My wife is pretty hot, like 6-10 women I see here are smoking hot. They dominate beauty pagents. I guess you like the flat chest and crooked teeth of a nip.
Ree: An new scent for gullable budding r/drama fags. We've scientifically engineered a way to take the autism out of the REEEEEEEEEEE and turned it into a more aesthetically pleasing pheromone (shit, smells like shit smells) for your discerning r/drama user. Available on and other fine retailers that hawk phillipino made garbage.
Ree: a carefully barefoot stamped by philipinos blend of emoji's and other prison fag slingo where meme's would have sufficed 6 years ago. Ree: We have respect for our elders.
Ree: Every bottle guaranteed to be the same as the last. Ree: We'll cap out this persons post limitations so people will think he's avoiding us. Ree: Because you're good at the internet.
1 Delkseypoo 2018-05-21
/u/normie_girl you included
1 normie_girl 2018-05-21
Noooo I'm not white I'm special
1 Delkseypoo 2018-05-21
Ok fine. But you agree with the post, right?
1 normie_girl 2018-05-21
some of my best friends are white people
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-05-21
I've reported you to r/Drama's mods
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-21
I agree, they are the only aesthetically pleasing race especially if you include Japanese and Korean women
1 Delkseypoo 2018-05-21
Fake news. Also Japanese women are bargain Koreans.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-21
In that they are the best value for the cost, yes.
1 Delkseypoo 2018-05-21
They have small hips ill fit for bearing children. And weak hands so they're bad at choking you. Literally why would you want a Japanese woman.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-21
Small hips means easier to force her legs open. I'm sure you can guess about my preference for weak hands
1 siskonaut 2018-05-21
A man of taste.
1 normieman 2018-05-21
le shig pig
1 _pennwolf 2018-05-21
Why because their faces cost $30,000?
1 Honk4Tits 2018-05-21
Filipinas are the hottest Asians you literally picked the ugliest two.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-21
I have legitimately never seen a Filipina who didn't look like a mustachioed, giant eyebrowed pug dog
1 Honk4Tits 2018-05-21
My wife is pretty hot, like 6-10 women I see here are smoking hot. They dominate beauty pagents. I guess you like the flat chest and crooked teeth of a nip.
1 cignoviteASSOCIATE 2018-05-21
Ree: An new scent for gullable budding r/drama fags. We've scientifically engineered a way to take the autism out of the REEEEEEEEEEE and turned it into a more aesthetically pleasing pheromone (shit, smells like shit smells) for your discerning r/drama user. Available on and other fine retailers that hawk phillipino made garbage.
1 Keep_Yourself_Safe 2018-05-21
1 cignoviteASSOCIATE 2018-05-21
Ree: a carefully barefoot stamped by philipinos blend of emoji's and other prison fag slingo where meme's would have sufficed 6 years ago. Ree: We have respect for our elders.
1 Keep_Yourself_Safe 2018-05-21
1 cignoviteASSOCIATE 2018-05-21
Ree: Every bottle guaranteed to be the same as the last. Ree: We'll cap out this persons post limitations so people will think he's avoiding us. Ree: Because you're good at the internet.
1 Keep_Yourself_Safe 2018-05-21
Ok guys, it's a bot.
disassemble yourself, thanks.
1 cignoviteASSOCIATE 2018-05-21
Ree: "Hey guys, I'm gonna default to front page, remove all my subs. Then I'm going to post anything resembling drama there to /r/drama.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-21
Child brides don't pique my interest, sex tourist
1 Honk4Tits 2018-05-21
I was already married when I came here retard, yet attracted to a child like race of Japanese really activates the almonds 🤔🤔🤔
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-05-21
Women are basically children no matter the age so we're all pedos and like Kurt Cobain said, everybody's gay
1 PowerOfJerkoffMagic 2018-05-21
Why was completely inoffensive and accurate OP removed while this stays up? Mods need to change their policy NOW!!!
1 Redactor0 2018-05-21
If you don't like pinays, then maybe Vice Ganda is more your style, since you're obviously into men.
1 high_side 2018-05-21
Not asian.
1 cignoviteASSOCIATE 2018-05-21
Japanese and Korean are the only honorary asians.
1 Leftist_Degenerate 2018-05-21
I only fuck black people, personally.
1 Beaton_D_Whitewomen 2018-05-21
thumbs up emoji
1 headasplodes 2018-05-21
wow good post
1 ObsessedAussie 2018-05-21
Quality content
1 ChromeGhost 2018-05-21
I’ve been doing my part on that front.