Someone released a fake apology on behalf of the Mormon church regarding their racist past. It went viral. Things get awkward in /r/latterdaysaints

35  2018-05-19 by Arbys_Official

Yes, it turns out they ARE allowed to use the internet.

This fake, of course, puts the church in an uncomfortable position considering they have never shown any intention of apologizing for their past, and this only brings more attention to that fact.

Yesterday's thread was filled with contention and was eventually removed by the mods.

Today's isn't going much better.


zoop zoop.

The US Government should've of followed through with their threats to kill the Mormons.

Do you realize how many blonde women we would lose to this?

tbf, most genocides generally focus mainly on killing the men anyways.

tfw it's another circle jerk from /pol/ about mormons saving the white race


fucking normalfag

Well yes I am but are you calling us pol? I don’t get your comment.

Every once in a while a /pol/ has a thread about mormons being """BASED AF""" and saving the white race. I'm not calling you /pol/, but muh blondes reminds me of something they would say.

Blonde women are the top tier. No one cares about what some pasty fat mayos have to say on 4chan.

I know a Mormon who married an asian Mormon.

who are you quoting?


Helping the mayocide sound like a good point in favor of doing it, tbh.

should've of


It's impressive the Mormons still exist in their current form in 2018, I'm kind of surprised they haven't been culled yet.

They essentially own Utah and parts of surrounding states

All the more reason for a culling. There's nothing the Federal government loves more than slapping down some fundy religious group.

Saying someone can't have the priesthood because of race is only racism if it wasn't commanded by God. We know it wasn't solely down to skin color, since black members from other countries were given the priesthood. It was only those specifically with proven African heritage that were denied the priesthood. What we don't know is why. God has withheld the priesthood from a lot of different groups over the centuries.

AND THE GOLD MEDAL FOR THE MENTAL 8D CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS GOES TO.../u/dice1899! Come on over here and take a bow. God can't be racist and the prophets are most definitely the mouthpieces of God.

Mormons are the Olympic world champs at religious hamster wheeling.

Religion: not even once.

"It's only rape and murder if God didn't tell me to do it. It had to be done. God said those bitches deserved it."


The mormons should've never been allowed to move west to escape religious persecution

We are the jews of the mountain west. We'll be coming for you goy soon enough

As a Mormon, I honestly don't care about any of this as long as I get a qt based mormon gf

Not worth it.

Go back to your planet

While Mormon women and children scattered and hid in the surrounding woods and nearby homes, Mormon men and boys rallied to defend the settlement. They moved into a blacksmith shop, which they hoped to use as a makeshift defensive fortification. Unfortunately, the shop had large gaps between the logs which the Missourians shot into and, as one Mormon later recalled, it became more "slaughter-house rather than a shelter." The mob gave no quarter. After most of the defenders in the blacksmith shop had been killed or mortally wounded, some of the Missourians entered to finish the work. Finding 10-year-old Sardius Smith hiding behind the bellows, William Reynolds of Livingston County shot and killed the boy, saying: "Nits will make lice, and if he had lived he would have become a Mormon"

Wow, reading through that thread is some painful shit. Why does anyone follow a religion when it makes you say retarded shit like:

Mormonism is the restoration of the ancient faith of Christ and the successors to the Biblical prophets in both Testaments. The question of what God has done and what He will do is completely relevant. God is perfect and unchanging in His perfections after all. If it was just then, it could be so now. As it happened then, it could do so now.

Also, it isn't just Mormons who have to deal with racism from God- every Christian and Jew alive must.

And if I thought Catholic Canon Law was weird, the glimpses into mormon scriptural regulation look absolutely fucking bugnuts by comparison with mentions of "secret minutes" and archives of classified mormon theology.




People in the 1800s were racist as shit. Why wouldn't the mormons be included in that? Maybe, just maybe, they saw black people as subhuman and worked that into their religion. You're straining to create a more complicated answer to avoid coming to that conclusion. Somehow this is Trump style 4D water polo chess with horses, and not a basic part of human nature.

Frankly I think the only reason modern mormonism is tolerated is because of the steady stream of repressed gay twinks they churn out into the hungry mouth of the sex trade.

I think you misunderstand the motives behind my comment. I was responding to someone who was trying to say that the church essay said the policy was racist. It doesn't, which is why a lot of people still want the church to make an apology.

That DOES NOT MEAN I am trying to say it wasn't racist! I'm trying to explain why people still want an apology! I'm not yelling at you, just trying to make my meaning clear. I will edit my comment to better reflect that.

What is the distinction between the policy being racist, and the justification for the policy being racist?

It seems to me like if I make a rule, and my justifications for the rule are racist, then the rule is inherently racist.

Please stop hurting society. If it isn't the racism, its the homophobia. If it isn't homophobia, its misogyny. Mormons are actively hurting the communities they are a part of with their prejudices and it needs to stop.

Just admit the whole thing was an underwear fetish that got way out of hand.

I understand why you feel that way, and I'm very sorry for the bad things members have done and do in the name of Mormonism. The church's position today is that homophobia is wrong and that we should do all we can to be welcoming and kind to LGBTQ+ people in and outside of the church. The website is part of that effort if you're interested in reading about it. The church has supported and continues to support legislation that makes discrimination against LGBTQ+ people in jobs, housing, businesses, etc. illegal. I realize that many feel that anyone who had been against legalizing gay marriage can't be anything but a homophobe. I understand why they feel that way, but I don't know what to do about it. I am part of my church because I honestly believe God has told me I ought to be. God has not yet explained to me exactly why some church teachings are what they are, or whether some of them are just mistakes.
I am a woman, and I have questions about several church teachings regarding women. As with homophobia and racism, church members' mistaken beliefs have definitely caused many of the problems, but some of the church teachings about women aren't fully clear to me either. I believe God loves all His children and that He isn't racist, sexist, or homophobic. I also believe He is omniscient and omnibenevolent, but that He doesn't give us all His information at once. Sometimes this means we don't know why He wants us to do what He asks of us. Sometimes that's one of the trials we have in this life. That probably doesn't make sense to you, but that's what I believe, in case you care.

I hope Mormons and people in general continue to get rid of their prejudices and love everyone like God does. That's something we talk a lot about in church, and something the church leadership continues to encourage members to do.

I know it's a joke, but I don't appreciate the way you are referring to our sacred, symbolic religious clothing. I don't agree with many of the teachings Jews and Muslims adhere to, but I choose not to refer to them as people with fetishes for headgear. Watch (this video) [] if you'd like to understand more. It isn't even an accurate joke either, because our religion started several years before our prophet received revelation about a new commandment regarding an ordinance members should receive that involved wearing garments.

I understand why they feel that way, but I don't know what to do about it

By not inflicting your religious prejudices on others? No one is forcing mormon priests to form gay weddings at gunpoint. It literally does not affect their religious practice at all if other people do it.

I am a woman, and I have questions about several church teachings regarding women

I don't think the bible is really subtle about this. They're clearly second-class citizens, not allowed to be priests, and for some reason periods really scared people back in the iron age.

I also believe He is omniscient and omnibenevolent,

I'd have a harder time believing in omnibenevolence than omnipotence. After all, who can say what some beings may be capable of in the wide universe? But if people are anything to judge by, absolute power doesn't do good things for people's morality. Really, how would you be able to tell a god who loved you from one who was amused by tormenting you?

I know it's a joke, but I don't appreciate the way you are referring to our sacred, symbolic religious clothing.

How can you not find the concept of sacred underwear funny? Its so frumpy and puritan. What kind of a religion makes commandments about your underwear?

I can just imagine a giggling Joseph Smith, wasted on grain alcohol furiously scribbling down that "commandment" telling his apostles "I bet you they'll do it if I tell them to!" while they laugh uproariously and tell him no one is that stupid.

Also, are you aware just how popular mormon themed fetish porn is amongst mormons? I'm really, really not joking.

"That's why it's perfectly logical to have a porn site where users can pay $30 a month to watch characters like "Elder Buckley" and "Stake President Cannon" stuff magic underwear in each other's mouths."

We believe the bible is only true insofar as it has been translated correctly. The bible has had so many humans in charge of translating it that we believe this has come with some human error. We also believe prophets can be fallible. So the fact that the bible is sexist doesn't mean we think sexism is right. Our prophets have had modern-day revelation that strongly condemns many types of biblical sexism.

I would be able to tell if a god were omnibenevolent by his actions and how I felt in his presence. "By their fruits ye shall know them" and all that. The atonement, for example, seems very selfless to me. I mean, I trust my ability to generally know whether people are amused by tormenting me or love me. Sure, we could live in a matrix -esque society or something and my god is actually some crazy person drugging me in order to make me feel the strong confirming feelings I've felt from the holy spirit . . . . But if he were going to do that why wouldn't he just actually torture people? I feel being a member of the church has really improved my life, so it wouldn't be very torturous of him.

As for underwear, . . . obviously I have a different perspective than you. I know the meaning behind it, actually believe in God and the promises he has attached to wearing said underwear. I understand why you think it's funny. I don't understand why you're so set on making fun of me. That's not going to convince me of anything. Are you okay with making fun of all religions' sacred things or just Mormonism's? This is far from the only religious thing outsiders might think is ridiculous. Furthermore, there isn't any evidence, so far as I know, of anything remotely like your story happening (Joseph Smith gets drunk, makes up revelations for fun to see if anything will come of it). Since some of his apostles chose to leave the church and didn't particularly like him, you'd think they would have reported on stuff like that if anything remotely like it ever happened.

I've heard of this article before. It's so stupid. Great, you've proved there are a few people out there who started websites about this that apparently get at least a few visitors, who may or may not be members. But again, the fact that members all sin, some more, some less does not make the church a fraud. There are idiots everywhere. We all make mistakes. Church is to help us get over those sins, not to only allow in perfect people.

As for the forcing your views on people thing, the church sometimes involves itself in political discussions because it cares about the moral decisions made by the country. We as citizens can choose which moral standards we want our laws to embody. That means we have a lot of situations where people's moral beliefs led them to make a law that forces other people to follow a rule they don't agree with.

In this case, the church was not against the existence of homosexual relationships, but it was against granting those relationships marriage status and the benefits that come along with that. Here is a quote from a news briefing about an amicus curiae brief the church filed on the supreme court case that explains the church's feelings:

“Yet, as explained in the amicus brief, the legalization of same-sex marriage across the country does far more than grant same-sex couples the right to the same benefits as heterosexual married couples. By redefining what marriage has been for most of human history, the court will impede the ability of religious people to participate fully as equal citizens in American civic life.

“We already have examples. Where same-sex marriage has been legalized in some states, for instance in Idaho and New Jersey, gay rights advocates have brought lawsuits and administrative proceedings in an attempt to force religious denominations to make their religious properties and facilities available to celebrate same-sex weddings.” . . . If the Supreme Court also designates sexual orientation as a class deserving special protection, like race, then “religious believers could find their speech, association, and free-exercise rights diminished or denied in a variety of contexts, such as public education, employment, public accommodations, and professional certification.”

You probably disagree with that thinking. So do some church members. That's okay, church members can disagree with apostles on an issue like gay marriage and still be fully participating members.