Trump is defunding planned parenthood as promised; /r/twoxchromosomes predictably has a meltdown.

51  2018-05-19 by Socialismalwaysfails


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Some choice quotes:

I was under the impression the no Federal dollars were used towards the funding of abortions. It seems like taking away the Federal funds will only limit their ability to provide other health assistance to those in need, with no change to the number of abortions being that they are funded elsewhere and won't be affected by the change.

A mild and pretty rational response. This user forgets that loop holes exist. And that PPH uses federal funding to fund democrat campaigns.

I don’t see how this could ever stand up to a court, given roe established that the government had no right to come between the privacy between doctor and patient, and this seems to completely contradict that. It’s so damn exhausting having to defend our rights over and over, though :(

Hmm, im pretty sure that abortion is not in the constitution.

Seeing as Trump is packing the court with clowns, thanks to cocaine Mitch, something like this might actually stick one day. The criticality of electing Democrats to Congress to keeping America a 21st century nation cannot be understated.

Yes folks, you read this right. Infanticide is progress.

Abortion? No no, we don't do that here. We do however have Anti Baby Ovary Rehabilitating Tricky Inside to Outside Nabbing

Remember, this person votes.

Such BS. Abortion IS health care. Abortion is safer than birth at any trimester.

Abortion is a last resort, not a contraceptive.

birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, and other care they need.

Ah, they always revert to the available serves they dont provide. Abortion is their cash cow.

If they make abortions more expensive and more inaccessible, I would imagine it would just create more back alley, illegal places where women can get it done.. Something I'm sure even the most hardcore Christians don't want.

Apparently self control is not an option

A quick note for all the hysterical tax payers: Your tax dollars DO NOT fund abortion. Please use your pocket computer to look up the "Hyde Amendment" . Abortions only make up about 3% of services provided by Planned Parenthood, so can it, already.

Hmm, except that 1million abortions were done last year. Hospitals do abortions but we know who does the most.

So the government is trying to quell speech? Isn't there a rule about that kind of stuff?

Funny how they twist facts. Federal funding is a privilege.

The GOP: Small government. Until they decide women, minorities, and lgbtq people have too many basic human rights for people they consider to be less than human.

The country is falling apart because these groups have too many rights.

And all the republicans screeching about "free speech" are lying sacks of shit who never supported free speech for anyone other than Nazis.

Another sperg out.

I don’t understand how decent human beings can cross the line from “I believe abortions are wrong” to “nobody should be able to have abortions. ”Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go hunt animals for sport. Cuz irony.

Except that hunters do more to help the environment than liberals protesting...

If you could point out an instance of planned Parenthood using federal funds to pay democrats that would be a pretty big story, because it's illegal. You just want to ban any organization that donates to democrats from qualifying for federal funds. Military contractors who recurrent dramatically more federal funding and donate to republicans on the other hand, there A-OK.

I'm too lazy right now, but basically PP has a PAC that takes PP monies, then uses for campaign ads and support for Democrat candidates.

It's shady as fuck but technically legal.

> I don’t see how this could ever stand up to a court, given roe established that the government had no right to come between the privacy between doctor and patient, and this seems to completely contradict that. It’s so damn exhausting having to defend our rights over and over, though :(

There's a pathology on the left to equate "government doesn't pay for it" with "government denies your rights." It's super frustrating to argue with people like this, like I think our basic worldviews just originate from different planets.

the government needs to stay out of my vagina, after it forces everyone else to pay for my birth control

They want the gibs

Agendapost of the highest order

And all the republicans screeching about "free speech" are lying sacks of shit who never supported free speech for anyone other than Nazis.

The fact free speech is openly under attack now adays is kinds scary, and I'm Jewish.

I feel like you might be retarded

Men have a higher IQ on average than women. So what does that make you?

I'm a unicorn. Check your privilege, shitlord

who reads all of this

I didnt, I just plucked high voted comments.

Hmm, im pretty sure that abortion is not in the constitution.

comment references supreme court case

"im pretty sure that abortion is not in the constitution"

r u retarded

Do not expect rational thought from irrational Christian extremists, who can't accept their belief that "Life begins at conception" is scientifically disproven. Everything is alive. The mother, the father, the gametes. The fertilized egg.

There is NO POINT where "Life Begins", because there is no point where there isn't Life.

Yes those irrational Christian not realising everything is alive, how stupid!

I've been donating my Republican tax cut money to PP. It's my small "fuck you" to the party of misogyny.

'I'm donating my own money, republicans BTFO!'


Tweet at Donald Trump and let him know that it's not his right to take away your care:


Do not expect rational thought from irrational Christian extremists, who can't accept their belief that "Life begins at conception" is scientifically disproven. Everything is alive. The mother, the father, the gametes. The fertilized egg.

I hate the argument that there is a scientific reasoning for or against "life begins at conception". That shits purely philosophical.

If you allow for the legal concept of brain death I'm not sure how you can justify life beginning at conception when no brain has even begin to develop.

The idea of brain death is that it is unreversable and brain function will never come back. Fetuses on the other will eventually gain brain function.

So what? They don't have it at the moment. So brain life has not effectively begun.

Are you brain dead? Brain death and pre-brain function is not comprable. Stop trying.

Regardless, who gives a fuck about these stupid fetuses

Gas fetuses tbh

You can't be a human if you don't have a brain.

Tell that to the scarecrow.

Fictional characters don't exist, someone with a brain created them.


So when someone goes into a coma, do they die?

Some people think so, yeah. If we're just a series of electrical impulses within our brain, if those impulses stop and then start again, are they the same "you" that was there before? Or is it a different person with most of the memories of the you that was there before?

But regardless of all of that, we should murder anybody in a coma right? Like surgery patients.

People who don't have a clue maybe. The brain only completely ceases all activity when it's dead, so being in a coma is comparable to being in a really, really deep sleep.

So, yeah, same person, unless you're interested in the philosophical wankery of whether people 'die' when they sleep (spoiler: it's probably impossible for us to know).

"Will become alive therefore no abortion" is a different (and I think harder) argument than "is alive therefore no abortion."

Any science textbook discussing human development will absolutely indicate a human life begins at conception. It’s the literal beginning of the human life cycle. A zygote or fetus may not have brain capacity, but it is still a biological human being.

Also there is legal precedent that if you kill a pregnant woman you’re going up on 2 murder charges.

lol what science books are you reading that calls the zygote a human being

The Quran

Life begins at arousal, everybody knows that.

You just wrinkled my penis

I've been donating my Republican tax cut money to PP. It's my small "fuck you" to the party of misogyny.

This is the future libertarians want.

Yes those irrational Christian not realising everything is alive, how stupid!

Muh feels before reals, I just believe that killing mindless flesh blobs is wrong.

mindless flesh blobs

emotionally charged but meaningless statement

feels before reals

This is bad for mayocide.

The low birthrate is already doing it.

I think their biggest customers were basketball Americans.

Nah Basketball Americans got to Kermit Gosnell

Hence this is actually good for mayocide

They claim abortion isn't a big deal yet won't abort themselves. Cancerfaggots

Fun fact: Tax dollars aren't used for PP's abortion services. But Fundies are retarded.

Really, can you source that?

So you have no proof? Exactly what I thought

30 percent of their budget is Federal funding, obviously the money is shuffled towards other budget items but still 30 percent allows them to offer abortions no matter how you try to spin it.

Where art thou proofs

I literally posted the info I found, do you know where you are?

Never quite understood how that has any teeth though. Like, money is obviously fungible.

They maybe directly fund abortion but they certainly subsidize it indirectly. Giving them more money to spend on other healthcare services allow PP to put more of the non-federal tax money into abortion. It's quite simple, if you take away a large portion of their funding they are left with less money to spend on everything. Unless the argument is that PP won't reduce it's spending on abortion as to subsidize it's other services. In which case isn't PP the bad guys?

linking entire thread


Ameriburgers and teen pregnancies, name a more iconic duo.

School shootings can prevent teen pregnancies

Abortions can prevent school shootings

More guns means more school shootings means fewer teen pregnancies means less abortion.

4D chess Republican logic.

I never understood the outrage here, why the fuck should my taxes pay for abortions? I don't want them outlawed or banned, but I certainly don't want my tax money going towards it; why is that so outrageous?

I am all for murdering people with my tax money that's hilarious

I just don't understand the outrage over me not wanting to pay for abortions.

No worries I'll throw in double if it means I get to kill more children legally

This is western women in the current year were talking about, they drew out about the thought of having a copay on bc

I wish people would be more upfront about the outrage. I doubt very many Americans actually want their taxes funding abortions and bc, that's why they have Title laws to prevent the funds being used that way, yet unfortunately they can simply shuffle the funds away, and use the funds they freed with the govt funding to pay for the abortions and bc. It's an obvious loophole meant to avert any indignation away by saying "those exact funds aren't funding the abortions" , instead they're making the abortions possible. I hope we cut every government penny from PP, I see no reason our government should be obligated to cover bc at all.

We should be looking at doing something about the fact that the government has replaced the father in providing for women with kids. This has destroyed the black family, hurt the mayo family and its awful for kids. The single mother welfare state should be a last , because something awful happened not the default.

I'd rather pay for trade school or college than abortion tbqh.

just don't be a single mother, duh

I've never understood the outrage here. If you don't pay taxes for the abortion, you are likely paying much more expensive taxes on raising an impoverished fatherless child.

Shh fundie racists are actually retards.

I'm now a fundie racist because I don't want my tax dollars involved with abortion? Those are some amazing mental gymnastics.

amazing mental gymnastics is thinking abortions should be a perfectly legal medical procedure but then having some moral stance about taxes helping to fund it

I don't want my taxes funding killing what I believe are children, how is that mental gymnastics? I'm explaining my reasoning and putting it out there...

but you think people should be able to legally kill what you believe are children???

Yes, I think it's up to the parents, and if they want to abort, they should pay for it.

Mate we support even retroactive abortion.

James Harden is a pussy

Not interested in whattabouts, just don't want my tax dollars being used for abortion, it makes me feel complicit and abetting of which I am neither. I fully support abortions legality, just don't want to fund it in any way.

There are lots of things the government funds that can make me uncomfortable, but I can look past it as a nessessary evil. The military is a pretty easy example.

Not interested in whattabouts

How about free birthcountrol then?

I feel the same way he does.

Fine with birth control tho.

I think that's a fair compromise, but for whatever reason people who are against abortion are also against government subsidized birth control, even though that would get rid of a huge number of abortions.

It's not a whataboutism. It's the direct consequence of not providing easily accessible abortions.

it makes me feel complicit and abetting

lmao you faggot

Not sure why we have to pay that either, cut that shit and I guarantee single motherhood will drop to pre lbj rates

Yeah, that seems to work in 3rd world countries.

I know right, it's not like the welfare state isn't a relatively new thing as well as the epidemic of single motherhood rate. I know asking women to be responsible for anything is part of the patriarchy

If you are so concerned about single motherhood, why would you be against government programs that reduce it?

If you don't want these programs, whatever, just don't act surprised at the results.

The welfare state should be abolished too, it's not the states issue your a whore

It is though. Because now there is a child and that child needs to be fed and raised properly or else that people around that child will turn to crime to do so, and then that child will likely turn into a criminal.

Save $500 taxpayers money on some abortions, pay welfare for 10 niglets instead, then pay to jail them after they rob and kill some people

Conservative logic

Uses "niglets" unironically, tries to insult conservatives, who's jewing who here?


Your tax dollars are gonna pay for these unwanted people eventually and abortion clinics are cheaper than prisons.

I'm okay with that if my money isn't being used to end a childs life...

Humans have brains. Anything without a brain is about as meaningful as a toenail clipping.

It's almost like everyone doesn't share that opinion...

Human beings think up all kinds of crazy shit but if you don't have a human brain you can't be human being.

It's almost like everyone doesn't share that opinion...

It's not an opinion.

Ok God.

Flat Earthers opinion about the shape of the Earth doesn't change the fact that the Earth is a sphere. Sometimes people's opinions contradict reality. This is one of those times.

Yeah, so it's still an opinion bud.

The earth is a sphere. That's not an opinion. Your contrary opinion does not change that fact into an opinion. Your opinion about human beings can never change the fact that anything without a human brain is not a human being.

You say that until that child grows up on your tax dollars to be a hoodrat or mayo trash and stabs you for your wallet.

The government pays for the death penalty too but you don't see people marching to end that shit

Are you being serious? There are hundreds of anti capital punishment movements, marches, protests, and activists....

You have to admit that the pro-life marches are overwhelmingly centered on abortion. There are dedicated anti capital punishment movements, but the general pro life movement often ignores the slaughter of prisoners because it isn't as appealing as saving babies.

You have to admit that the pro-life marches are overwhelmingly centered on abortion.

Sure are, but I don't give a shit about that. I simply don't believe anyone should be paying for abortions except those that need them.

Money by definition is fungible. Meaning you can't tell any dollar apart

If poor people can't get free bobos then you're going to be paying way more for those kids in the long term. Lots of anti-bobo retards in this thread.

If only they would do the same to Planned Parrothood.

Many states are implementing anti abortion policies hoping that it will be taken to the Supreme Court so they can overturn roe v wade.

Yup and the lizardmen are chem trailing us too while we're talking about real shit that's happening.

that's been a stated goal of a lot of anti abortion policy makers, mike pence included

The abortion thing is actually true tho

And so are lizard people

Fundies OUT OUT OUT 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽

getting this angry about abortions


Whether you like him or not, Trump has triggered more retards in his first 2 years of being president than we could ever hope for in our lifetime