Guy on Askreddit wants a tall, built woman; a MtF responds; a user is bothered by this

107  2018-05-19 by JoeFalchetto



Imagine wanting to be a woman full-time instead of just during bedroom roleplay.

It's the opposite actually. Trannies like to play with their dicks more than anything during bedroom plays.

Can confirm: had my bussy reamed by one

he thinks it's a man shooting himself with artifical hormones pretending to be a woman. Those titties are lab made. not real ones

and if you going to say your a woman, be decent enough to have a real pussy in there.

trannies are like the tofu turkeys of meat.

You pissed off the SRDines.

Someone get a goddamned canner.

Lol u unironically defend MDEtards.

Those kinds of opinions existed on Drama years before MDE was even on drawing board.

Im talking about his comment history lol.

You realize how much of a faggot you are for qualifying every person you talk to by doing research on their user profile? It is getting really SRD in here. Maybe you could suggest for the mod team to institute saferbot next?

taking /r/drama this seriously.

lol gay.

You realize how much of a faggot you are for qualifying every person you talk to by doing research on their user profile?

taking /r/drama this seriously.

Yes, exactly my point. Glad we can agree that you are gay.

loltakes like 5 second to look over the first page of his post history.

And mass taggers and saferbot all take even less time. Being pathetic isn't counted in second increments.

But why even do it?


To fight nazis!

I was just acting retarded


Paki Taliban dindu nuffin wrong.

Gas Islamabad, kill all apostates.

Then you have no right to complain about MDE illegals. You have to go back to SDR.



Wanting gussy.

out out out.

Wanting gussy.

out out out.



If trans women really are women thats gussy

If theyre men in dresses=bussy

Mutant elephant men with wigs on=mussy

Cause youre agreeing with me here.

trannies are like the tofu turkeys of meat.

As much as I dislike tofu, even if it's not good as meat, at least when I eat some I don't have to fear getting AIDS.

dangling tofurckey neck and gibblets - it's Transgiving!

XDDD, good one 'pede!

congratulations, I actually gagged irl

Tofurkey is unironically way way better than real turkey

Those titties are lab made.

Plenty of all natural gussy suffers from this problem too

/u/nomad1c I too enter relationships with the goal of knocking up my partner.

Duh. How else do you keep someone in your life if you have a shitty personality and nothing to offer in a relationship? Especially if you're mentally ill and can only pretend to be normal for a few weeks at a time.

Haha fuck, that hit home

It's a very famous relationship management technique. Been here since the dawn of time (well mostly since paternity tests and child support laws).

Yeah, before we had religion, no divorces m8

Bitches back then could take a punch. And then make you a sammich.

Now you do nothing, stay calm through all abuse you get, she pinches, bruises and at worst, cuts herself, and then she can sue you as an abuser.

TL;DR don't stay in abusive relationships kids.

By having a high libido and constantly doing shit to try to seek validation from others.

I tried that, but CPS got in the way

It doesn't work as great if you're so fucked up CPS takes measure to make sure you lose custody of your child the minute it's born.

Make more

my life's work is impregnating other people's partners

A gora like you? Nah.

it's true. i'm actually your father

Don't be so sure, it could be any of hundreds people.

you make a good point

You down with OPP?

being this much of a butthurt tranny, smh

Posting in cringenanarchy about the wh*te genocide.

being this much of a butthurt cracker, smh.

Why are you going through everybodyβ€˜s post history?


Makes sense. Carry on.

What's with trannies being so extremely online? If I didn't know any better, I'd say they act a lot like mentally ill, spergy males.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness; the best treatment we have is transitioning, etc, etc.

Source. Some other sources.

the best treatment we have

You're a tranny..? Because that would explain my instinctive disgust toward you perfectly

By we, I mean the human race.

Oh lol I guess I underestimated what a kumbaya singin loser you were. That's honestly even worse

Your grandparents were such degenerates that they fucked literal neanderthals.

Har! My ancestors fucking stronger and probably smarter Neanderthots and cucking their husbands is part of the reason European men were capable of eventually conquering the planet

It's not my fault no other people got any superior Neandergussy, don't be salty about it

Proud of your neanderthal lineage.

Just gora shit.

Thanks for the new word, that's my first time being called a "gora"

So I take it you're not just salty about not getting any Neandernooky, but also that we subjugated your entire people for hundreds of years?

Lol apefucker.

did you just assume my species

My sources say that best cure for trannies is gassing or self assisted suicide.

tick tock.

|No, its not big for a woman my height. But 166 is my LBM. I weigh 227.

This is the kind of shit that will scare a person straight.


lean body mass

Ah ok, thanks

Hey I’m a well-built woman! What a coincidence! Well actually I’m a fat trans person but I mean that’s pretty close

So they're at 27% body fat? Yeah, not lean whatsoever...

Sounds like that mangirl that threatened to put Ben Shapiro in the hospital on TV.

that's basically catfishing

I am looking for a strong woman to have babies with.

Trans person jumps in. What could go wrong here?

Wanting to have babies with your sexual partner is transphobic.

They literally called mentioning the babies section of the description to be "creepy" because of course they would.

I mean, it is.

What? How?

Like who the fuck announces their goes into a relationship looking for someone to have babies with. That's some autism right there.

Saying you would like to have a family in future and describing your physical type that you find most attractive is not what you are describing.

You are acting like the guy is having his first drink with someone and asking about their uterus. Also, how fucking entitled is this person to see mentions of children and act like this definitely applies to me a transwoman? Might as well fully disregard it and have Danny Devito throw his hat into the ring.

lol adopt then nigga.

Why after you this fucking stupid? You realize lots of people don't want to adopt? He specifically mentioned things revolving around genetics.

Dude, I get that you really want to suck infertile dick from a woman but you don't need to force it on everyone else and then consider them creepy after the fact.

You are like the dudes on dating sites that are 50 years old hitting up 20 year olds that expressly state they aren't interested in that age range ahead of time and then call the women cunts for not going along with it.

u sound mad.

Omg you sound so creepy right now, I can't even.

i aim to please. :<)


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Why are you this fucking stupid? You realize lots of people don't want to adopt? He specifically mentioned things revolving around genetics.

Dude, I get that you really want to suck infertile dick from a woman but you don't need to force it on everyone else and then consider them creepy after the fact.

You are like the dudes on dating sites that are 50 years old hitting up 20 year olds that expressly state they aren't interested in that age range ahead of time and then call the women cunts for not going along with it.


I'm really drunk, but I could go for a nice tranny dick right now

I wish more people asked about my uterus.

Well ummm how is your uterus?

Broken, thanks for asking

But but you aren’t the same person :(

I wish more people asked about my uterus.

So how is your uterus doing this fine Monday?

I keep tapping the jar, but it’s not moving. Maybe it’s sleeping.

Because you can have babies through surrogates. The fact that someone doesn’t consider that and immediately cuts out transpeople is transphobic.

It's so easy to be transphobic.

It's almost like most men don't want to fuck other men even if they wear a dress and have tits.

They are women, not men.

No honey. You can strap wing to a pig, that doesn't make it a bird.

But can you make it take bird hormones? Checkmate, antitrannies.

But will the pig-bird vomit its lunch into it's hatchlings' mouth? Checkmate, Jordan Peterson.

Yeah but women*

*parts may vary.

But OP's entire point was that they wanted a tall, strong woman to be the birth mother of their warrior child...not that they they wanted a tall, strong trans woman to be their girlfriend while they seek out a tall, strong biological woman to be their surrogate.

Use a surrogate for the egg and then the transwoman can have the child.

trannies dont have a uterus, they just have a literal wound that tries to heal over itself.

that entire article is about how unlikely it is that we'd be able to get a viable pregnancy out of a trans woman you massive fucking retard

But a uterus is still possible.

That's... not how it works

Cutting a hole in your groin doesn't give you the ability to carry a child. We aren't talking about kangaroos here.

They literally mentioned wanting children with said woman. What the fuck is he going to do combine their sperm together? It isn't transphobic to not want to fuck males. Stop being a rapey weirdo to prove how woke you are.

It isn't transphobic to not want to fuck males.

Except she isn’t a male. She’s a woman just like those without a Y chromosome.

I can't tell if this is satire or not

Does that make a difference?

Yo, you are fucking retarded. How the fuck is that not a male in the story?

RecallRethuglikans, in my Drama?!

Holy shit, I've been a big fan of your retardation forever!

one of the best tbqh

I bet it's also 'icky,' 'yucky,' and 'gross' too.

Babies are exactly all of that, so they are not wrong...

And while I don't want children now, I still wouldn't date a MtF, even girl bussy is better at that point.

I don't even want to have kids. I just refuse to fuck a man who is disguised as a woman.

Like yeah sure that is valid too. Fuck anyone you want. This forced fucking is ridiculous.

Yeah but they aren't disguised, they are women, transphobic reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

While the arguments further down the thread get pretty autistic, the comment that started it all is a "hey its me ur brother"-tier comment. It's not like they were going to meet up and date each other.

You are absolutely 100% right that they were literally never going to meet. I said Danny Devito as an example in my comments lower down here. It would have made just as much sense for Devito to suggest himself a great match too.

The trans person in the thread was a retard in denial and acts quite entitled once you see them talking further down.

Some people really have an urge to always make it be about them.

Wanting a tall, built woman and not a petite, school-girl like one

Well, if he get's trapped he can't say that he didn't have it coming.

I bet he got tired from doing all that raping against petite women (according to our friends at gender critical), now he wants a challenge

It's harder to abuse women who are strong and confident. This is why straight men like raping little girls.

Most men enjoy controlling and abusing women, so any woman who is stronger is a turn off for them.

same with the ones who insist they have to date "petite" women, except they don't actually mean petite, they mean "as child like as humanly possible"

Actual quotes from actual women (???) who post there.

It's harder to abuse women who are strong and confident. This is why straight men like raping little girls.

That's why straight men do it more, people the challenge reminds them of previous rapes they committed when they weren't as skilled at raping

Amazonesses > little girls

they're not little, just petite

You say trap, but I think its more of an ambush

For what it matters, I think you fit the criteria fine :)

This mother fucker right here. He isn't even op and he acts like it counts. Honestly. Lgbt rights was a mistake

tall, well built women. the more woman per cubic inch of space, the better. one who can beat me in wrestling

the guy is obviously not straight so I don't think he'd really mind dating a transwoman tbh

Eh, he could have a giantess fetish.

sn00snoo in the p00p00

Yeah so not straight

No he just recognizes that womanlets are trash

Get out.


Your manlet radar is trash.

I'm a manlet and I agree manlets are trash. Can't believe I'm agreeing with a mayo tho

I'm not a mayo, the mods gave me this flair because of my tayposting

:O You're not mayo!??


look at this man who isnt into femdom and laugh

He might prefer pegging via a strap-on, and not flesh.

I said it before and I'll say it again-Trannies make for some of the best internet drama

Uhhhhh duh?

Want some fun? Kick something off in /r/unpopularopinion and watch the tranny wars continue on.

Yikes who knew that ask Reddit was so anti tranny

It's nice to see some sane people speaking out on the topic again, the pendulum might be swinging back already

"I'm fine with them doing their thing, but I don't like them and I won't pretend I agree with them" is not much of an anti tranny position irl, even if you only look at rich countries.

Yeah but if you wouldn't date a tranny only because you want "real" woman since this one is not "real" enough, then you're transphobe reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

This is easy - the MtF just needs a uterus transplanted.

No, they need brain transplanted, and by that I mean into the nearest wall, with a shotgun.

It is cool that trannies are all commies because it proves why commies need to be eradicated.

Trannies lmao