Retard from /r/Aznidentity asks why /r/Hawaii is controlled by the whites

59  2018-05-19 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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u/diamondheadead 🍚🍚🍚

That's supposed to be a rice bowl? It looked like a pokeball to me.

he probably can't afford a computer, he spent it all on 🍚

also it looks like those toy capsules from the arcade

It's a pretty bad emoji on Chrome, admittedly.

Which one of these does it look like for you? It kind of looks like an upside-down pokeball on a Microsoft PC.

Get an iPhone


Picking a fight with Hawaiians is not smart, those fuckers can brawl.

not really. it's the samoans and the tongans who are known for gang violence. our indigenous people are civilized and they make shitty reggae music.

From what I've seen the "locals" run the islands.

Fighting the good fight against internet colonialism

/u/diamondheaded (mpre liek /u/emptyheaded amirite?)

Asians are as native to Hawaii as Europeans are.

Or are you one of those dunces that thinks Pacific Islanders are Asian?

TBF pacific islanders are closer to asians than they are to europeans. Evidence points to them coming from asia

Yes but not pure asians like the chinese or japanese (who just mixed with some weird caucasoid-ish tribes). Polynesians and their kin descend from the same mutts as viets, thais, malays etc, ergo mongoloids that moved south and made babies with denisovas (non-sapiens sapiens, neanderthal offshoot) and BLACK MEN (that can be found in their pure form on the andamans today). The most unfortunate group to come out of this series of migrations are the abos, who are like 30% denisova and heaps of BLACK MAN today and are so inbred and neanderthal-mixed they should be counted as a different sub-species at least, just like those african pygmy things.

TL:DR pacific islanders are blasians mixed with neanderthals

oh my god another 'MUH NATIVE HAWAI'I' (pronounced like Hah-vay-ee) jerkoff who isn't even Native Hawaiian getting tankie and shit. Morons like these somehow make TERFs look reasonable - they're invariably racist as shit, even towards non-whitey.