Neolibs get told that playing video games 10 hours doesn't make them interesting

104  2018-05-21 by KillAllCentrists


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

You seem a little late there, snappy. Damn lazy bots.

Damn, snappy like lives on Reddit. What a loser

I have a successful career, care for my family, see friends regularly, exercise, and partake in sports and clubs. If I want to add video games to my life, I'll fucking do it. Part of growing up is realizing to embrace the things that make you happy and dropping the fools that try to stop you from embracing those things.

If you're over the age of 22 and care about what others think about a harmless hobby, grow up and find the confidence to be yourself. know that's a bot right?

I just can't tell if you're serious or not now.

I just fail at reddit UI sometimes.

I meant to reply to the original poster.. BUT THIS BOT WILL SEE CONCEDE TO MY ARGUMENT AS WELL :p

He's not wrong!

"Posts political memes on reddit all the time"

"Claims to have life"

My guy, you are even more pathetic than the gamers.

This is unironically true. At least the gamers are having fun and not annoying anyone. People who blather on about politics are far worse.


This is unironically true.

Like, literally!

Even better, they cause self contained drama that I don't have to feel bad about liking because it doesn't have real world impacts,

You should never feel bad about liking drama.

What if it's exclusively SRD content?

Then it's time to buy some rope

Then you should feel bad because of your shit taste

But what if his "memes" aren't this pathetic?

Friendly reminder that /r/neoliberal is 95% male.

Seriously, scroll down to "What gender do you identify as?" You're literally more likely to encounter a trans or a "non-binary" user on that sub than a /r/neoliberal who was actually born female.

And 100% faggots

Explains why half of their girls have dicks

Neoliberals don't have sex organs, they're the demons Alex has been warning us about

An ideology too smart for woman, huh

I think most people secretly know when something is negatively affecting their life. A good warning sign is when they get really defensive when it's negative qualities are discussed. Point out that their life would likely improve without it and watch their reaction.

Pot, video games, and social media are some of the most common offenders. They ruin peoples lives all the time.

The people having their lives ruined love to talk about how miserable they are. But they like to blame everything else and refuse to even consider that being high 24/7, constantly playing games, and constantly shitposting on social media is bad for your mental health.

Does your life suck? Do you hate yourself? Do you smoke pot, play video games, and live on social media? Have you tried not doing that shit?

And no, you don't need to hit the trifecta. Abuse any one of these and you're likely going to fail at life. Abuse all 3 at the same time and you're almost guaranteed to fuck up your life.

Abusing any 3 things is a recipe for disaster. Moderation and variety is key.

Spend all day playing basketball, drinking beer, and doing soduko puzzles? Your life is going suffer.

Personally,whenever I feel like I'm spending too much time on something I find something entirely new to do. Pick up a random instrument, take a trip, build something .. anything to change it up. You don't need to replace old hobbies, just supplement them or take a break once in a while.

Spend all day playing basketball, drinking beer, and doing soduko puzzles? Your life is going suffer.

Actually that sounds pretty awesome tbh

It was a dark yet enjoyable chapter of my life...

The last two do i agree

I think that with video games it depends on what kind of video game you're playing. There are harmful games, and there are harmless games. Some shitty Sony cinematic experience where you spend more time watching cut-scenes than you do playing the game? Not really that big of a deal. A game with lootboxes, MOBA, MMO, Skinner Box simulators disguised as video games made by developers like Blizzard and Valve that literally hired psychologists and economists to help them design their games to be as addictive and profitable as possible? Yeah, those games and people who make them are all trash and you'd be better off avoiding them completely.

I play a lot of JRPGs, it's just a hobby I acquired recently. I don't really see how it's any worse than watching movies or reading books, these games are slow, not particularly addictive, story based, and you kind of have to force yourself to play them. They also have a definite end. Most of the worst games are multiplayer time sinks that just encourage endless grinding, I hate that experience because it's so unsatisfying.

JRPG is gateway to pedophilia

What's the hot take on Paradox Genocide/Incest simulators?

They're ok as long as you play as communist countries/try to create communist countries.

Paradox grand strategy games have all aways been the chaddest vidya.

They used to be pretty great, but if you bought any post-CK2 Paradox game you're an even bigger cuck than """people""" who bought post-Empire Total War games.

Pls gamepill me bb.

I guess most people don't remember it anymore, but Paradox as a company used to be pretty anti-DRM, like the Witcher guys are now. But since CK2 became such a major hit on Steam, they decided to make all of their future games require Steamworks DRM and even had a CK2 update which forced the DRM on CK2 players, who originally could own the game DRM free. With CK2 they also moved away from the expansion model into the DLC model so now you have every modern Paradox game costing 15915912501 dollars if you want to buy the full game with all DLC. And then there's the whole questionable gameplay design policies, like the ugly 3d maps, mana memery, etc.

Creative Assembly started using Warscape engine with Empire and that's fucking terrible and all of their games since have been garbage, because the engine is garbage. Also coincidentally, all CA games since Empire have also had Steamworks DRM forced (unless you buy it on Origin or something LOL)

so all mmo's are bad now? wot



Wow raiding unironically was probably better preparation for a corporate job than a college degree though.

This might be the saddest thing I've ever read

I mentioned it in an interview with a fortune 50 company and got the job. Being a top guild raid leader requires more managerial skill than most management jobs.

valve didnt make dota

A good warning sign is when they get really defensive when it's negative qualities are discussed. Point out that their life would likely improve without it and watch their reaction.

Case in point when /r/stopgaming was trending subreddit one time.

Checked the sub, apart from the cases of actual adiction most of them are " i need to stop playing games all the time and should probably play in smaller doses" most of them dont seem like adiction they seem more like bad time management

Sorry for being vague but that sub was a trending subreddit or subreddit of the day or whatever one time and it got spammed to shit with people saying 'there's nothing wrong with games reeeeee!!!'

Ah i didnt know.

Well to be fair most things have negative qualities and people get defensive about their hobbies in general.

And Reddit.

I think most people secretly know when something is negatively affecting their life.

He says while commenting on /r/drama.

Right? At least I'm self aware enough to know I'm a fucking retard


I think most people secretly know when something is negatively affecting their life. A good warning sign is when they get really defensive when it's negative qualities are discussed.

People get defensive about anything that they do that is criticized whether it's bad or not. It's like claiming someone is guilty because they took offense when you accused them of SRDposting.

For me, diving back into video games as a hobby is what help me stave off a drinking problem. I do not have kids, and I still manage to hang out with my wife, have a career, and have a social life.

Admittedly I could probably use a more constructive hobby, but most other things I try I just do not get into.

I follow the philosophy of Epicurus.

being high 24/7, constantly playing games, and constantly shitposting on social media is bad for your mental health

Ah fuck

I actually have a life, thank you

Anyone who has to say this invariably does not have a life.

Or they are extremely uninteresting and have no hobbies.

Unless that game is Eve online; that would make them interesting to a psychologist.

Pretty sure you're required to have no less than 3 mental disorders to play that game

he is right

I never understood why people fetishize reading so much, as if the act of reading is in itself an intellectual act. If you read actual literature, philosophy etc. then yeah fair enough, more power to you. But if you're reading any random generic genre fiction, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Stephen King novels, A Song of Ice and Fire, etc. then you really have no right to consider yourself """intellectually superior""" to someone who, say, watches anime, Netflix, and plays video games. Just because you're reading crap instead of watching crap doesn't magically make it not-crap. If you read twenty hours a day but all you're reading in generic fantasy drivel then you're getting about as much intellectual stimulation as you would if you were reading Reddit twenty hours a day tbh.

Not too off; Harry Potter and ASOIAF are the capeshits of literature; if you’re over 16 and reading Harry Potter as serious literature you’re probably 200% more likely to call Glompf and his rethuglicans Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

I hate when people say "At least they're reading!" When talking about this stuff. No, reading mindless thrillers or romance novels does not make you intellectually superior to someone who prefers to binge Netflix, they are both mindless entertainment. Hell on Netflix you could binge Planet Earth and learn a lot, or you could play Planescape Torment and get a good philosophical experience. Unless you are reading the brothers karanazov or something thoughtful don't talk to me about how superior you are.



I would fix it, but fuck it.

You mean the Cousins Kalishnakov

To be fair reading is slightly better than vegging out watching a movie because you have to actively engage with the medium rather than passively absorbing it. I don't know if reading actually makes you smarter but people who read tend to be smarter than people who do not regardless of the subject matter. Obviously it matters what they read too.

because you have to actively engage with the medium rather than passively absorbing it.

No? You just have to move your eyes and recognize the words on the page, no critical thinking required for that.
Sure, you might miss out on important details and completely misunderstand things, but that applies to movies too.

Movies run whether you're looking at them or not, you cant browse Reddit while reading, the second you stop reading it's paused.

Movies run whether you're looking at them or not

And you can keep turning pages even when not reading them, it's pretty retarded of course.

More seriously, you can read while listening to something else (ex. radio).

Honestly I never put something on if I don't intend to give it my full attention... I don't just turn the television on as ambience like so many people. If I feel like taking a break and browsing the internet I always pause first. Which I could do just as well in any other medium.

You just have to move your eyes and recognize the words on the page, no critical thinking required for that.

For the average 185lb person watching tv for 30 minutes will burn 33 calories. For reading they burn 50 calories. It literally takes more energy to read than to watch tv.


Why the fuck would you try and measure critical thinking via calories. Of course reading a book takes more calories, you have to at least lift one hand to turn the pages, that says nothing about your thought process.

Why the fuck would you try and measure critical thinking via calories.

You wouldn't which is why I didn't.

To be fair reading is slightly better than vegging out watching a movie because you have to actively engage with the medium rather than passively absorbing it. I don't know if reading actually makes you smarter

I agree with these 2 comments. Nobody's talking about critical thinking except you. Both of us are talking about engagement.

TLDR: Put down the remote. Your reading comprehension sucks.

You wouldn't which is why I didn't.

Then you were off topic, since the discussion was about intellectual stimulation and not energy expenditure.

Engagement is about something requiring your attention, not about something requiring your calories.

Put down your rick and morty fanfic and read the thread again.

> Engagement is about something requiring your attention, not about something requiring your calories.

Yes and why do you think sleep requires less energy than watching television? Because television needs more engagement and thus more energy.

Because television needs more engagement and thus more energy.

No, it's because being awake requires more calories due to higher metabolic rates.

Let's make it simpler: reading a book with all pages filled with random words is mechanically identical to reading a book about something you find interesting, but the latter is far more engaging.
With the former book, if you listen to some music in the background you'll probably end up paying no attention to the random words, with the latter book you'll end up paying no attention to the music.


> Engagement is about something requiring your attention, not about something requiring your calories.

What's one way we could scientifically measure how much attention someone pays to a task, Like say in the difference between solving a math problem and watching tv?

I would expect more engagement in one thing to mean less ability to do other stuff at the same time: if that's right, recording reaction times to external stimulations or asking the subject to also keep track of something else and measuring their performance there could both work.

The brain accounts for a good portion of the calories you burn every day. A more intellectually engaging activity is going to burn more calories.

A more intellectually engaging activity is going to burn more calories.

That's not obvious: the brain could very well divert attention towards other things and burn calories equally even for a non-stimulant activity, maybe dealing with boredom is more energy intensive than focusing on something, maybe the way the brain burns energy has more to do with chemical constraints and very little with what you're using said brain for...

Consider how you consume more calories if you're in a cold enough environment, you could have some nonsensical results about physical exercise if you ignored that.

That's not obvious: the brain could very well divert attention towards other things and burn calories equally even for a non-stimulant activity, maybe dealing with boredom is more energy intensive than focusing on something, maybe the way the brain burns energy has more to do with chemical constraints and very little with what you're using said brain for...

What matters is brain activity; the more neurons that are firing, the more calories are burnt. Active reading requires more energy than passively watching a television show. 'Dealing with boredom' wouldn't consume as much energy as something like reading unless by 'dealing with boredom' you mean doing something engaging like reading.

Consider how you consume more calories if you're in a cold enough environment, you could have some nonsensical results about physical exercise if you ignored that.

That's why studies like these are done in a controlled environment where things like temperature and other stimuli are kept equal to the best of the researchers' abilities.

Active reading requires more energy than passively watching a television show.

The study above claims the difference is around 35 calories per hour, aka pretty small. Are you absolutely sure they properly calculated additional consumption due to changing pages and different eye movements? Because the difference is small enough those two could account for it.

The study above claims the difference is around 35 calories per hour, aka pretty small.

That's a pretty big difference when it comes to an activity that doesn't require moving around.

Are you absolutely sure they properly calculated additional consumption due to changing pages and different eye movements? Because the difference is small enough those two could account for it.

I have no idea. In regards to the original point though, there's a good amount of evidence suggesting that reading is much more stimulating than watching TV and is correlated with long-term benefits, e.g. less severe cognitive decline in old age.

How much calories does shitting take? What about writing 10,000 word copy pastas about the tastiness of bussy? Probably a lot more than reading harry potter!

Ipso facto: My bowel movements and copy pasta marathons are more valuable than reading

you fucking retard

> Ipso facto: My bowel movements and copy pasta marathons are more valuable than reading

Well let's test it out. I'll go without reading for 2 weeks and you go without bowel movements for 2 weeks and we'll see which of us is better off.

necessary =/= valuable

Shitting isn't more valuable than finding a cure for cancer just because I have to do it. I hope you have a tight bussy, because you aint making it on your brain power.

Necessary things have value to the individual which is why you can rank Physiological, social, psychological etc needs in order of importance.

Fuck I might be losing you hate gussy!!!

There we go, a humorous dank meme to keep your attention.

lmao thinking maslow's heirarchy of needs has anything to do with value

you actually need to go visit a remedial class

has anything to do with value

Assigning different levels of worth to essential things and ranking them. It's right there if you click the blue words.

Man someone sounds bussy blasted amiright guise?

I gotta be careful. Your rage + retard strength is a force that I can't compete with.

You're right. Shitting is much more important than alleviating the suffering of innocent people and preventing needless diseases and deaths. Whenever I go to the bathroom, have a roof over my head, or eat, I will always keep in mind that I am doing a more valuable act than finding feeding the homeless or developing a cure for AIDS.

yeah curing cancer really should be at the base of pyramid.

I googled the definition of value cos I'm so retarded

Value: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

I see now that feeding homeless people is way more important to the individual than anything Maslow lists.

Your pastas are a work of art tho.

to be fair

Tbh the anime I watch makes 50 shades of Gray look like Ulysses

I was in to anime like a year ago, and a few years back like 90% of my posts were in /r/anime. You would be amazed at just how snobbish people get at weeb trash. Reddit has the amazing ability to take any hobby and develop new forms of snobbishness about it, no matter how base it is.

Yeah, I've seen it.

What if I watch Rick and Morty?

you’re also about 500% more likely to be smug about being an intellectual because you spend all your free time reading about witches and vampires instead of crushing puss

I would argue ASOIAF is at least slightly more valid than Harry Potter as an adult thing to read

Sure, but only because HP is a dumpster fire.

Lord of the Rings def does not belong on that list.

Lord of the Rings is definitely not a mindless page turner. Then again it's also more of a travelogue than a novel.

ASOIAF is a great drama with a lot of political intrigue. But it's not a highbrow philosophical novel. I would not put it in the same category as 50 Shades of Gray or The Da Vinci Code though, which are purely mindless drivel.

Beginning ASOIAF is great. There is some actual insight about living high on the heirarchy in a medieval, feudal society. Once it gets into its own ass about magic, mystical creatures, and princess love triangles it becomes harry potter tier

Yeah I was just being a shithead when I added LOTR to the list, I just didn't want to have the list only contain stuff leftists like and I couldn't think of any big name fantasy novel rightists like. Should have namedropped some Horus Heresy novel or something instead.

If 👏 you 👏 are 👏 not 👏 reading 👏 underground 👏 mythos 👏 books 👏, you 👏 are 👏 not 👏 truly 👏 reading.

if someone reads current American fiction and it's not Pynch they really need to keep themselves safe.

I like reading Céline. It's just unfortunate that he uses "Jew" as an insult at least five times every page.

I'd agree with the anti-gaming position more if the people that push it didn't advocate some sort of lame "model citizen" change of life. I pretty much stopped gaming. I didn't really replace the time it took up with productive hobbies. Reality is vast majority of people with escapist hobbies just replace it with something equally time wasting.

They should all take up gardening. Shit's addictive.

Spending 20 hours a week on Reddit, however...





V🦅U🦉L🦃T🦃U🦉R🦅 E



Videogames are a hobby if you play more then 20 hours a week grow up?

You could say that about many things adults do like working on their cars etc and they will get triggered.

Honestly if your offended because someone think's your hobby makes you a kid then don't be triggered

As someone who is disabled and can't find a job in my local area which is why i study (i'm 21) i spend what 5 hours a day studying the material i need to get into university and the other 11 playing games.

In that time i get a lot of my social interaction because i live in an awful place if someone see's me as a child for enjoying my hobby?

Right? why should i care it just makes them look like a self absorbed prick people can enjoy what they want to if your in the place to shame them for it you aren't a good person.

That's all i can say on the matter the fact people are losing their shit is funny as hell though.

people losing their shit is funny as hell.

writes multi-paragraph seriouspost justifying his mayo-tier gaming habit.

Yeah dude, you’re so above it all. Pls maintain your own safety.

"mayo-tier" that is something new and i'm just saying it's laughable and as someone who is in the group they are making fun of i don't find it offensive just funny and self-absorbed as that is objectively what it is.

I have obviously Transcended in posting when even my least serious posts are taken seriously.

Dude 11 hrs a day is a lot

Yeah but when you live in a country town there isn't much to do.

5 hours of studying 8 hours of sleep leaves what 11 hours left in the day?

What else am i meant to do with those hours sit down and be bored, read a book or just eat food?

I would rather opt to use my time to socialise and have enjoyment but that's just me.

To be fair if i had anything else moderately entertaining i would probably quit gaming all together as it's quite meh.

he's disabled and lives in a small town though, the fuck else is he gonna do lol.

Imagine thinking that drinking is a hobby


Ngl, Winefags are pretty annoying

It's America's #1 hobby then, far ahead of stuff like hunting, cycling, or professional sports.

I thought it was bullet-catching

/> be American /> get shots


Grad students are the most insufferable when it comes to bragging about how much they drinking and pretending to be alcoholics because it's just so difficult to be a grad student. They frequently refer to drinking as their hobby.

Lol I play Rocket League at minimum 6 hours a day everyday. Full time software engineer with wife. No kids. Have no life and don't care. I like this life more than going out and drinking with friends.

Holy shit, why tho??

Video games is degeneracy at its purest form

Better to be a degenerate than to be a drug addict in the shithole known as rural America

Meh, I disagree. The fent is fire out here, you would shit bricks if you only knew!

You still live in the shithole country known as rural America

Land of the free and home of the brave. Wouldn’t live anywhere else, I just like freedom and liberty too much tbh

Sounds like opioid constipation.

/u/pacificus_76 I would be way more embarrassed to admit that I shitpost on a place like /r/neoliberal than admit to playing video games regularly. Then I again I shitpost on /r/drama which is worse than both.

I feel like if you post on r/neoliberal then you're not allowed to look down on other people for what they do with their time.

Every side of this debate is wantonly faggotous.

Don't talk shit about my videogames