/v/ is unsure of what side to take when a conservative group uses their leverage to ban 'pornographic' games from steam

32  2018-05-19 by COINTELPROxShareBlue


"Morality in Media was launched by an interfaith group of clergy in the Upper East Side of Manhattan in 1962 after grade school children were caught with hardcore pornography. MIM was first formed by Father Morton A. Hill, Rabbi Julius Neumann, and Rev. Robert Wiltenburg (a Lutheran pastor) as a neighborhood organization under the name Operation Yorkville.[6] They were soon joined by Rev. Constantine Volaitis of the Greek Orthodox Church." "[...]The group changed its name to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation in 2015.[2], though its official name is still Morality in Media, Inc."




From a jeans ad that suggested gang rape, to photographing a topless, underage model Calvin Klein continues to promote child exploitation and rape culture in a desperate effort to remain relevant. In fact, Calvin Klein once produced a child-themed ad campaign that was so provocative and akin to child pornography that it was investigated by the Department of Justice.

They may have been conservative in 1962 but they aren't anymore

Christcucks were the original SJWs

And still are.

An anti-porn group came to my uni and were sponsored by a group of "family values" Catholics. The same group puts shit all over campus for a whole anti-abortion week. No other group gets so much leeway to harass non-members since they are doing it for the baaaaabies.

dangers of porn

Of course because what else should we blame the crimes in society on? Apart from vidya games.


kiddy diddlers caring about babies and children is creepy on a whole new level lol

They want them pure so they can taint them

kiddy diddlers caring about babies and children is creepy on a whole new level lol

How else are they going to get new victims?

Ouroboros theory strikes again!

they're just using SJ rhetoric to fuel their cause, another point to the horseshoe theory

Yeah, religious fundamentalists probably aren't conservatives because they used the term rape culture, which is considered a real thing by most academics, conservative or liberal.

A backup, for when the link inevitably dies. http://archive.is/dulq3

Fuck these Puritan organizations. They're basically right wing SJWs

wait, you think the right is stealing the left's shtick when they try to suppress things they find morally objectionable?

wanna know how i know youre a teenager?

I don't think the right is stealing the left's shtick considering how long puritan groups have been a thing, just drawing some parallels.

the fact that you treat religious fundamentalists like a version of sjws and not the other way around is how i know youre a teenager, fyi

Did you even read my reply or are you just retarded?

just letting you know what gave away that youre a teenager

Literally all I did was point out the fact that they both try to censor things they don't like. How does that make me a teenager?

Lol underage fags OUT OUT OUT

You didn't even bait the hooks

They probably don't even know who Jack Thompson is.

The more mainstream a boards topic,the more trash it is. It's why TG is the only good board on 4chan. Also, someone should send these bluenoses a copy or corruption of champions.

It's a weird romp in the woods until you lose that first fight.

Le /v/idya

i guess we finally got the answer to the age of question of "who the fuck is dumb enough to pay for porn in this day and age", and the answer is, of course, gamers

The rights pitch to gamers: Come with me nerds! Come to a land of utterly free speech, with no nagging feminists to keep you down! Where you can do anything!

Once they've converted en masse: Oh yeah btw we're going to ban all sex and violence, hope you don't mind.