Top mod of /r/worldnews has a meltdown: "We don't endorse censorship of political discussions, but if we find out you are a Trump supporter, you will be permanently banned. Oh wait, it's just hapas angry about breeding asian women

8  2018-05-21 by R-Ape-Fugee


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Why are they so blind to this thing its not breeding out asians its breeding out mayos, the more asians breed with mayos the more mayo genes get diluted, we all know mayos have regressive genes. Im an Asian and i fully encourage any brothers and sisters breeding with whites. Remember mayocide is not achieved with violence but through methods like this.

I love how "they're beeding us out" is a common theme found within extremist male populations all around the world.

This happens in Africa too, for example. You have like incel African men that claim the women are trying to breed them out with white men.

Really interesting, guess we're all more alike than we'd like to admit.

Take your heteronormative bullshit to a subreddit willing to tolerate that kind of deviancy please.

Don't even need to go to Africa, remember when one of Obama's daughters got COLONISED by some mayo? Black Twitter looked like /pol/ with the races swapped.

At least that makes sense, the average choco American is already 30% mayo, and looking at the rate they marry outside of their race they'll probably look like Italians by 2100.

That shit was fucking glorious! đź‘Ś

wanting to breed


There is no comment from a worldnews mod here..

Trump supporters need to be banned from life tbh

Which is worse? Wh*te incels shooting up schools or chink incels being whiny af on the Internet?