Former huge fan of Silicon Valley decries the yellow peril of racism

14  2018-05-19 by DarkOmne


/r/aznidentity brigading

white fragility is very real

I'd rather they have no Asians than portray the ones they have now in this way

at least WIRED agrees with me on this

there's nothing racist about a Jew with a huge nose that hobbles around and says "OY VEY GOYIM, DA SHOAHHHH" and looks utterly repulsive

Ever seen the movie Get Out? If so, you'd know that racism isn't specifically about stating that a race is inferior; it can even be the opposite

"muh both sides" spamming the same comments over and over and over


r/aznidentity is like 90% incels so it's no surprise that the sub is full of raging retards that are eternally assblasted about their abortion of a life. Good shit

Writings by Asian women that agree with the sub and its objectives.

Troll harder you racist moron.

Can you pls tl;dr that shit for me please

My mommy said I was cool

a grill said I was right about something, see, I do talk to girls, I’m not a total loser

Incel confirmed

The logic of a loyal Blacked™ customer.

  1. no women agree = incel

  2. women agree = incel

The fact that you have to rationalize what you're saying by pointing to like three women who agree proves that you're an incel. Normal people don't do that, nor do they have to or would ever consider doing that.

And, you are unable to count as well. You can have the last word. Do us a favor and stop linking to us. It's a huge waste of time reading your brain damaged posts.

Why do you hate us flaxen-haired people? Is it our full beards?
