King of Projection...Mod of FuckTheAltRight is ass hurt so he cries "virgin" at another mod. Starts an "incel of the day" sticky to sooth his chapped ass.

125  2018-05-20 by CuteBarnacle


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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/u/imnotagayboy name names so I watch you two nerds slapfight

/u/devavrata17 loves a good rimming, give him one.

Oh, we already know that one's retarded. Nevermind.

knew it was this sperg. it always is

The irony of /u/XSCR calling someone else a sperg.

I have this guy tagged purely as "holy shit," so I just had to see what post of his compelled me to do that.

It's a doozy.


Why are you so fucking pathetic?

Dude what you're doing right now is literally harassment. Why can't you just let me post in my forum free thinking conservatives in peace? It's bad enough devavrata17 slandering my name using his moderator powers, but what you are doing right now is against rediquette and could get you suspended from the website. I'm not going to report you this time, because you probably haven't properly thought through what the consequences of harassing me might be. But this is your final warning.

oh my god you're adorable

can we keep him

lol nigga you have history here, your bait isnt going to work.

You're my new favourite. /u/Ed_ButteredToast is relegated to second.

brb killing myself.

To any indians reading this, I know you likethe taste of cow piss, but listen to me. i have seen many cows vaginas, and i can assure you that it is not worth trying to fuck them, even if your pasty weakling arms aren't capable of holding down a girl as you rape them due to a birth defect. go try and build dams in our water sources you cowfuckers, see how we fuck u up. 🇵🇰😎

lol cowfucker.

lol we have nukes if you try and actually use it like u want to.

Inbred retard, that dam has been in operation since the 50s, we wiped out the Thar with it. We divert your water into making deserts habitable, how does that make you feel?

Pleasure at how we kill your offspring on a daily basis.

I agree, here is evidence to support you claim.

Your evidence is as original as your holy book.

You should really click the image before insulting me... Just saying.

It's a 5 year old pol meme Abdul, nothing special.


They're not called Ed_PitteredPosts for no reason.

Where's this pasta from

Fresh pasta! Get your fresh pasta here!

/u/imnotagayboy, are you a bottom or a top?

And your autism compelled you to link to the CA thread instead of the image?

It's a blessing and a curse.

Fuck, now this thread'll get us linked there and the refugees will come over.

And because of big Taylor, instead of reading some posts and leaving, they'll actually subscribe.

What Taylor?

If you're not sub there's a large Taylor swift that appears on your screen as part of the CSS.

Not anymore.

Thank Jesus. Maybe our sub rate will drop

Wait, it's actually still a thing, but only shows if you're logged in.


Nah it’s still there


"Incel [...] thirteen years old"

Yeah that caught my eye too

Tbf, sometimes the future really is knowable

Duh, devarata'ls a pedophile

/u/DevaVrata17 seems very obsessed with the sex lives of Children.

I wonder why...

>not losing your virginity while inside the womb

Lmao you're doomed kiddo.

FTAR's banter is so fucking bad Jesus Christ.

It's not banter, they're deadly serious. And like anyone who actually cares about shit on the internet, they should chug battery acid.

You didn't even have to mention her by name for me to know who it is.

The left can't meme.

Nor can they troll or flame war particularly well.

The sooner they learn this, the sooner they will stop being targets for the weaponised autism brigades that is the internet.

Silly SJWs.

Imagine being the type of person who would write this comment

100% of people who talk about others not being able to meme have at least once in their life watched anime(not the trap kind)

This really backfired on him

It's not my fault you find Amy Schumer funny.

Who dat?

Don’t shoot up a school on Monday

Ya do it on a friday instead

TBF YOU HAVE TO HAVE A MONUMENTOUS IQ TO PROPERLY MEME WHILE EATING TENDIES IN YOUR MOMS BASEMENT. I wonder how many times you have ejaculated to pictures of children today.


This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Scrubtier at best, and that's me being generous.

Get a job SJW.

Hol up son. Your comeback is “get a job SJW” and you’re saying he came at you with scrubtier shit?

Settle down.

That wasn't a meme, that was a prolifetip.

Go give protips somewhere else loser

I wonder how /u/devavrata17 isn't banned yet.

He constantly does this like every fucking week day and he spends WAY too much time in r/fuckthealtright.

Admins do their jobs? LOL Good one.

Oh no, are you perhaps mmmmm triggered!?!? Lol fucking pussy, I fucked your dead nan

At least he didn't make fun of video games. That shit won't fly.

/u/devavrati17 ur nan gay and you are eleven in dog years. Come back with better insults.

I nominate /u/pizzashill the official r/drama oracle for predicting this

But no! Incel will be reserved for actual incels! you're just wrong pizzashill!!!

The left ran Nazi, racist, etc. into the dirt. Gotta make a new one.

Now what's the next ism they'll use?

King of Projection...Mod of FuckTheAltRight

Just use /r/FuckTheAltRight Mod, it's convenient.