If you've ever wondered why /r/politics is as retarded as it is, here's your answer. They literally have a cartoonish view of the world.

238  2018-05-21 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Good bot

/r/politics is just edgy highschool / college freshmen who circlejerk about their moral superiority over "the evil orange"

which isn't all that different from here really

Before the influx of newfags we didn't jerk over our superiority we just jerked contrarian-ly.

Mehh, before Trump it was already an Obamacare/Democrat dick sucking sub. Trump just happened to come along who perfectly represented everything they hated pretty much.

Mehh, before Trump it was already an Obama/Democrat dick sucking sub

What the fuck are you smoking? This isn't remotely true.

Here's how Ron Paul can still win

Here’s why it’s totally unfair that the candidate we deified isn’t his party’s nominee in spite of losing the primary in every way it’s possible to lose a primary

That was just because he supported wachy-tobaccy

Idk what universe you live in then. No sub is going to 100% support anything/anyone but it was pretty damn close to that.

She thinks you're talking about /r/drama, but you're talking about /r/politics right?

Yeah I was talking about r/politics. Thought it was obvious due to the parent comment but apparently not

which isn't all that different from here really

After that people were alking about /r/Drama. Easy to miss though.

Yeah, I'm sure that the place that's been inundated with KiA and SRSSucks-tier posts since its inception has always been left-leaning...

yes, it is.

Wtf this is a Green Party sub you colonizer

Nah man, this is clearly an ANC sub.

Didn't they really feel the Bern for a while?

Ohh..I felt it..

when he was seen as a "safe" (ie, not threatening Hillary's Birthright) he was tolerated. Once the fact that she was so reviled that even a hand-picked political "tomato can)" like Bernie stood to upset her apple-cart, the welcome mat was removed.

Capeshit is the lens through which redditors perceive the world. These are manchildren who have spent the better part of their formative years reinforcing and defending their sacred right to play vidya. Somewhere along the line, we quit bullying basement dwellers and started celebrating them. Now we have an entire generation of actual retarded adults who can't hold a simple conversation without drawing parallels to their favorite comic book.

Capeshit and Harry Potter.


They literally can't perceive the world in any other way. These people are completely retarded children, and unfortunately their vote counts as much as yours.

schlomo shekelsniffer

Sounds like a troll account.

Yeah I think so, but goddamn is it perfect satire.

Only if you are retarded.

Retarded is as retarded does

Posted by /u/Shlomo_Shekelsniffer.

I'm going to guess that's a troll.

I sincerely hope nobody is actually that retarded, but I've lost faith in humanity so...

oh no hes definitely retarded, just aut-right retarded, not lib retarded

Is there really a difference anymore?

Shlomo_Shekelsniffer * 50 sec

"Look at what this idiot lib said u guys"

I popped open some /politics megathread and it was like the 3rd comment in new, and he doesn't have to be a lib to be a complete idiot.

Fair enough friendo; I'm just joining in on the shit slinging.

As you damn well should

These people are completely retarded children, and unfortunately their vote counts as much as yours.

So, not at all then?

Seeing as the biggest population centers also house the most of the body-pillow fucking, weeboo capeshit manchildren, I'm fine with that.

🎵I got friends in weeb places where the waifu drowns and the psntsu chases my blues away...And I'll be okay... Well I'm not big on social graces think I'll step on down to the Ovasis 😥 Ooohh, I got friends....In weeb places!🎵

That was beautiful

Better they fuck pillows than their sisters.

How fucking autistic and retarded do you have to be to not notice my name or all my other posts about Batman, Thanos, Black Panther, etc?

not notice my name

Why are you so important that people should pay attention to your username?

Black Panther

Killgrave is Obama because he was raised in America and as such had magical powers to take over a african shithole with Superior military tactics while pretending to fight the leader 1v1 ala Gaddafi?

Holyshit you're too stupid for this world.

Calm down ya raper.

"Too stupid for this world" is the motto of this subreddit


based "deh" poster

Capeshit, Harry Potter and Sparkleponywafflers.

Duh. This is Reddit. You forgot anime tho, that’s the worst

No bulli

As well as thots who pimp themselves online for them.


Keep yourself safe and I hope you get breached by a congregation of urban youths.

Why the fuck do they always just end up comparing politics to Harry Fuckin Butthole Potter and cartoons? These people are retarded.

Because when you're 16, with no lived experiences of your own, your entire worldview is shaped by the popculture media you've consumed throughout your life.

Because when you're 16 you have the mental age of a 16 year old, with no lived experiences of your own, your entire worldview is shaped by the popculture media you've consumed throughout your life.

Fixed that for you.

Because because because because beacuse

because of the wonderful things he does

16? I'd eat my hat if he's under 23

harry potter was long enough ago that pretty much anyone for whom it's a cultural touchstone is old enough to vote by now

it's horrifying, i know

Yeah but I wouldn't say that out loud on the internet because that is embarrassing.

Finding situational parallels with fiction is childish, and I know this because I, an adult, do not do this.

Upvotes pls.

This but unironically

Only a Sith would downvote this!

they have no life experience and nothing else to compare situations to

Not enough kids watch Professional Rasslin.

I'm fucking glad I spent my time actually paying attention to this shit happening to society, and didn't get my retarded worldview templates by going nose-deep into stupid fucking fantasy universes like Harry Potter and Star Wars.

Ya im no fan of the mde fags but they hit the nail on the head when they complain about this one

imagine thinking obama was a "good guy" because he was black and you thought he was cool lol

that was literally why he was nominated, because people are stupid enough to buy it

Obama being black is the reason Trump was nominated, too :/

I haven't said this in a while but... Thanks Obama.

you think they hate obama more than any other random democrat they can call a jew or a pedophile

marginally yeah

not necessarily more than clinton tho

yeah clinton is number one hated closely followed by her 2016 campaign staff, obama is like 15th or some shit now

Obama was better than Trump tho

Literally everyone is better than Trump, fagit.

whats a good thing obama did though

Stimulus, auto bailout, etc

He stayed away from Twitter.

Imagine thinking your take on Obama is any more intelligent than r/politics.

my take is 100% correct, america was fawning over him for being black and "likeable" while ignoring his terrible policy

omg you could have a beer with him! look at this picture of him playing basketball with an afro! cool!

~bombs the shit out of people~

Ur describing Bush


This is stupid. Bush, for all his retardation, got us into an honest to goodness war. Obama just holds the record for the most extra judicial assassinations via drone, something like 500-800 civilians killed spread out over 500+ drone strikes, or about 10 times more as Bush the lesser.

Just because he didn't shove his murdering in your face and because the media didn't report that much on it, doesn't mean it didn't happen, or that he wasn't a particularly blood thirsty president. If anything, he was more callous than the rest since he ordered people's deaths without risking the backlash of putting American soldiers in harms way.

Sorta makes it easier that way to get your murder on, don't you think?

or about 10 times more as Bush the lesser.

This is dumb, Bush didn't even get drones to use until towards the end of his administration.

If anything, he was more callous than the rest since he ordered people's deaths without risking the backlash of putting American soldiers in harms way.

So you think all of the civilian kills should have been done only if American soldiers have the chance to die?

Or do you think civilians never died before we started using drones, back when we were using missiles, manned bombers, or boots on the ground?

Obama smuggled weapons into syria to destablize the region, causing the largest humanitarian crisis in the last few decades as refugees were required to be taken in by the EU and the rise of ISIS helped by the US to fight Assad who "had chemical weapons" ahem like Bush.

But he did make jokes on tv sometimes so that was cool. He didn't flip out on people so I guess we got that.

Fuck this is astonishingly stupid. Either you actually believe this and shouldn't be allowed bar sharp edges or your supervisor needs to up your potato ration.

Fuck I said he was a pretty chill guy and didn't flip out on people. You call that "astonishingly stupid?" Give me an example of him freaking out on twitter and calling people fat.

Meant your first paragraph. It's straight up Russian agitprop.

Moving the goalposts I see. "I'm offended you called Obama chill!" "Oh wait I'm actually offended you pointed out America's warcrimes!"

I'm offended you called Obama chill!

I'm not offended by that.

Oh wait I'm actually offended you pointed out America's warcrimes!

It's just not true though. In fact it was difficult to find partners that would agree to not attack the Assad regime and only fight ISIS using the sparse weapons provided.

While there are certainly no heroes in the Syrian Civil War, Assad is clearly the perpetrator and his actions (even removing the chemical weapons "controversies" ..eyeroll..) along with the support of the Russian forces/mercs is what made it the absolute hell hole it became and remains. This isn't the same situation as Nicaragua, Kingdom of Iran, or even Afghanistan in the 80's. This was Assad not wanting to give an inch and willing to let his country burn as long as he controlled the ashes.

To put that blame on the US is a huge talking point of RT/Sputnik/Pol trying to infest the conspiracy community to naturally amplify the message that ignores Russian and Regime malfeasance and packages it up in an old theme.

It's just not true though. In fact it was difficult to find partners that would agree to not attack the Assad regime and only fight ISIS using the sparse weapons provided.

ISIS grew into the threat it was because we were providing them arms. That's part of the reason the Benghazi shot was larger than it usually is. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2013/06/22/world/africa/in-a-turnabout-syria-rebels-get-libyan-weapons.html

This was Assad not wanting to give an inch and willing to let his country burn

As opposed to let it fall into US hands and cause the largest refugee epidemic of the new century.

Jesus... Did you even read the article you posted?

america supplies radicals with weapons

Oh no you're part of the russians!only the russians would take offense at arming religious maniacs! It just didn't happen!

No. It was also Turkey, SA, Qatar etc.

Not the US this time. That's idiotic. Oh any reason there's a load of Chechen and Russian speakers in the ranks of ISIS, the ISIS the RFAF does not attack?

Get the fuck out of here.


Dude it's just common knowledge no need to call everyone evil russians for pointing out foreign policy ills for the last 30 years

I'm all for calling out ills, but this is not the case.

Granted that I wasted reading most of your article, which doesn't seem to prove your point, let's ask the simple qui bono? Why would it help US interests to help ISIS in any way? The migrant issue is something that plays well to factionalists in the EU like fucking Orban, not unionists like Merkel or Simitis. Why is Russian agitprop pushing the "US funds ISIS" angle hard while giving material support to the group and even paying for fighters to get to the battlefield and using air power to attack US friendly assets but ignore almost completely ISIS?

More wars more weapons it's not in the US interest to actually win wars

You're embarrassing yourself. Pls stop.

nuh uh

Moving the goalposts I see. "I'm offended you called Obama chill!" "

He never said that was a goalpost, dumbass.

Oh look with tr he hwataboutism

Obama smuggled weapons into syria to destablize the region,

Syria did not need any help to become destabilized. We did help the non-terroristic, non-genocidal rebel groups as much as posssible, including providing weapons. We also gave them special forces for training. But the way you worded it totally made it sound shadier

Ahahaha the non-terrorist Islamic militia groups

Yes, giving weapons and training to 'moderate' rebels who merely want to establish a brutal theocracy in their own country rather than conquer and convert the entire world is shady, among other things.

. We did help the non-terroristic, non-genocidal rebel groups as much as posssible, including providing weapons. We also gave them special forces for training.

We gave terrorists guns like we usually do and it fucked over the local government in favor of a radical theocracy. I mean it didn't work well in Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, south American countries but Obama did good this time

First of all, muh drones. Secondly, the Iraq and Afghan wars under Bush killed upwards of a half-million people.

Hey captain fuck those goalposts and keep on moving - This isn't about if Bush was a fucking retard for dragging us into a war, it's about people ignoring the fact that Obama killed hundreds of civilian bystanders without a fucking care in the world.

He was not, by any stretch of the imagination 'a good guy'. You can slice it however you want, but if the President of Farkistan deleted your kids school, with them inside, because they happened to be in the vicinity of a Predator drone, you might not think he's such a swell fellow either.

lol but he was literally hip and black. checkmate racist.

Oh shut the fuck up. I'm setting appropriate goalposts by which to judge presidential behavior. Only Jimmy Carter of any president since 1914 apparently fits the bill for you.

Uh, Bush might have had a bit more justification for military action than Obama

obama bombed and warred as much as bush, it just wasnt covered as much

You know trump is literally more pro bombing than obama right? he got rid of the presidential sign off requirement, what am i saying DDF requires no awareness https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a19701368/trump-civilian-casualties-syria-iraq/

western media is controlled by the same people that got obama into power, and trump shit all over their established plans

they just talk shit constantly about him, until he drone strikes US citizens then hes objectively not as bad

reminder obama was at war every single day of his presidency

in fact he was deliberately selected to have that effect

You're a fucking nutball. I'm sure he was "selected" to win the primary over Hillary Clinton.

primaries are pretty much always a farce tbh

what the dnc did in 2016 is routine

they got her name on the list back then but she was never going to win because they wanted a black guy

You're dumb as fuck and have no idea how primaries work.

i think youre just a bit defensive because youre still under the impression that they counted your vote

primaries work like this- the party selects who they want

americans are so easily fooled by smoke and mirrors

I don't know Obama (obviously) but, I respect the fact that he came across as a family man. In the 12 years or so that he was in the spotlight, not once did we hear about some baby mamma claiming she has a kid that he didn't claim, not once did we hear about accusations of infidelity or other shenanigans. I'm an Obama critic but, I respect the fact that he appears to be a decent husband and father to his two daughters. Trump on the other hand, I liked some of his political stances but, let's be honest, he's an abhorrent piece of shit and a degenerate.

you didnt hear about anything because the media was on his side except for fox and nobody trusted them

Well, Fox wasn't able to dig anything up, probably because there wasn't anything to dig up.

yeah youre right obama was great and never did anything bad its just a republican conspiracy theory


Yeah, that's what I was saying. We are clearly living in a black and white world, kind of like Obama's heritage.

We are clearly living in a black and white world, kind of like Obama's heritage.

fucking classic

reality doesnt reflect my biases so i will make up absurd conspiracies rather than admit im a retard

oy vey

this is literally the attitude that american propaganda produces, well done

stop jumping to extremes, criticizing obama doesnt mean birther shit and trump isnt a rapist LOL

im so retarded i cant even understand what people are saying

take your meds grandpa

Can you people stop downvoting the lolcow? :(

He's not a lolcow, he's an MDEfugee.

Why not both?
But just for good measure:


The difference is that lolcows know we mock them, MDEfugees think they're in on the home.

priapism has been here since before the mde sub was even a thing

lol at trying to pretend im the lolcow, that always works

Just don't worry about it 🤗



I dont know what the worst thing in this thread is...there's so much to love.

How does a cartoon frog fit into all of this?

What kind of retard would force a cartoon frog into conversations?

What kind of retard would fail to see the relevance?

I think Obama intentionally set Trump up. He knew if the next act crashed and burned he'd look like a saint no matter what. All those Russians that helped Trump out were in fact Americans pretending to Russians, working for Obama hoping to get Trump elected.

n-dimensional monopoly 💯💯💯💯


I mean he unintentionally did, Trump thrives off spite and this whole thing started because Obama made a joke about Trump.

I have no clue if any of those comparisons are good or bad.

Any article with the byline "The rise of X" should be immediately discarded.

Let's not forget the giant shareblue brigade team working on them for years now.


Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Obama debate Healthcare.

He wanted to be a good guy, but "the debbil" made him do it.

Oh for fuck's sake

Imagine upvoting that comment?

Kinda want to ask that guy why the fuck provoked him to write that.

Missed opportunity to just post the cartoon thread.

I agree, the last thing that the left should do is try to capture the idiotic and pathetic mythologies that the conservative trash follows.

You definitely don’t sound mad

“You don’t agree with me you mad” - Do you morons copy and paste your idiotic replies?

What's wrong with being mad?

Hey, MAGA idiots! You can yell all you want about how the media is unfair to Donald Drumpf, but now there is officially a little thing called MATH that empirically proves he is the worst: A research team at MIT has just conclusively proved that Trump = Voldemort.

Wow. Let’s see you talk your way out of this one, Trump stans!

“The big breakthrough came last fall when we discovered that Stephen Miller = Peter Pettigrew2 and Freedom Caucus = Death Eaters,” research lead Anwar Yadav said in a statement about the groundbreaking study that will have Drumpf fans screaming. “But we got stuck when the proofs suggested that Jared Kushner = Ron Weasley + Hagrid. Luckily a graduate student noticed that there had been a rounding error on Paul Ryan / Luna Lovegood = Snape, and everything snapped into place after that.”

Wow. Liberal pundits across the country are already suggesting that this may be the Orange One’s most devastating loss yet, because math is objectively always right. So much for Trump 2020!

“These findings have far-reaching implications,” Yadav continued. “Not only do we now have incontrovertible proof that Trump = Voldemort, but we’ve also managed to surmise that Kellyanne Conway = Bellatrix Lestrange and the Democrats = Dumbledore’s Army.”

The Drumpf administration must be seething with rage now that the exhaustive study, which cost $28 million over nine months, has reached this conclusion. Looks like fighting for the Resistance just got a lot easier!

Whoever wrote that needs to have their internet privileges revoked, regardless of whether or not it's parody.

No shit. That's why they love Harry Potter references.

14 year olds have a cartoon view of the world, news at 11.

drumpf is going to be impeached any day now!


Never seen anyone say that except in irony, like you.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."

Theynever post REAL news like alecs jone on their

Literally invalids, these people shouldn't drive.

/u/MouzeRat can you do da Stah Wars or Harry Potter pls I can only understand who Drumpf is bad when compared to Volde... He Who Shall Not Be Named 🤤

Jealous much?

This is what happens when John Oliver is your source for political information.

I challenge everyone here to somehow slip "Obama = Magneto" into every one of their /r/politics threads from here on in.

Worse is the constant Harry Potter references... go read a different book for once.


Lefties rail against the anti-intellectual stupid American culture

Use capeshit, Henry Potter and Star Bores to compare current President to