Stupid bitches don't appreciate a man and his dreams on a Saturday night. BHW is home to millionaire incels.

10  2018-05-20 by Lysis10


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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If a person is mentally challenged then perhaps they should post in r/Braincels.

I even posted fake vacation spots to impress her but the bitch still dont apprecaite my value

lol that's the best part. BHW is comedy gold of millionaire incels all in India and Pakistan.

That's gotta be sheer gold. There's a ton of them in Cali and you see shit like this all the time.

Except for the nationality that's /u/xnotch.

Here i am drinking a whiskey like a boss reading methods and this bitch got the nerve to ignore me on a saturday night while i am thinking of BIGGER things

It's like they're basing everything they know about masculinity off of half an episode of "Mad Men"

Is this like Multilevel Marketing scams but for men instead of broads?

It's a forum that covers the gamut of every shady way to make money online, generally by gaming systems for ad or affiliate revenue. It's users are where a lot of the original "Fake News" websites came from and other conspiracy sites that would be loaded with ads then passed around social media.

Damn wish I remembered my log in to this site