Bussy virgins get upset when some people suggest League of Legends isn't a sport

27  2018-05-21 by Gurung99


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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over 127 million people watched League of Legends

We need a new Hitler

Those numbers aren't too ridiculous when you realise that most of them are probably from East Asia.

Then they're probably already in some sort of concentration camp

Hitler probably plays league tbh,

It's not a sport. It never will be a sport. End of discussion.

This, this, and this.

This but unironically.


Do you always come this late?

Some people take video game way too seriously.

And some people, still living in the 1960s, don't comprehend that video games have become a real market with real professional teams that make millions of dollars.

E-sports is a thing. No matter how much you kick, scream, or cry - professional league is in fact a sport, an e-sport.

You can make money and leagues all you like, e-sports are as much a sport as cup stacking is.


Exactly. Gamers are delusional.

Not gamers, just the "professional" ones.

I love pro wrestling like many of my chromosonely-enriched brethen. It takes skill and athletic feat. ESPN showed it for years. Is it a sport?


A violent hatred towards women, trump, and suggestions vidya isn't a worthwhile passtime. What happened to you that made you this way?

Yes, knowing what I'm talking about and shutting down morons that keep pretending certain games aren't "e-sports" is violent.

I have no choice but to accept a female republican athlete smashed your heart.

I just don't like dumb, you know? And Trump is a dumb person, so I don't like Trump.

It has nothing to do with him being Republican.

Only you would find a way to bring up this bullshit like this. I hate Daddy D but ffs stay in topic you tucking loon or it's back to the gulag with you!


If gaming is a sport, why programming isn't?

You stare at your computer screen and mash your keyboard for 10 hours straight everyday, that leads to autism and becoming a fatty, so I'd say it's opposite.

league of legends is for pants shitters. literally the worst dota knock off ever.

It's not a sport. Neither is bowling, fishing, chess, etc

Basically if you can use your free hand to drink beer,it's not a sport

Ya, GL playing league at a pro level or any decent level 1 handed.

You can do that in a lot of positions in baseball.

Baseball is a tradition, not a sport.

Chess is allowed on /sp/ and therefore it is a sport.

Bowling requires accuracy and good posture or whatever, fishing can be a sport when you throw to accurately hit a specific spot. Agree with you on chess completely though.

It's not a fucking sport. High-end escorts make more than some professional athletes too, but I wouldn't call an escort an athlete. Keep in mind that being an escort is more honourable than being a professional gamer.

Do you realise how much bussy you have just blasted?

Y E S. Y E S. Y E S. wow I'm an athlete

Vydia games, a sport?😂😂😂😂😂😂

The state of fat mayo burgermericans and flimsy south koreans!

I will literally punch the first person I hear unironically use the phrase "e-sports" in real life.

It's so delusional that it's rage inducing.

E-sports, where you move only ingame, fatty.

Sounds about right tho?

Ironically, watching porn is more of a sport, at least muscle starts growing after a while, but you need to choose the hand...

I remember going to Dicks Sporting Goods to get my $50 RP card and my chess set, because those are sports.