly and labels a whole swath of theorists and linguists he doesn't like as some combination of neomarxist and postmodernist and then blames them for all kinds of crazy shit. It's just him dressing up some pretty weak ideas about how the world works in the terminology of academic philosophy.


He's addressing a popular audience, so he's hardly going to get into the finer points of Capitalism and Schizophrenia -- I'd be surprised if he would or even could. But that's not even close to necessary, and the argument that his message isn't academically obscure enough isn't going to fly with anyone other than other academics in those specific fields, or those who just trust academia blindly.

I'd also take issue with "the loopier of serious academics" without knowing exactly who you're referring to. Derrida is considered a serious academic and he played fast and loose with definitions on a regular basis.

Does Memerson fail to use the correct and approved academic jargon for things he's critiquing? Definitely. But why should he? He's not coming from that standpoint and he's positioning himself as an adversary of those ideas. Mastery of them, and "correct" terminology don't do anything for his position, and in fact could weaken it, by arguing on their terms.

The guy's not a philosopher in any case. He's a clinical psychologist turned modern-day prophet.


tl;dr = Don't need to know what animal it came from to know it's shit.

Derrida is considered a serious academic and he played fast and loose with definitions on a regular basis.

Does anyone aside from out-of-touch postmodernist academics and other hardcore navel-gazers not consider most to all of the deconstructionists loopy? They're one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, why philosophy has such a terrible public image and isn't taken seriously anymore. If Peterson isn't forgotten in a decade or so then he's probably going to have a similar effect on philosophy and psychology (again) given the sources he's drawing from and his ridiculous followers. He has a surprising amount of things in common with the deconstructionists, come to think of it.

The only people who read Derrida are those in the softer-headed parts of academia, it is too difficult and doesn't make any fucking sense to anyone else. It doesn't make any sense to them either, since it just doesn't make any sense in general, but they keep flogging it.

Go look at a course catalog for any social science department in the country, and you'll find frauds like Derrida and Lacan all over the place, and that shit filters into popular viewpoints in even worse shape. Half the crap that liberals spout on social media can be traced back to that sort of reasoning-by-free-association, like everything from Critical Theory and it's repugnant offspring. But what else would you expect from Marxian analysis? Everytime you see some upper middle class idiot complaining about being oppressed due to seatbelts being too tight, you can thank those guys (like Horkheimer, Adorno, and especially Freire).

If you cannot properly articulate or even define the ideas you are speaking in opposition to than you are just ranting at shadows. No one is asking him to argue on their terms, he has plenty of his own ideas and terms and that's great, but if he wants to talk explicitly about other people's work and theories he should understand and use their terms properly. That's not some kind of academic elitism that's like the minimum standard for a rational discussion.

Even the loopier of serious academics have more consistent and precise language

haha no. but they have the institutional power to pretend

No they don't, you just agree with them, so your mind papers over the problems with their beliefs in ways it doesn't for Peterson, whom you consider an ideological enemy.

Literally none of those humanities teachers are more consistent, and precision of language is actually the problem. It's how they justify turning common-words into Jargon, while changing torturing their definitions until they come up with something more 'descriptive' or 'precise'. Because precision isn't accuracy, and I'd prefer my intellectuals be accurate, and not simply precise.

I don't consider Peterson an ideological enemy and I think you using that term speaks to your mindset much more than mine. I don't know who "those humanities teachers" are but they sound like your "ideological enemies". All of my humanities teachers have been more consistent than Peterson, mostly because they don't overreach in the way Peterson does and are well versed in all the terminology they are using.

I totally agree about the accuracy vs precision issue. Jargon is only a bad thing when it's used to obscure rather than accurately define, which is exactly what I am saying Peterson is doing by misapplying technical terms constantly. If he wanted to use common words to talk about stuff that would be cool, but he doesn't, he wants to use the jargon of philosophy and social theory but also use it incorrectly which is a dishonest way to debate ideas.

Pretty much this. Also, it's kind of funny to watch Peterson sycophants tripping over each other trying to characterize the people who criticize him as 'feels over reals' or suggesting that they can't form an argument against him when his "philosophy" is based off of something that has been dismissed as unfalsifiable for like half a century (Jung's theories) and as such only used in media studies and New Age "metaphysics". And he's the billionth person to attribute a simple cause to the 'downfall of Western society' who's going to be wrong like the rest of them. And his self-help stuff is as shallow as it gets and isn't going to spur the vast majority of his devotees into making any meaningful changes (hence the reason why his devotees are obsessed with him, which clearly indicates that they're not particularly healthy people).

Snally, god damnit, mom and dad are gonna be mad if you don't clean your fucking room and they will take away my Xbox so I cant play Fortnite with the boyz on a Friday night.


But I don't wanna! You can't make me!! 😠😣😭

Peterson drama is always so cringy and dull, how do you get enjoyment from this? There's never any intracommunity drama and they don't really instigate fights with anyone else so it's always just people getting outraged at something they say. Occasionally there's a funny giant copypasta but other than that it just seems crazy to get your chuckles from these fucks.

The only thing that makes it funny is his obsessive fans and haters, plus it's easy to feel good about yourself for shitting all over either side because it doesn't take much effort to make legitimate criticisms about what they're saying. It's like 'privilege' drama except that right-leaning people are the ones who are mostly on the defense.

dismissed as unfalsifiable


In all fairness, some of his critics are just as bad by resorting to staking, threats and essentially hurling insults. Which is a crappy way to prove their point.

For sure. This phenomenon as a whole is so weird.

lmao how dirty is ur room?

Yeah Jung has been entirely dismissed. That's why Cambridge Analytica using Jungian theories combined with social media to profile who to advertise for was just a waste of time, Trump lost the election and no one gives a fuck about Facebook selling data.

Oh wait.

Turns out that Jungian theories were only thrown out due to the Social Construct movement, which is ass backwards and has very little hold in reality. Oopsie.

Yeah Jung has been entirely dismissed.

Nobody said that. Most of what he's done is just of extremely limited value and unfalsifiable. That is the reason why it is used in media fields and not much else, especially not something that requires any level of scientific or logical rigor (like psychology and philosophy are supposed to). Marketing is an art field. It uses a lot of techniques that wouldn't be applied outside of the art world.

Turns out that Jungian theories were only thrown out due to the Social Construct movement, which is ass backwards and has very little hold in reality. Oopsie.

lmao, you have no idea what you're talking about. They weren't "thrown out" at all but were dismissed as unfalsifiable in fields that require academic rigor because they are unfalsifiable. It's pretty funny to see lost boys defending their repackaged New Age shit.


Jordan Peterson is a literal neo nazi. Whoever listen to him should be called out

Thanks for confirming my impression of his critics.

This is so lame, I really worry about people having this kind of certainty when discussing social issues and ideas.

Really bankruptcy level of discourse.

Reevaluate your life...

I didn't read your comment because you're defending neo nazis. I assume it was angry man child rants so I'll respond appropriately. Go home, no u, stop raping women

Some people don't deserve to procreate.

Too bad nobody was there to tell your parents.

Stops harassing me.

Oh yes, they're harassing you. lol


Reddit is an alt right neo nazi sub. Giving them comments increases Israel's nazi like reach

til Israel is Nazis

Thank you. I'm so glad I started this thread.

It must be important because it wouldn't be on reddit if it wasn't.

acts more retarted

these people vote. SMH. republics and democracies were a mistake.

return of theocracies and monarchies when???

Right after mayocide

Look at this retard

Oy vey!

“You can assume that they [Jews] are intelligent and have a culture of learning, or you can think that there’s some kind of cabal,” Peterson told the Forward.

Peterson thinks that peer pressure is nearly always stronger than one’s inner moral compass. Anyone has it within them to be Hitler if given enough power, he claims.

“If you think that you wouldn’t be tempted by having 20 million people worship you, then you don’t know yourself at all,” Peterson told the Forward.

He also believes almost anyone would have become a Nazi if they were a German living under Hitler — that “everyone participated” in the Holocaust.

There's literally nothing even controversial said here.

How is this controversial


he's stating facts

Racist, homophobic, trans hating facts that hurt people you nazi

I want to believe you are trolling and not actually for realz.

excellent b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Listen here you little shit, I'm like the kfc double down, fat angry and far too salty for your health.

Because people don’t like hearing the truth that evil people aren’t ideological monsters, or that they aren’t fully good people themselves and have the capability to do evil. It challenges their assumption that bad people are one type of people and good people aren’t.

It’s the reason that internet extremists are the way they are, they cover up their own sins by trying to appear virtuous.

you are a fucking moron and need to exercise some critical thought and individualism


Literal nazi ideals

Memerson's boys are eating this bait whole.

Hangry downvotes for the memerson

I read it in his voice.

Is this pasta?

is this a pasta

Are you a hockey player or figure skater?

too many big words in ur post. dum dum grug cant grok what u speak. try again. tiny words. best of words. small words.

people who study humanities, people who you would think would have a well-calibrate cognitive spectrum

lol cmon man theyre too busy being genderqueer or whatever the fuck they teach kids at american colleges now

why tf are you talking like that

He thinks he's smart lol

I just like Jordan Peterson because he's some weedy ivy league academic who talks about how much respects people who fight, tells people not to get into politics while having made all his money from politics and politics, thinks about stabbing people serving him at restaurants in the neck and sheds a solitary tear each time he remembers he can't beat women.

Serious posting in /r/drama. Get out of here fag

Dude is almost certainly a pedophile.

He acts like all pedophiles.

Keep yourself safe.

Sounds like something a pedo would say

he doesn't seem that feminist.

It's just because they hate him. You and I both know they can understand him they just want him to be misrepresented to character assassinate him. I don't agree with him but he has a lot of valid and truthful points they hate because he's basically pointing out men and women actually do have differences and it ruins their whole fake agenda that hur dur glass ceiling men are evil. Typical woman. From believing in fake glass crystals to fake glass ceilings. Dumb bitches.


the man is a fucking moron

understand...what exactly? I read the first chapter of his book and holy fucking shit the man cant make a simple straigh forward point to save his life

half the timehe is taling utter nonsense out his ass.

I cant comprehend why anyone would get upset about what he says, nor can i comprehend how a poseur like him make 80 fucking K a month on patreon alone. What the fuck?

TBF socially enforced monogamy is still pretty fucked up, as it essentially amounts to slut shaming. Incels don't need gfs, they need psychotherapy. You don't need a gf to not be violent.

All social mores are socially enforced. There's nothing wrong with monogamy or people who believe that it yields the optimal societal virtues.

All social mores are socially enforced

Yes, but they're not all equal

There's nothing wrong with monogamy or people who believe that it yields the optimal societal virtues

I never said that bucko. I was opposing socially enforced monogamy.

Yes, but they're not all equal

That's where subjectivity comes in, 'bucko'.

shes, JBP has being going overboard lately with his women should'nt be wearing lipstick while at work and now this enforced monogamy bullshit. It going to be interesting to see how low he will go for that patreon money.

JBP has being going overboard lately with his women should'nt be wearing lipstick while at work

well if the question is how can men stop hitting on women while at work then that is a possible start of an answer.


Why are you performing the mating dance if you didnt want a mate. 🤔🤔🤔

Imagine being the sort of person who sees a woman complying with a general female social norm in a nonsexualized setting and goes "this female is performing the mating dance! I better stutter my way over there and tell her she has nice tits."

Have you ever met another human in real life? They are more retarded than even /r/drama users

more retarded than drama users

Literally not possible homeslice.

all i see is a clapping whore

Are men really that impulsive and brutish that they can't help but sexually harass women in the work place just because the women are wearing makeup? Jeez, maybe the 2nd-wave radfems are right.

The argument was more along the lines of "Why would you attempt to make yourself more sexually attractive at work?"

Why is that even a question that someone would ask? It's no different than someone with dreads and a face tattoo asking why he can't get a desk job. Appearance matters and in the case of women it's still expected that they wear makeup at work in most cases.

it's still expected that they wear makeup at work i

that was exactly his point. the "rules" for workplace interaction between the genders are schizophrenic.

In fact this should be a point of agreement between him and feminists, because who came up with those rules that women should sexualize themselves for work?

the "rules" for workplace interaction between the genders are schizophrenic.

How so?

who came up with those rules that women should sexualize themselves for work?

Wearing makeup in the workplace isn't explicitly considered sexualization any more than a man being clean-shaven and wearing an outfit without holes in it is. It's just a social expectation about what somebody needs to wear at work. Everyone is beholden to them. The fact that Peterson considers it sexualization is kind of sketchy since he should understand what social norms and expectations are as a psychologist.

Wearing makeup in the workplace isn't explicitly considered sexualization

yup. only implicit

you should check out the history of makeup in western societies. until 100 years ago it was mostly whores and actresses (who were also considered whores). that's no coincidence.

And women didn't shave their pubes in the 70's because hair was in vogue in porn. Doesn't mean that refusing to trim is sexualized now. Same goes for bare legs, modest amounts of skin showing, etc. Things change. Makeup can be applied for sexual purposes, but it's gotten to the point where it's such a widespread and socially expected to be worn day-to-day that it's now just another social norm to the point where not wearing it is considered unusual. When something becomes a thing that's worn almost universally day-to-day then it's no longer exclusively sexual or scandalous or whatever.

oh ok

these niggas think women only wear lipstick to sexually attract men lmfao

women should'nt be wearing lipstick while at work

what, they shouldn't. unless they're whores, i mean.

>people actually downvoting this

look how far r/drama has fallen

Taking those two things out of context is like Cathy Newman saying that Jordan Peterson wants society to be like lobsters.

If you listen to the lead up of what he is saying, you understand what he is trying to get across and it isn't that outlandish. It's probably not the best way of explaining it, but when you're in the limelight and getting attacked so frequently, you're inevitably going to sound stupid.

Everyone says something retarded every now and then

DAE Frozen = feminist propaganda

good effort 9/11

he didn't say they shouldn't.

Can we just shut down twitter already? Like what a terrible fucking time to live in where you get an interesting article about someone in the New York Times and all people can do is isolate one or two sentences and repost them out of context over and over again while telling everyone you’re literally shaking.

Twitter is destroying civil discourse in this country. It’s even worse when you realize that all those twitter posters probably think they are deeply intellectual and intelligent. As long as it’s not longer than a few sentences.

Even worse, is full of old people

isnt it weird how all the people outraged at him are ugly feminists and effeminate guys

He is a sexual communist lmao

It's time to redistribute the roasties away from the Chads.

I believe in sexual meritocracy. We must measure every penis in the nation and only allow those >6" to date.

My micropenis just spasmed at accidentally downvoted you

He dresses and talks in old-timey ways

What does the dude wear? I will assume the soy-people are upset that he dresses like an adult.

If you don't wear a buttplug to class then you're old-fashioned. I mean it's 2018, people!

I recently saw a clip of Gavin McInness from the Proud Boys taking his buttplug out live on his show.

This was like 2 days after one of the Proud Boys was filmed being unable to rip a sign in half. I should have posted that shit here.

It's ok. Someone else posted both of those here.


dilate before ever seminar!

Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr. Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married.

“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” Mr. Peterson says of the Toronto killer. “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

Mr. Peterson does not pause when he says this. Enforced monogamy is, to him, simply a rational solution. Otherwise women will all only go for the most high-status men, he explains, and that couldn’t make either gender happy in the end.

Here's the part about the 'enforced monogamy' draw your own conclusions

Statistics bear him out. We are seeing multiple women with the same man, which leaves too few women to go around.

These kind of incidents are only going to increase as long as this is true. This is the system working correctly. Men are supposed to tear down any system that works against them. You can scream that you should be able to act like animals all you want. But don't bitch and moan when men act like animals right back.

“Yeah, they do. They do exist. They just don’t exist the way you think they exist. They certainly exist. You may say well dragons don’t exist. It’s, like, yes they do — the category predator and the category dragon are the same category. It absolutely exists. It’s a superordinate category. It exists absolutely more than anything else. In fact, it really exists. What exists is not obvious. You say, ‘Well, there’s no such thing as witches.’ Yeah, I know what you mean, but that isn’t what you think when you go see a movie about them. You can’t help but fall into these categories. There’s no escape from them.”

What is this post-modernist bullshit?

Holy shit, that's Derrida-tier levels of navel-gaving nonsense lmao

the category predator and the category dragon are the same category

Frege's corpse is currently supernova-ing from how woke this take is

Has anyone stopped to think about how a guy whose claim to fame is criticizing post-modernism is dropping knowledge bombs like this?

pomo collapses utterly under the slightest scrutiny no matter how batshit

The point here is that the guy is using the same kind of content-devoid navel-gazing language that tarnished the image of continental philosophy (and philosophy at large, and post-modernism). Anyone can criticize aspects of post-modernism; it's low-hanging fruit. So why form a cult of personality around a guy who speaks like a post-modernist?

The idea is to take the people who "hate postmodernism" because of feminist marketing and redpill the shit out of them.

"redpill" them on what? Jung's archetypes? Functioning on a basic level? Obsessing over some random lecturer because he doesn't want to call someone 'xe' either?


that's the beautiful thing about quoting out of context.

As always, Twitter is a mistake for everyone involved.

yeah but reddit is a bigger mistake

I've accomplished so much on reddit.

I think Peterson is a bit mad, but he really enrages all the people that I absolutely hate... so I love him in a way.

Is this Radical Centrism?

This is peak tribal individualism.

Yeah, this is the kind of thought that's going to get us all in a lot of trouble. 'who cares if this person with a lot of influence is insane/stupid/incompetent/evil/whatever. they're pissing off the people I dislike and that's all that matters!'

idk how people think memerson is crazy. His philosophy is about the most banal conservatism possible. This guy is so incredibly unthreatening. What's he going to do, convince some kids to clean their rooms and go to church? Oh no!

I still don't understand why people are so passionate towards Memerson. What he's spouting is pretty normie shit. He's not Joseph Goebbels.

'who cares if this person with a lot of influence is insane/stupid/incompetent/evil/whatever. they're pissing off the people I dislike and that's all that matters!'

intellectual shadowboxing is always very enjoyable

Sure it is. We're all going to be in a lot of trouble because you can't help but post in every thread about the guy...


Who knew asking kids to clean their rooms would trigger so many NEET commies.

Who knew grown men needed to be told to clean their rooms? Or that they'd form an obsessive following over somebody because he gave them advice on how to take care of themselves on a basic level?

Anyone with basic knowledge of cults ?

Snally are you serious? How many drama regulars do you think would benefit from advice on keeping their fucking room clean?

If an adult is struggling to function on a basic level and can't keep their things in order then they need much more help than "clean your room" or "straighten your posture".

Its called a baseline to sort your life out lmao, its exactly what grown children need to be told.

How does shallow advice like 'straighten your posture' help an adult who isn't competent enough to function on an adult level? And if it's so helpful then why are the people following the advice rabidly protective of the advice-giver when they should be thinking critically like an adult and able to acknowledge that a source of advice doesn't have to be exalted and defended against all criticism?

How does shallow advice like 'straighten your posture' help an adult who isn't competent enough to function on an adult level?

Because there's no other way to help them. Someone who is that dysfunctional is not going to be self-motivated enough to go seek a therapist.

Because there's no other way to help them. Someone who is that dysfunctional is not going to be self-motivated enough to go seek a therapist.

all I'm reading is "white spreeshooters dindu nuffin wrong! Deys have mental retardations n killins classmates is a social construct!"

I'm not quite understanding what you're trying to say.

My point was basically that NEET types can do worse than worship Memerson. And I know of many people (in my family in fact) that would actually be better off if they had just blindly followed advice like Memerson's instead of letting their life go to waste.

I know of many people (in my family in fact) that would actually be better off if they had just blindly followed advice like Memerson's

Your family sounds terrible and dumb; sterilization for the lot of them should be heavily considered

> Stating the obvious

Look at it this way. There are a lot of guys out there who didn’t have parents, or good parents at least.

Just because you did see you take a lot of this for granted doesn’t mean the same for a lot of people who essentially raised themselves. You need to step out of your shoes a bit to take it from that point-of-view.

Somebody who's that dysfunctional also isn't going to get any better from remembering to straightening their posture. It won't do anything to change their situation or motivate them to change it.

[drunkposting warning]

I don't know. Speaking from personal experience, I had bad posture for a few years and getting a personal trainer to fix my posture really helped with my self confidence. In fact I'd credit it as one of the first steps to myself completely shedding my shitty past and moving forward.

It's kind of like the 'force yourself to smile and you'll feel happy' thing. It actually worked for me which is why I can understand what Memerson is trying to say.

Uh, that's exactly why they need such basic advice. They are so far beyond hope that the tiniest incremental change like having straight posture is a big first step for them on a road to not being a complete degenerate.

because people read that non-reproducable study about "power postures"

You're absolutely right but for some people a small step towards self discipline is the push that they need to either become more disciplined or seek the help they need. Definitely not enough to form a cult around this guy but it's not bad advice.

Fuck you those dew cans and cheeto bags are decor you cleanfag

Grown men need to be reminded not to rape anyone and grown women need to be reminded that vaginas are a privilege so this fits right in.


he isn't mad, he is stupid. he is literally a stupid person, pretending to be super smart and all the alt righters lap it up like dogs. its fucking hysterical.

he is a big icky gross dum dum


I dont care about Memerson; he stirs some good salt but too many people suck his dick because he tells them what his fans want to hear. Too many also suck the dicks of people who """""""""""""refute""""""""""""" him because they tell them what they want to hear. It is a shame no sucks dick for fun these days.


Jordan Bernt Peterson is a hero. A Jungian hero archetype in fact. He's trying to save you from yourself you stupid cuck. He's objectively a genius, and Canada's greatest public intellectual. Maybe the reason you don't like him is because you aren't smart enough to understand what he's saying. Maybe you're just uncomfortable because he tells the TRUTH, and you've been indoctrinated to believe LIES. Maybe you're a feminazi SJW post-modernist cultural marxist, actively trying to tear down the west because "muh patriarchy" but you're too stupid to realize that even if you succeed then Sharia law will take over and throw you off rooftops. I hope for your sake you eventually sort yourself out and clean your room. I recommend watching this 300-hour lecture series on youtube, it really helped me. I used to be really high IQ but low conscientiousness, but then I started watching Peterson's lectures and now I've really got my life together. I've even stopped chasing those crazy females because it's not a productive use of my time. Yep, that's right, I'm a MGTOW because unfortunately the feminists have won and there's no place in modern society for a REAL man. I wish JBP would run for Prime Minister he's the only one who can save us at this point.

When did professor memerson get totally wingnutty? Last time I saw one of his talks he was way chiller than all this weird bullshit.

good comment that explains why

That actually is a good comment wtf

That whole sub is great, the weekly culture war thread is especially relevant for r/drama seriousposting, and the blog the sub is is reference to is especially great. E.g., http://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/30/i-can-tolerate-anything-except-the-outgroup/

As soon as he got his first whiff of those Patreon dolla dolla bills

Bruh, saying centrist shit does not make your cultists fill up your patreon account.

When did professor memerson get totally wingnutty?

he didn't.

Top tier /r/drama journalism, OP 🤗🤗🤗

r/drama unironically posting Amanda Marcotte takes... to own the buckos? Maybe it's time to do a good, hard think.

You're not a true drama lover if you don't check out Marcotte's feed every now and then.

You expect me to click 30 links?

He wants us all to fuck rape lobster witches by order of government! Pass it on!

He's really on the top of the hitlist.

The light of autism burns a little less brightly because of this man.

He needs to be stopped.

You can figure out a lot about a person based on their reaction to this guy.

jfl the twitter link. ONLY sub8 numales who are outraged. not a single chad.

Exquisite thread OP.

If anything memerson needs to teach you, fat fucks, is to go on keto, make money so you can reverse your balding and drop those ugly sweaters for some classy ass suits 👌👌👌👌

Once you have reached that level of alpha, don't be him with all this marriage and nuclear family Christian bullshit and go on a feminist banging rampage to engage both leftycucks and incels alike.

You will be the embodiment of a radical centrist Chad.