Texas school shooting was an irl Call of Duty circlejerk.

182  2018-05-21 by MountainViewSunset


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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It's time to enact the death penalty for everyone that posts on 8chan


It's time to enact the death penalty for everyone that posts on 8chan

Hummanity was a mistake

Showers for everyone. Then when it's complete the executioners walk on to the mass grave and commit suicide. Then a nuke goes off just to catch anyone who was trying to renege.

anyone who was trying to renege and take backsies.

This is a hate subreddit. You're allowed to say (((Jews))).

black pill, fam. /#nolivesmatter

Who executes the executioner tho

Take the fentpill

I agree! The dinosaurs 🦖 are this worlds only hope

And people on /g/ shilling for brave browser need to be imprisoned 🤢🤢🤮🤮

After all the fags shilling firefox (((quantum)))

its in a superposition of being useful and a complete piece of shit

Leaps and bounds better than the trash combo of Icecat waterfox and palemoon.

Brave browser is shilled for because it has a crypto currency that benefits from its success.

pls dont

its the only place /zoo/ exists anymore besides kikebeastforum

dog diddlers get it too

what about niggers who post on /r/nba

well considering basketball is the best sport going right now, no we get to stay.

nah, niggers ge the rope too

and "best sport" is VERY subjective

who said dog fuckers get an opinion though?

i'm better than a nigger soo Let's just agree to disagree

lol the delusion. Dude you're lower than a crippled homeless junkie. Animal fuckers are right there with pedos at the bottom of the totem pole

This is what happens when you can't get laid, blame it on FEEEEmales and have an autistic level of likeness for vidya. اَسْتَغْفِرُ اَللّهَ

Retard lol

Retard lol

Retard lol

is there even any proof that he did it because he wanted to take the patrol to the next level?

I mean most people aren't getting laid in HS and i don't think anyone would care enough about to kill people over it.

no, no prooof of anything

Look at his face, that's proof enough

no one knows WHY he did this, just pure speculation

pick your favorite motive and runn with it, thats what everyone does after something like this

really its ALWAYS the same thing - disturbed fucked up kid with super easy access to high powered weaponry. And no one will do anything about the latter so why bother talking abojut it?

This kid used a shotgun and a revolver, two guns I've never seen referred to as "high powered" weapons, or even calls to ban before.

I'd rather get shot once by an AR15 than shot once by a 12 gauge any goddamn day of the week.

Obviously it's because guns made him do it. He saw guns and was like 'oh shit better start killin'.

no its cuz he's fucked in the head and had EASY ACCESS to those guns.


Guns are not responsible for these deaths, typical libcuck logic. Wouldn't expect less from someone who posts on a sub laughing about "mayocide". Pathetic.





he did it because of attention seeking behavior and narcissism which has been the cause of 99% of school shootings since columbine. of course it's easier to blame it on the means (guns) rather than the motive (media coverage inspiring copycats) for political reasons

Mayo culture lol

Pagourtzis being mayo culture.

theres no such thing as mayo culture. youd have to be people to have culture.

I think he means "culture" in the microbiology sense. Like, we swabbed Santa Fe for mayo and there was a TON of it on the culture.

Everything around you is mayo culture you inbreeding sand nigger.

wash yo ass yt

make sure to use the soap my ppl taught u how to use

tzatziki culture

gyro culture

what are you, 1920s kkk? 'white' is now anything with red/pink pock-marks.

Greeks literally invented western civilization tho

and look where idiot tzikiguoren are now

He's also fat.

That's pretty mayo.

A hero of our time

fuck off


kill yourself


He got really fat. You are supposed to be skinny in HS, that's when you are most active. Perhaps reddit banning fat hate subs cause this. He should have been persecuted more for it, then maybe he would have got laid.

Bullying works 99% of the time but the few times it fails to prevent something like this people are all like "we must end bullying!!"

We need more bullying to prevent retarded /r/drama comments like this.

It's too late for me. Don't go to school tomorrow.

Early, and often.

big if true

He got really fat. You are supposed to be skinny in HS, that's when you are most active.

It's an epidemic. Joe Rogan had a special forces recruiter on his podcast the other day talking about how they don't have enough people that are even qualified to enter special forces training, let alone successfully complete training.

Athletic involvement is at an all time low. I blame the vidya.

Freaks like this would normally join the military and kill middle eastern people but now they are too fat to and have to resort to this.

We've reached a point of technological advancement where simulated predation may be needed to reverse some detrimental societal effects. I propose annual death marathons for everyone 13 to 50. These marathons will feature murderbots that run slightly slower than the average jogging speed of a healthy adult.

Americans don't ride bicycles

bicycles are gay

I think browsing /fit/ should be required reading for all HS kids.

That just turns them all gay

You’re thinking about r9k.

That's the one that turns them into school shooters.

Nah r9k is the sub that red pills young men on the healthy alternative that is bussy

That's /fit/

Nah that’s r9k. Fit is a board that’s about self improvement ime

From photos that I've seen at most he looks a bit pudgy.


Have you hugged an incel today?

I haven't but I want to, /u/pizzashill

if you hug an incel, they dry-hump. so... win-win, right?

even incel standards are too high to hug you.

He gon' fry in the lake o' fire wid all the other good bois

wow crazy wish i couldve been there 😩

me too. Which is to say, I also wish you could have been there.

Just to get this straight, this dude was standing next to a guy who fired a shotgun... no ear protection, but he could still hear this kid singing?

This is how conspiracy theories get started.

you got a point, honestly

i remember shooting a .45 outdoors with no ear protection and i could barely hear shit after for a good 10 seconds. definitely wouldn't been able to hear someones cell phone

you can still hear human voices after a gunshot though (depends on the circumstances). otherwise the army would be fucked

M4s are not as loud as a shotgun and they wear earplugs.

Imagine being that kid with parents so stupid they'll can you when you're trying to hide from the school shooter.

im sure a couple of dead students thought the same thing.


I see he liked to play Tribes


He help rid the world of flithy and rakers

Yeaaaaa I hope he gets raped in prison

I hope that he becomes reformed and writes a best selling book trying to pull potential school shooters off that path and deconstructing their thought process.

Also that he gets raped in prison.

you can't rape an incel.

My friend says

Report says

I can probably make a tip to whoever's reporting this crap saying he was heard saying some stupid thing and they'll ran with it.

I heard he screamed "WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!!" when the police arrested him.

to be fair you have to have a fairly high iq to get school shootings

I believe this one

That made me cringe and I also found it chilling.

Like what a fucking nightmare, that’s your last minute on earth and you’re being slaughtered by a rage comic.

Honestly that's probably how I deserve to die



Every time he had someone cornered he did the troll face and said “Problem?” or at least that’s what I heard.

Japanese WWII anthem
Kamikaze song

LMAO. Why choose that shit?


But he didn't studied the blade. :-(

h o n o r a r y a n

This is amazing.

The funniest thing about this is that Ollie fucking North decided to chime in and blame ritalin

guns don't kill people, ritalin and doors and vidya and porn and satan and rock and roll and................

Don't forget the raps music

do you mean the hippity hoppity musics? I don't listen to that. Do you know they use the n-word in their lyrics?

well we certainly know that funneling drug money to dictatorships sure doesn't kill people

well we certainly know that funneling drug money to dictatorships sure doesn't kill people

lol this is the opposite of what they did. The Sandanistas were the ones in power and the Contras were the rebels.

Sorry got mixed up they sold arms to Iran and sent the money not the other way around

enema of my enema...

Fat american psycho, but IRL

can you imagine somehow, even while murdering people, to paint yourself as the biggest fucking pathetic try-hard that ever walked. Dollars to donuts he stopped and said "Why so serious?" at some point.

We live in a society.


Bottom text

actually he did the shooting ironically to mock school shooters. it's too bad i have to explain this every time i encounter a sub-200 IQ brainlet

what's the point of shooting a bunch of people if you aren't even gonna say cool one liners tho. i'd pick something cooler, like stuff that ash from evil dead says.

but ironical

the hero of this sub

Finally a retarded weeabo killer with pinache. He should have gone fill ninja tabi.

Some students reporting hearing a faint echo from the other side of the courtyard proceeding 5 gunshots, "M-M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILLLL (KILL) (kill)"

okay, this is epic

Damn I'm glad I'm not in school anymore. Less likely to get shot by a retard now.

police officers still exist

and they shoot mayonnic subhumans now too

Only when Mayocreatures get mistaken for darkies.

Battotai weebs.

Where was this kids parents?

Probably not at the school.


began his heinous attack by firing a shotgun through the door of a first-period art class.

Well... If you have to do something like that, then that's probably the best place to start.

Where was this kids parents?

They were waiting in a car outside the school, engine running, ready to drive getaway.

began his heinous attack by firing a shotgun through the door of a first-period art class.

Well... If you have to do a school shooting, then that's probably the best place to start.

"Students reported that the rampage got significantly more violent after the shooter got his 6th kill and used his attack helicopter killstreak"

We're lucky he didn't get one more kill, else he would have been able to call in an AC-130.

He had those fucking dogs from World at War.

Idk, this sounds kind of made up, guys.

This is what happens when gamers rise up

Ban. Vidya.

Schools need to bring back bullying. It's better these losers get pushed to suicide than think they are men and murder a bunch of people.