Spez tells science mods to /r/quityourbullshit

201  2018-05-19 by Yiin


So r/science is on "equal footing" with r/poughkeepsie? Does that make sense to the broader reddit community?

Is this guy actually this stupid or did I just get trolled?

I thought he might be a circlejerking metaredditor, but nope, it just looks like the normal strain of retardation.

Isn't it kind of ironic that /u/spez and his team basically did something to outright prevent the post manipulation from happening such as when promoting AMAs?

Like, legit, removing a 5k upvote post from the front page because there's an ongoing Neil degrasse Tyson (if he can even be called a credible source outside of astrophysics, which is not exactly what I'd call a high demand in STEM) AMA that the mods want to promote is sort of corrupt behavior?

It's pandering a brand in a very harmful way to the community since it'll outright terminate visibility of other posts and etc.

Not surprised that /u/nallen doesn't give a shit about the impact they create on the communities they moderate by conducting themselves in this way. It's funny how being a sub mod requires no actual qualifications or real-life verification to speak of, otherwise you get biographical descriptions like how /u/nallen describes their role on reddit:

I've been involved with science on reddit for a long time now, I give public talks about how to do it and advise organizations on social media strategy.

Advise organizations on social media strategy. That's the most unnecessary euphemism for manipulating a social media community's overall traffic and usage.

Excuse me, Poughkeepsie probably has Christians so is stupid.

🍿 tastes good.

Wow now I no longer have to wonder what it looks like when a bunch of giant nerds start hitting each other with their purses

Science is filled with as many scientists as r/space has astronauts. All defaults are utter shit.

If you want to see nerd fights, ask science or the smaller science subs are probably better.

I don't want to see nerd fights as much as I want to see topless nerds wrestling in a kiddie pool full of either mud or baby oil. You in /u/spez bby?

The worst part about r/science is not that it doesn't have scientists.

The worst part of r/science is that it was and is full of asshole scientists who believe that they were god's gift to the public and could just talk down to people. Most of the active mods are the kind of shitty scientists who spend more time on outreach committees than they do on actually practicing their craft.

Unfortunately, the scientific community is full of disengenous assholes who worm their way onto such committees.

Careers in research are much less about the work you do than becoming a ballwashing, lab-dwelling Grima Wormtongue motherfucker.

There is some amount of leeway if you are competent. However, successfully sucking a PhD out of the anus of your committee is an option, and I've seen it done.

I can't imagine being a scientist and spending my spare time telling people "correlation doesn't imply causation!!!" in that cesspit instead of, like, going outside. These people are absurd.

It's worse than that.

Scientists in any field are a particularly egotistical lot (myself included) and there a number of rivalries that spill onto things like the AMAs, and through bias in mod action. Even within fields there are such petty squabbles as (for example) two colleagues of mine who have been sniping at eachother for the better part of two decades over the name of an uncommon fungus and its familial classification.

Normally things like that don't have an effect on society, but there are entire schools of thought within fields that will do whatever they can to shut the other school out. Things like "Should we be gatekeeping certain varieties of mental illness?", or "Is Organic an actual sustainable field?". Things where scientists are the experts convincing the lay public.

People who become r/science mods are the people who spend more time yelling on facebook about March for Science than assembling actual factual arguments about the field.

I had a colleague similar who uttered the words: "Science is just a collection of facts" and then subsequently recieved a masters degree. The academy is full of morons and occasionally people who will do some disproportionate amount of good.

And not to mention the way scientific research is communicated to the public ends up looking like a game of telephone.

What are your best examples of retarded that you observed in your career in terms of infighting etc?

The problem is that most of them require a background in the field to appreciate.

However, every once in a while the pustule of animosity oozes and you get publications like this. https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article/5/3/578/583411

Actually fucking hilarious. Can there be a sub for this? Something like r/saltyacademia

It is a problem academics face in general.

This is legit the reason they think a technocracy wpuld never work.

The never ending problem of the people most qualified to educate being too busy actually, I dunno, doing their work.

The scientific community is also full of insecures who prop up their ego with the fact they think they're smarter than everyone.

I was the same, I'm just lucky people called me out for being a faggot.

Dude i fucking love science xd!!!!!

Did you read the fucking thread? There are no defaults anymore.

U mad bro?

user reports:
1: dips hit

Is that like helmet to helmet contact?

This is a typical tuesday in academia. The fucking drama they generate is unreal.

When shit gets intense Jordan draws on the immense strength of his wife by way of his wedding band, by rotating it in a particular intimate pattern, which allows him to draw from the power stored within by Jordan himself when thinking of his loving wife. It is the power and stability his wife provides to fuel his adventures on the world stage. I'm probably just a romantic, but that is the impression I get from watching him manipulate his wedding ring during his public monologues.ο»Ώ

I know that this idea comes from the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson.

STEMfriends getting BTFO is always a good time

My title is better /u/ZadocPaet

It's true.

When all the algorithm changes caused by bitching about The_Donald come back to bite you in the ass lmao

Spell check thought something different.

I don't think your professors would have let that fly /u/nallen.

Because when t_d exploited the shit out of this they didn't ban that sub because Spez is a nazi lite supporter

Like clockwork, the frankly astounding mental gymnastics at work here are what should really be studied in that sub.

The study's title would end with these words, "and here's why that is a good thing."

Mental gymnastics were hosted in the summer. This is the bootcamp for Bullshit on Ice.

Maybe if you had banned the problem subs abusing stickies the algorithm wouldn't have needed to be changed.

Hm what sub was that again?

But you know, "WTF? I love hate groups now" - spez


/u/nallen aren't science AMAs hurt most by you doing away with them?

His was the most embarrassing grown man temper tantrum I've seen on reddit in a while, and there's plenty of competition.

As a science man, whay happened there?

The exact method for post pushing got unveiled here. /r/science has been doing this for a long time for their AMAs because otherwise the traffic is too low to justify setting them up.

Changing the front page from hot to best completely removes this exploit however. Cue the mods trying to bring pitchforks against the admins.

Oh, so this is the real reason behind adding β€œbest?”

Imagine so. The trick was pretty popular.

The victims are the AMA holders and all of us for losing out on valuable AMAs due to Reddit's shitty libertarian nonsense.

Actually the admins are regulating shitty business practices here.


TL;DR: Typical libertarian bullshit that ignores the consequences in favor of useless ideals.

Lmao how is enforcing rules libertarian bullshit? It's the exact opposite.

..what? As much as I dislike libertarians, it's not about an existence without any rules whatsoever.

(Right-)libertarians worship negative liberty and the free market, which means that they don't generally want rules unless it promotes "equality" (read: All people are equally forbidden to sleep under bridges) or protects people's rights. Reddit was libertarian from the very beginning and the specific part in spez's post is right here: "This puts all communities on an equal footing." Never mind what the actual consequence of this is.

This is deontological belief systems lead you, and the results can get fucked as long as the rules are obeyed a certain way. This is especially apparent when you hear an "An"Cap whine about taxes. The end never justifies the means even if society collapses in the process.

I'll also just copy my other post:

I honestly have no idea how people can side with spez on this. The science mods worked hard as fuck with the tools they were given to make sure stuff like Stephen Hawkins AMA would get traction. Who gives a shit what they had to do to get there under Reddit's terrible system?

This wasn't T_D slingshotting hateful shit to the top, it was special content that should have been officially promoted. After trying to talk sense into the admins for months, they refused to listen and plugged their ears.

The admins were also fine with what /r/science was doing, but in the end changed the system in an ideological crusade for forced "equality" in typical, idiotic libertarian fashion as is tradition on this site.

Ideology over reality is the battle cry of libertarianism, and if the cost is that we lose out on awesome science AMAs, well, that's a price they're willing to pay.

This is almost as dumb as you.

It doesn't matter what rules you break if you're on the right side of history

GamerGhazi, AgainstMensRights, EnoughLibertarianSpam, politics, man you're a real peach. I'm only a little surprised to not see CTH - haven't made it that far down the rabbit hole yet?

Go fuck yourself

Holy fucking lmao he is right hahahaha you fat virgin whale

Rude tbh

wew lad this is too perfect. πŸ˜‚

AMR in 2018 Jesus.

That's a lot of words to say I'm a pedophile

Lol fucken b8ed nerdfag

Because actually doing something spits in the face of every liberal.

Lmao people take this site to seriously lol

Acronymns should be capitalised and the word is "too" in the context you used it and you missed a fullstop and you should have a comma in there as well.

Goddamnit can you TRY and use better grammar. I am reading this on a Sunday, which is my day off! I should get paid for this, you owe me big time buster!

Please forgive me pappi 😭😭😭

>looks at modlist for /r/science

yeah that's a huge fucking problem.

Compare modlist for /r/science and SRS subs...

Sorry my dude, but a sub with around 1500 faggot ass mods tryna play sooper-serious science facts folks has almost zero correlation with SRS archangelle faggotry

I can only assume you think I know way less than you about SRS

I just assume you know way less.


"But what about SRS???"

Anyone with a BA in stem can become a mod apparently

Imagine being an "expert" in your field and your greatest accomplishment being a mod on one of the shitty, pretentious, reddit science subs.

It's a sad day on reddit when I find myself siding with u/spez.

Couldnt they have just stickied the amas?

That wouldn't work for what they want, which is maximal exposure. People ignore stickies and even when they don't, stickies are contained to the subreddit. This is the fault of the WhatAboutTD crowd.

Oh so they want to nab people from /r/all good luck convincing admins to allow you to manipulate voting that way science mods roflol


Spez is a Nazi for not letting me do anything and also banning everyone I don't like.

U/nalen is gonna lose it

Wtf I love spez now ❀❀❀